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Golf Articles

Custom Golf Club Custom Fitting Golf Clubs

(category: Golf, Word count: 256)
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Every golfer's physical capability and swing is distinctive. Many of today's best golf clubs can be custom fit for lie angle, shaft type and length, grip type and size. Custom fitting golf clubs involves several easy measurements and a quick self-assessment of your game. This custom golf club has become more than a fad that even not so professional golfers test its waters.

Custom fitting is the process for tailoring a golf club to suit your personal swing.

Whatever your level, with a custom golf club the aim is to ensure that if you do make a good swing, the club will be square at impact and should produce a straight shot.

Custom Golf Club How To's:

To custom fit your golf clubs, you need to know: your gender (male or female); your height in your stockings or socks; the distance from your wrist (where it bends) to the floor with your shoes off; your age; your handicap or skill level; how fast you swing a golf club; what club you use at the 150 yard marker.

Gender is used to put you into the correct fitting scale for custom golf clubs. The golf industry uses different definitions of "standard length" for men and women.

Your height and the distance in inches from your wrist to the floor are used together to determine the length of a custom golf club that is appropriate for you. The starting point for club length can vary up to 3

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Choosing The Best Golf Club Brand For Beginners

(category: Golf, Word count: 565)
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There are so many different companies that claim to offer the best golf clubs or the most scientifically innovative technology. For a beginner, these numerous companies competing for your money can seem rather overwhelming. If you want to choose the best golf clubs for your current skill level, you will have to try out many different models. All of the leading brands offer some sort of beginners deal that will help you to get started. This might be an adjustable club that will work in almost any situation, or a half-set of clubs with all of the higher skill level clubs removed from the collection. No matter what brand you decide on, you should definitely never buy golf clubs that are outside of your skill level. This is the most detrimental thing that you could possibly do.

Ping is one of the best brand names in golfing, especially for new golfers. All of their professional level equipment receives top notch reviews from all of the golfing magazines. The best part is that they offer adjustable clubs and half sets for beginners. You can head out to the golf course with just a few different clubs that will adjust to different styles. This small selection will allow you to truly hone your skills and become very good at your stroke technique. After you have done this, you may decide to graduate up to a full golf club set that has all 14 varieties. At this point, you will know exactly what clubs to use in a given situation, and be able to choose the best one at any time.

Cobra is a manufacturer that is famous for their drivers. Some golfers prefer to get all of their clubs from the same company, but some are more adventurous and are willing to mix and match in order to get all of the best possible clubs in each category. Usually beginners will have the hardest time with drivers, sometimes hitting the ball so far off of the intended course that it is extremely frustrating. Cobra drivers are known for being a little bit more forgiving, and will make a perfect start for a golfer that is trying to become accustomed to the intricacies of making a long and accurate drive down the course.

Titleist is another one of the most famous names in the golfing world, and their products are used by professionals all around the world. They offer a great beginner set of golf clubs that are the next best things to getting a private tutor. In order to get the golf clubs that allow for the best learning for beginners, you may have to spend a bit of money. While you can always buy used clubs or older models, these won't give you the high quality of training clubs offered by the larger name brands. But before you buy anything, you should definitely try out the product in question and make sure that it performs up to your expectations on the golf course.

Buying a golf club is a process that requires a lot of patience and perseverance. As you visit all of the various stores and try out quite a few different clubs, you may grow weary with the effort required to continue searching. Just remember that in the end, the enjoyment will be well worth it.

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The Secret To Golf Swing Consistency

(category: Golf, Word count: 388)
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Golf swing consistency is the goal of every golfer. You know you can hit that one in a million shot that you talk about at the 19th hole...but how about making that shot happen more often?

The are many aspects to golf swing consistency that can make it seem overwhelming and unachievable...but there is one aspect that every golfer should consider, that will have a dramatic impact on golf swing consistency.

We know golfers hit hundreds of balls every week. They take lessons with some success, but not 100% satisfaction. It's fun buying new clubs, but did they really make a difference? Did you lower your score by 4-6 strokes?

When trying to achieve a higher level of golf swing consistency, the mechanical component comes in to play. But digging a little deeper will get you to the 'real' answer to your lack of golf swing consistency.

If it's not hitting more balls...or taking more lessons...or buying more equipment what could it be? What's left to work on? Am I getting warm yet? Are you following where I'm going with this? We've just eliminated what seems like everything haven't we?

We haven't! There is ONLY one thing left! Your BODY! Your "golfing machine". The one and only thing that can make a direct and almost immediate impact on your golf swing consistency and power.

When you step onto the golf course, do you feel like your body moves efficiently during your golf swing? Do you feel like you can make a full turn with minimal tensions? Can you stay in balance throughout your entire golf swing for 18 holes?

If you answered no to any of the's time to "get it going!" It's time to become a "golf athlete!" No longer will you step onto the tee box and feel like an out-of-shape, has-been. You're going to have an intensely higher level of confidence, and your golf performance will show it.

When you get your body moving better, your golf swing mechanics and golf swing consistency will happen naturally. You won't have to stress out about it. You can let it go and just play.

It's time for a new approach to your golf improvement...and it starts now!

You will reach new levels of performance and golf swing consistency.

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Golf Swing Aids Aren T Effective If

(category: Golf, Word count: 381)
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Golf swing aids are rampant! Every golfer has dozens of them gathering dust in their garages or closets. How many wives have threatened a "clearing out" of these contraptions? If you are feeling me...keep reading.

Have you purchased golf swing aids only to use them once or twice and not see improvement? Isn't this an everyday occurrence for golfers? I see and hear this all the time, and yet golfers will continue to spend hundreds of dollars by the 'latest/greatest' gimmick.

I don't know if they (golfers) think they will find the "one" training aid that will change their game forever; or they are just trying to take the easy way out?

Either way, the main reason most golf swing aids don't help is because you are not working on what's causing your swing faults. You! Your machine (body) dictates your outcome! There's no way around it!

What your body is capable of in that moment is the result you'll get.

How many times have you wished you could make a bigger backswing but can't? How often do you walk off the course with a sore back? How many times did you have a good front nine only to blow up on the back nine and shoot your normal score?

The above results were because of the "physical" issues within your body. Until you realize this and take a different approach to your golf improvement program, you'll be a frustrated golfer for a long time.

In my opinion, there are a couple of golf swing aids that are effective when you incorporate them with your new golf training program. One is the medicus. This is a fantastic golf swing aid that gives you instant feedback. Swing it too fast or out of plane and the shaft breaks at the hinge.

Another golf swing aid I like is the weighted golf club. I swing mine everyday and boy does it loosen me up and strengthen my golf swing muscles.

Other than the above golf swing aids, there are dozens and dozens of ones that are a total waste of money. Save your money and work on you! The sooner you do, the sooner you'll stop buying the latest, greatest golf swing aids.

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Know Your Equipment Beat Your Opponent With The Right Stuff

(category: Golf, Word count: 893)
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For so many years now, golf equipment has definitely developed in terms of elegance and the right tactics. From golf balls to the more complex golf items, it has gradually become a complete big industry out there.

Since its inception, back in the 15th century in Scotland, golf has intricately fabricated itself in the social market as the sport of the leaders and the privileged entrepreneurs. No wonder why most of the bosses and the managers find time to conduct tournaments and matches in spite of their busy schedules.

In fact, in the United States, golf is informally acclaimed as the sport of the "business world". There are many instances wherein most of the decisive moments of the board meetings have been carried out during golf matches and games.

For this reason, golf experts contend that because golf reflects the elegance and classiness of the business world, it is best to use only excellent equipment in the game. That's why golf clubs appear like the majestic millionaire's cane that has been elegantly crafted for the chic sport.

However, in order to obtain the best golf equipment in the world, one has to use hefty amounts of money because these babies have very steep prices.

Nevertheless, golf equipment is still the most important thing in a golfer; hence, it is just important to pay close attention to them.

Golf clubs

Next to the crowns of kings and queens, golf clubs are said to be one of the most elegant and valuable pieces the sports world has ever known. It reflects the sophistication that golf has long been known for.

Generally, golfers carry several types of golf clubs in a game. The rules of golf allow a golfer to carry up to a maximum of 14 clubs. This may depend on the type of move they are going to play.

Golf clubs are categorized into four key types: irons, woods, putters, and the hybrid woods.

1. Irons

Irons are usually used when shorter shots are required or when the play involves shots that are moving towards the greens. The sizes of irons usually range from 36 inches to 40 inches long. The iron heads are characterized by hard and even "clubface".

Basically, irons are used for detailed shots from rough as well as from the fairways.

2. Woods

Woods are typically long and are usually used in long shots, usually those shots that run from 200 to 300 yards. It is characterized by its shaft length that range from 40 inches to 46 inches, or longer like the "Black Rock's Killer Bee," which has a shaft length of 50 inches.

As it's name suggests, woods are originally made from maple or persimmon wood. However, as time goes by and as golf develops, contemporary club heads are now made up of hollow titanium or steel.

3. Hybrid woods

Hybrids are innovative types of woods that blend the "straight hitting" feature of irons and the "low center of gravity" attributes of woods with higher lofts.

Hybrids are typically used for long shots in a challenging rough area. Players who have difficulty in generating a "ball airborne" when using long irons use hybrid woods instead.

4. Putters

Putters are generally characterized with very low shafts, which are also short sometimes. This type of club is usually used to play the golf ball on the greens. However, there are instances wherein players use them especially when they are playing from the hazards or for a few "approach shots" on the course that have compactly trimmed extremes and fairways.

Golf Balls

Golf balls are the celebrities of the game. This is because without golf balls, the concept of golf is totally vague and useless.

According to the "Rules of Golf", golf balls should weigh 45.93 grams or less; have a diameter of 42.67 mm or less; and should be symmetrically sphere-shaped.

The complexity of golf balls is based on its transitional period of changes and innovations. This is because the physics of golf balls are based on the materials used.

The details of how the ball was created and the materials used greatly affect the historical development of golf. From wooden golf balls to contemporary golf balls, each invention has contributed to the development of golf.

Today, golf balls are more effective in terms of its physical performance, unlike before. Contemporary golf balls have 300 to 450 dimples. These dimples are the primary characteristics that make the balls fly high in the air.

Other Equipment

There are still many kinds of golf equipment and not just clubs and balls alone. In golf, the right kinds of clothes are also required. Included in a golfer's get up are the special kinds of shoes known for its spikes that are fastened to the soles.

Golfers also use special gloves because this will help them on gripping the clubs.

Then there are the golf carts, which are used to transport golfers from one hole to another, and the tees, which are used to support the golf ball during tee shots.

Indeed, golf equipment is relatively a mixture of classiness and pure sportsmanship. And every player's move is dependent on the kind of golf equipment he uses. That's why it is extremely important to consider the vital factors when choosing golf equipment.

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Things To Consider When In The Market For Golf Clubs

(category: Golf, Word count: 672)
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The golf club market is a strange phenomenon. Every year, new models of clubs come out that every golfer in the world drools over. They are still just sticks with chunks of the same material attached to the end, but golfers always feel the need to upgrade and find higher quality sticks. However, if you avoid falling into this mindset you will find that you are much happier (and probably a bit richer). When you decide that you want your own golf clubs, it is best to step back and take a look at your situation in a way that will let you determine what you really need to spend your money on. Consider some of the following things, and decide for yourself whether you want to spend money on the more expensive clubs or if you'd rather just get some older, more reliable, and cheaper clubs.

First, consider how serious you are about golfing. Are you looking to become a professional golfer, or do you just go out on the weekend with your buddies? If you are still a beginner, then there is almost no reason in the world for you to spend money on deluxe golf clubs, even if you someday plan to be a pro. By buying the high-end golf clubs and skipping beyond your own abilities, you are cheating yourself out of the valuable learning that the other clubs can offer you. So keep within your ability range (if you have lower ability, you will be happy to find that you will have to pay a lower price for your clubs), and if you find that you are still seriously progressing, you may upgrade in the future.

Next you will want to think about how often you golf. If you golf every day, then you will find that it is worth it to pay extra for golf clubs that have a higher durability and lifespan. However, some of the high-end graphite clubs are known for everything but their durability, so you don't want to mistake costliness for quality. If you stick with a good old set of steel clubs, you are not likely to have to replace them anytime soon. Steel clubs are also stiffer, so if you have a faster swing then you would probably want to go with them anyways. No matter what you choose, you will want to take it out and take a few swings with it before you commit to buying it.

So if the more expensive golf clubs aren't all that great, why do people spend such obscene amounts of money on them? The truth is that if you have the skill level required to handle some of the more expensive clubs, it could pay off. They are designed to be very unforgiving and unfriendly to amateurs, instead rewarding the skill and accuracy that comes with years of practice. So if you are a beginner golfer who is buying an expensive new set of golf clubs, you are most likely shooting yourself in the foot. Stick with cheaper, more forgiving clubs, no matter what the most popular golfing magazines tell you. If you don't believe that the more expensive clubs will hinder your game, borrow one and try it for a few shots. See how it affects your game.

Rather than taking any advice you read in golf magazines, on the internet, or even here, you would do best to go out and talk to some of your golfing buddies. See what they recommend, and have them study your strokes to see if they have any suggestions based on your unique playing style. Go to the club stores and try out as many clubs as you can before deciding on one. This will ensure the best results, since you will have personal experience with every golf club that you will be choosing from. This is much better than being completely clueless and choosing simply based on the statistics that you are given.

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Online Golf Lessons Save Time And Can Be A Great Help

(category: Golf, Word count: 314)
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Online golf lessons have grown tremendously in popularity, for the simple reason that they address a problem faced by most golfers. The problem is that of finding the time away from their golf game to take golf lessons.

Not everybody is a professional with all the time between tourneys to brush up on their skills. Most golfers are amateurs who have to take care of business elsewhere in-between their precious moments on the course. Online golf lessons have proved to be the ideal answer.

One of the positive results of online golf lessons is that they have inspired many a golfer to take positive and deliberate steps to improve their game. One of the key advantages that the online golf lesson has going for it is that it is easy to use visuals and diagrams to illustrate and clearly explain many key points.

For example posture in the setup stage before the golf swing is easy to illustrate and show in an online golf lesson. One of the things that comes out from many of these online golf lessons is that posture and a lot of the factors that are vital to playing good golf are only possible when a golfer makes a decision to take action.

One of the vital actions is to start getting involved in exercise and the conditioning of various parts of the body so as to be able to make an enormous improvement on their golf game.

Although golf-specific exercise and conditioning is not as rigorous as some people may make them out to be (some 80 year olds are doing them without any problem) getting an amateur golfer to take the positive step of embarking on them is not easy. It requires lots of inspiration and online golf lessons have helped plenty towards this goal.

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The Benefits Of A Golf Club

(category: Golf, Word count: 422)
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If you are a busy professional man that has any opportunity at all to be a part of a golf club, then I'd suggest you join it at all costs. I never was an advocate of golf clubs until I got married and realized just how high a level of stress my poor husband dealt with every day at work. Quite frankly, I never knew why men were always talking about their love for golfing and their need to get out and hit a bucket of balls before this.

It took me a few months to realize how serious my husband was about joining a golf club. We both knew that we didn't have the finances to make it happen, but it only took me a little while of seeing how stressed and unhappy my husband was after work before I started making sacrifices in other areas so that he could join a golf club.

Oh my goodness, what a difference being a part of a golf club has made for my husband and hence to our entire family. He looks forward to his Wednesday night golf matches more than anything. His golf club membership has given him an excuse and an obligation to do things for himself simply because he enjoys them. I encourage all of my friends to let their husbands get memberships at golf clubs. I promise them that they will see a difference at home when they are allowing their husbands to spend an evening or two a week at a local golf club.

Now, obviously a man who is wanting to spend everyday golfing is a different story. That man needs to refocus his priorities badly and take a good look at his relationships. But an overstressed and underappreciated husband, father and worker would benefit greatly from a golf club membership.

Don't get worried, women, that you have to spend an outrageous amount of money for a golf club membership for your husband. You don't. There are package deals that are becoming more reasonable all the time for golf club memberships. So take your time and look around to get the best deal. Talk to other men that go to a golf club and get their opinions.

Surprise your husband with a membership to a golf club and I guarentee you will be his favorite person in the world. You will see tremendous changes at home as you allow him to get out and enjoy some time and space to himself.

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2 Basic Steps To Improving Your Golf Swing

(category: Golf, Word count: 800)
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The game of golf is truly an individual sport. The basics are the same for everyone; however, due to the differences in people's body types no two people will ever have the same golf swing. Each person will have to adapt their bodies to perform a proper golf swing in their own way. Taking the time to develop your own method of playing golf will greatly improve your enjoyment and success at the game. Practicing the basic fundamentals of the game until they are ingrained in your muscles will lead to confidence on the course, and that confidence will lead to success and enjoyment of the game.

One of the most basic steps that you can put into action and see an immediate improvement to your golf swing is to keep your head still and look straight at the ball. The position of your head should be straight in line with your spine, and your nose should be raised up a bit so that when you start to swing, your left shoulder fits under your chin. Many players tuck their heads into their chests to try and keep their heads still and look straight down at the golf ball. Unfortunately, they cannot perform a proper golf swing while in this position.

If you are one of the many that are having difficulty keeping your head straight and an eye on the ball try the following. The next time you approach the ball, assume the correct stance with your feet and knees in position but keep your head and back straight, bend forward slightly at the waist and look straight at the ball. If you try and take a swing in this position, your left shoulder will most likely hit your chin. While keeping your eyes on the ball, raise your head slowly until your left shoulder does not hit your chin. Make sure that your head does not move from side to side by keeping your eyes fixed on the ball. Slowly go through the backswing and downswing portions of your golf swing. Do not hit the ball and do the follow through. Practice this portion of your golf swing focusing on keeping your head straight and eyes on the ball.

Practice this exercise in your backyard for about 25 times in a row and then take a break and relax a bit, then start again. Make minor corrections to your head and body position as needed to keep your eyes straight on the ball and your left shoulder from hitting your chin. This exercise will "train" your body, and your muscles will "remember" the correct position you need to be in to perform the movement correctly. Think about any sports athlete, they train and train to place their bodies in the correct stance and position to properly execute the movements necessary to be successful in their particular sport. You are doing the same thing by "training" your body to keep your head straight and position itself so that you can successfully execute a proper golf swing.

Another basic step that can work greatly towards improving your golf swing is to relax. I know it is easier said then done, especially when you are getting ready to put all your power into drive with an audience of either your co-workers, or better still your friends who will not let you forget it if you mess up. However, relaxing your muscles will help you to maintain the proper balance that is important to a great golf swing. Regardless of the golf clubs you use, your balance is the primary foundation of your golf swing, and the way to achieve good balance is to practice. A good way to practice improving your balance is to assume the address position with your club, relax your body and try holding it there for about 30 seconds. Does it feel like you have more weight on one foot or the other? Is one part of your body more tense then another?

Keeping your head straight and maintaining good balance are just two basic parts of a great golf swing. The exercises given above are just two ways that you can start training now to improve your golf swing. You can work on either one separately, or combine them together into one exercise. Improving your golf swing begins and ends with you. Training the muscles of your body to properly perform specific movements takes time and practice. The effort spent improving your golf swing will pay off on the course. Through exercise and practice, you will be able to slip into the proper address position and perform an effortless, powerful golf swing and feel just as if you were sliding your hand into a warm soft glove.

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