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Acne Articles

Acne At Its Worst Uncommon Forms Which Can Disfigure

(category: Acne, Word count: 718)
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Severe acne can cause physical as well as emotional scars. Although most people stress out over the occasional zit, acne can deliver serious blows to an individual's sense of confidence and self-perception. Acne can cause a person to experience consistently blemished skin that may include pimples, papules, abscesses, cysts, blackheads, whiteheads, and other painful inflammations of the skin. Moreover, acne can be a whole body problem. While most people are seriously afflicted primarily in the facial area, many people also experience considerable blemishing across their back, chest, neck, and other areas of the body.

While most people experience the brunt of acne during the difficult adolescent years, imagine the agony of living with acne well into your middle years. With the stress of modern day living and increased exposure to environmental pollutants, adult acne is becoming a fact of life for many adults. Although most people will only have to deal with transient acne, some will experience far worse. Here is a quick run-down of the most serious forms of acne.

Acne Conglobata (AC) This is a very uncommon form of acne that can produce significant disfiguration. Acne conglobata is characterized by the development of burrows in the skin, along with papules, abscesses, keloidal and atrophic facial scars. Individuals with AC often develop blemishes that appear in clusters of two or three. Cysts are often present that are filled with pus. Nodules may also be present, especially in the area of the back and chest.

Who is more susceptible to acne conglobata? In general, males are more likely to experience AC. Onset of AC usually occurs at a young age, between the ages of 18 and 30. Although no one knows the exact cause of AC, some believe it is caused by a mutation in the XXY karyotype chromosomes. A person with AC may experience extensive scarring and subsequent disfigurement. Because the effects of AC can often be dramatic, individuals afflicted with the skin disorder may be at greater risk of suffering from self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, and they may feel stigmatized.

Acne Fulminans (AF): Acne fulminans, sometimes referred to as acne maligna, was originally thought to be acne conglobata (AC).

The major characteristics of acne fulminans include sudden onset of ulcerating acne, which may be accompanied by fever and symptoms of polyarthritis. Usually, AF does not respond well to conventional acne treatment, such as antibacterial therapy. The most successful treatments appear to be debridement used in conjunction with steroid therapy.

What causes AF? It appears that acne fulminans is caused by a weakened immune system and increased levels of testosterone and certain anabolic steroids. These high levels of hormones cause an increase in the production and excretion of sebum and the acne-inducing bacteria known as propionibacterium acnes (P acnes). Some skin professionals believe that isotretinoin may also precipitate an eruption of AF.

How can you tell the difference between acne conglobata and acne fulminans? Although the physical symptoms may at first appear identical, AF is usually characterized by the presence of more physical pain. Patients with AF may describe feelings of bone or facial pain, migraines, and fever. Acne conglobata and acne fulminans also differ in the way they are treated. While AC may be treated with conventional anti-acne oral and topical agents, AF typically does not respond well to such treatments. AF responds better to steroid treatments.

Gram-Negative Folliculitis: Gram-negative folliculitis refers to an infection of gram-negative rods that usually occurs after an extended period of antibiotic therapy. Scientists use the word "gram" to describe the blue stain that is used in laboratories. This is often used to locate microscopic organisms. The bacteria that cause gram-negative folliculitis does not stain blue, thus the term 'gram-negative.' The most common forms of bacteria that are believed to cause gram-negative folliculitis include E. coli, serratia marcesoens, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and bacteria's from the proteus and klebsiella species.

How does gram-negative folliculitis differ from regular acne vulgaris? Most cases of gram-negative folliculitis produce less papules and comedones than acne vulgaris. Treatment of gram-negative folliculitis is fortunately much easier to treat than other severe types of acne. In most cases, conventional antibiotic therapy will help clear up gram-negative folliculitis. Isotretinoin may also help clear up this condition.

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Acne Vulgaris The Whole Truth

(category: Acne, Word count: 538)
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Acne vulgaris is commonly referred to as just acne. From the start of the teenage years, almost everyone will suffer from some form of acne. It is ain inflammation of the skin that causes irritated sores, commonly on the face. This can lead to low self-esteem, embarrassment, and depression so it is important to treat it and take care of your skin.

The cause of acne vulgaris can be due to a number of different factors. Stress, hormones, and pore-blocking dead skin and oil are some of the most common reasons that people develop acne. It is also an inherited characteristic that you could get from your parents.

Stress changes the level of hormones and neuro-active substances that cause acne. A way to treat this type of break-out is to take some time to relax and de-stress your mind by exercising or writing. Find something that you enjoy doing and practice it when you are feeling particularly stressed over something

Hormone changes that occur during the teenage years can trigger acne vulgaris to flare up. This production of hormones is referred to as androgens. They stimulate oil glands to over-produce and contribute to developing blemishes.

It is a common misconception that all acne is the result of being unclean. If this was true, most people would not ever have to deal with acne. When natural skin oil is combined with normal skin bacteria and dead skin cells, the dead skin gets forced to the surface. The greater the amount of oil that is produced, the better the chance it as of clogging your pores. Clogged pores are where bacteria feed to produce inflammation, which results in pimples. Washing your face cannot treat a condition that develops primarily under the skin.

The effects of having acne vulgaris can be long-term if untreated. If the condition is severe, there is a chance for permanent scars to form. Most teenagers have trouble dealing with the way they feel when they have break-outs. Social situations are avoided at all costs to prevent the embarrassment of a flawed appearance. Some people go as far as missing school because of the appearance of acne vulgaris. Severe depression could also result from unhappiness with the appearance of their skin. Self-esteem and self-worth seem to diminish completely unless their skin is absolutely flawless. There is not a guaranteed cure for these feelings, however, getting an effective acne treatment could eliminate appearance from being the cause of it.

Treatment for acne vulgaris is as simple as finding which medicine works best for you. Severe acne is usually treated by a dermatologist who will prescribe a medication specific to your needs. If the acne is less severe or occasional, an over-the-counter solution could be best for you. There are all types of factors that contribute to the development of blemishes so when picking out the right medicine, consider the specificity of your skin. If you notice that your skin is especially oily, then be sure that you use something that will target the oil. Blackheads and whiteheads are also a target area of some treatments available. To get the best result, experiment in finding what is best for what you need.

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Acne Cures And Myths

(category: Acne, Word count: 695)
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Unfortunately, few find it, but this is only because they haven't found the right acne cure for them. Each of us is different, and our bodies function and respond to treatment differently. What works for some, may not work for others. However, there are a few proven treatments that do provide an acne cure for a large majority of acne sufferers.

The best over the counter acne cure seems to be ProActiv. This is a skin care system that contains benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. It is an expensive treatment, but that is because it has proven to be so effective as an acne cure. ProActiv is a non-prescription topical acne treatment, with prescription strength benzoyl peroxide.

Accutane, which is a prescription medication, has also proven to be quite effective as an acne cure. However, it is also expensive, and as an oral medication, there is the possibility of serious side effects. Due to the possible side effects, many choose not to take this powerful drug, even though it works well for the majority of people who use this treatment.

Another acne cure seems to be retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and other skin disorders. It is highly effective, with few side effects. Retin-a is used as a topical treatment, and is available by prescription. However, there are other over the counter medications that contain small amounts of retin-a.

The important thing to remember is that acne cures do not work overnight. Furthermore, you may need to continue acne treatment even after the acne has cleared up, or start the treatment again should you have another outbreak in the future. Discuss the need to continue treatment with your dermatologist.

The three acne cures discussed above are expensive. However, they are expensive because they work. This doesn't mean that all expensive treatments work, it simply means that these three, which have been proven to work for the majority of people who have tried these treatments, are well worth the cost.

Acne Myths

Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene. If you believe this myth, and wash your skin hard and frequently, you can actually make your acne worse. Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Although excess oils, dead skin and a day's accumulation of dust on the skin looks unsightly, they should not be removed by hand scrubbing. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. The best approach to hygiene and acne: Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry-and use an appropriate acne treatment for the acne.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by diet. Extensive scientific studies have not found a connection between diet and acne. In other words, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. Nonetheless, some people insist that certain foods affect their acne. In that case, avoid those foods. Besides, eating a balanced diet always makes sense. However, according to the scientific evidence, if acne is being treated properly, there's no need to worry about food affecting the acne.

Myth #3: Acne is caused by stress. The ordinary stress of day-to-day living is not an important factor in acne. Severe stress that needs medical attention is sometimes treated with drugs that can cause acne as a side effect. If you think you may have acne related to a drug prescribed for stress or depression, you should consult your physician.

Myth #4: Acne is just a cosmetic disease. Yes, acne does affect the way people look and is not otherwise a serious threat to a person's physical health. However, acne can result in permanent physical scars-plus, acne itself as well as its scars can affect the way people feel about themselves to the point of affecting their lives.

Myth #5: You just have to let acne run its course. The truth is, acne can be cleared up. If the acne products you have tried haven't worked, consider seeing a dermatologist. With the products available today, there is no reason why someone has to endure acne or get acne scars.

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Acne Imposters

(category: Acne, Word count: 76)
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Some are simply unpleasant tagalongs, like dandruff; some may actually be mistaken for acne, but require a different course of treatment. Of course, only your dermatologist can make a conclusive diagnosis. But learning a little about these conditions may help you formulate questions for your doctor.

Acne cosmetica. As its name suggests, this mild and relatively common form of acne is caused by cosmetics. Since it's triggered by topical products, it can strike anyone

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Acne Program Step 7 Fruits You Should Eat

(category: Acne, Word count: 450)
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Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Here are the fruits you should be eating.

* Apples - eat 3 - 4 apples a day while working to clearing your acne. Apples are good for skin health. Eat at least 2 a day. Eat organic apples because you can eat the skins and most pectin is in the skin, which helps with constipation. Apples contain ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, fiber, pectin, quercetin, minerals, and vitamins

* Apricots - eat as many as you like. Apricots are a high source of minerals, fiber, and beta-carotene and will help control acne. (A precursor to vitamin A) They help to relieve or prevent constipation.

* Bananas - eat only one banana a day. Bananas have the phytochemcial fructoOligosaccharides, which feeds the good bacterial in your colon. By feeding the good bacteria, you prevent the bad bacteria from overtaking the colon and producing toxic acids that get to the skin and create acne.

* Blackberries - help cleanse the blood and are good for constipation. They help a weak kidney and are good for creating good skin on your face.

* Blueberries are a good blood cleanser. They are also good for constipation and various skin disorders - eczema, acne, psoraisis

* Cantaloupes - are high in vitamin A, C, and have many other minerals. This makes them good for any type of skin problems

* Cherries - are good blood cleansers and help the liver and kidney. They promote regular bowel movements.

* Figs - are high in fiber and help to reduce constipation.

* Grapefruits - helps to dissolve and eliminate poisons from drugs thus improving the liver function

* Grapes - help cleanse the body, build blood, and build the body. It is good for constipation, skin, and liver disorders.

* Mango - is good for kidney inflammation. It contains a lot of minerals, which helps to neutralize acid waste.

* Strawberries - have been shown to have strong anti-acne activity. They are high in pectin content, which helps to keep your bowels moving.

* Pineapples - contains many vitamins and minerals. It contains Papain, which helps to digest protein. They are useful in of excess mucus, digestive problems, intestinal worms, and constipation.

These fruits below are useful for acne since they have an antibiotic effect,

* Grapes

* Plums

* Figs

* Raspberries

* Blueberries

* Honey

* Apple juice

Use as many of these fruits in your diet. If you do, you will start to see improvement in your skin and your acne will start to clear up.

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Acne Treatment Taking Care Of Mild Acne

(category: Acne, Word count: 324)
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Acne has three stages of diseases - mild, moderate and severe. If acne can be treated during the first stage itself, you can save tremendous amount of effort and protect yourself from the agony of bad looking scars that form after third stage of acne. Catch acne in the mild stage itself and do not let it grow to second and third stage.

Mild acne does not need more intensive forms of treatment. Many acne sufferers treat themselves with OTC medicines for acne. Some patients prefer to consult a doctor at this stage itself to protect themselves from any flare up of acne.

Let us discuss the common treatment available for mild acne. Over the counter medications consisting of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can control mild acne that is mainly whiteheads and blackheads. While using these medications, wash your acne prone area with mild sop/cleanser and warm water twice a day to remove excess oil and dead skin.

Some times these products may cause dryness, redness or peeling. Use an oil free moisturizer if the peeling is present. The skin takes some time to adjust to the acne medication. If irritation occurs, you should consult your doctor. Please remember that acne medication takes time to treat acne. Many time up to eight weeks to work. Keep patience and wait for the results to get acne cured. If you do not get results after that, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe other medicines to treat acne.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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How To Win The Double Battle Against Acne And Acne Scars

(category: Acne, Word count: 439)
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Just as a war has a post-war effect (on the completion of the war), acne healing is not the end of the story. It is the beginning of a new series of efforts to control the scars, and if possible, to obliterate it totally. It is the reformation and rehabilitation process for that particular patch of the skin.

Many people recoup the original health of the skin, without any permanent effects. But many have to suffer disfiguring scars. Topical skin care products and medications can work to some extent, but more efforts and ways and means will be required to find a lasting solution. A combination of surgical procedure and skin resurfacing have to play their part here. There are no other shortcuts or options to it howsoever.

The hyper pigmented mark on the skin, when the acne lesion is healed, should not be mistaken as a scar. At this stage, natural healing process has taken over, a post-inflammatory change. The result may not be immediate, nature is always slow, it goes placidly. The time frame for the scar-vanishing trick, may be anything between 6 to 12 months. If, even then the skin reverts to its original color, take it that you are going to be gifted with a permanent scar, and think of redrawing the plans for its permanent removal, in consultation with a dermatologist.

There are certain practices and medicines that can come in to play to expedite the healing process of the scar:

1. Wearing a good sunscreen is of utmost importance. Exposure to the sun causes damage to the skin and lengthens the process of healing.

2. Skin's remodeling process is amenable to certain tried and tested medicines. They heal up the post-inflammatory changes. One tested medicine is Tretinoin (Retin A-Renova, Avita).

3. Do not pick scabs under any circumstances. By doing so, you are rendering disservice to your own skin. You are interfering with the healing process of nature. By doing so, you are prolonging your own recovery.

Be realistic about the results. Do not try to achieve the impossible. Such efforts may cause more damage to the skin. No single treatment is right for everyone and your dermatologist knows what is best for you. Remember, treatment is addressed on a case-to-case basis.

No doubt, it is double punishment. Firstly to undergo the pains of recovery from acne and then to be the owner of a scar. Scars are there to remind you constantly and provide questioning room for others. In the ultimate analysis, let the advice and wish of the dermatologist prevail.

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Causes Of Acne

(category: Acne, Word count: 312)
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Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused due to certain biological variations in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its connecting sebaceous gland) of the skin. The most common form of acne known as "acne vulgaris" usually appears during adolescence.

Acne is caused due to excessive oil in human body. The glands in the skin secrete excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicles by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from this problem.

Due to acne some parts of the human body are affected. Some of them are face, arms etc. The oil secretions behind the blocked pores create a perfect environment for uncontrolled multiplication by the bacteria in the skin. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). Rashes are occurred on the body. The face, upper arms, back and chest are especially affected by acne.

The certain lesions of acne are: blackish elevations or pale yellow and/or small whitish bumps. More inflamed rashes take the shape of boil-like tender swellings or reddish bumps. After resolution of the blemishes, prominent unsightly acne scars may remain.

The acne condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Acne occurs when the hormones are increased due to excess oil in the body. There is however no way to predict how long acne will take to disappear completely or that it will ever recur again.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Apart from leaving behind the marks of scars it has some psychological effects as well causing stress and depression. Therefore acne should not be neglected and should be treated with great care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.

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Acne A Basic Understanding

(category: Acne, Word count: 569)
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Statistics indicate that as high as 80% of the entire American population has ever had acne. Acne afflicts all genders, sexes and ages making it a universal skin disorder. As a form of skin disease, the good news is that acne is not transmittable.

Although acne is not contagious from person-to-person, it can spread to the whole face and can severely affect all the skin tissues that have pilosebaceous units. It is not true that acne just affects those going through puberty. Even infants or individuals who may be well over their forties, can develop this skin disorder. Acne infantilis is the term used for acne that grows on newborn babies, on the other hand acne rosacea is related to middle-aged people.

Acne has different classifications, according to the severity of the infection.

Comedo is the form where all severe acne cases originate. This is characterized by red swelling or small lesions on your skin. Whiteheads and blackheads are two forms of comedo. Conversely, blackhead is an open comedo. The coloration is due to the accumulation of dark skin pigments called melanin, plus hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. This is the basic structure of whiteheads, however, the only difference is the coloration and these are deeply situated into the skin layers.

If you have sandpaper-like skin around the tissue of your mouth and on the surface of your forehead, chin and cheeks, you probably have papules. Pus-filled lesions are also termed as pustules.

Nodules on the other hand are similar with pustules. However, nodules are firmer and are larger acne growing deep in the skin. Inflammation may develop your pustules into containing semi-liquid or liquid materials composed of white blood cells (which are dead because of the acne-infecting bacteria named as Propionibacterium acnes), dead skin cells and active or inactive bacteria. This can result into more serious acne called cysts. In such situations, you may need the assistance of a skin dermatologist or physician.

What is the cause of acne? It is quite difficult to exactly determine what may have caused your acne infection as reasons differ case to case. Studies indicate that the skin disorder may be brought about by many factors, including poor diet, stress, weather elements, and hormone changes or may be genetically influenced.

Medically speaking, acne starts from the formation of hardened sebum, or the oily substance secreted to the skin through the sebaceous glands. This then will be permeated with acne-infecting bacteria, which in return will trigger the immune system to release white blood cells to obstruct the attack of the bacteria. As this happens, dead white blood cells and bacteria will accumulate in the hair follicles mixed with skin debris and dead skin particles, which then will inflame the lesions.

Most mild case acne may be treated with over the counter acne medications. They are generally topical drugs, which you apply on your skin for acne treatment. They may come in the form of soaps, lotions, gels and creams. Conversely, systematic acne medications are taken orally. The most common of which are the antibiotics.

Knowing that you are not the only one inflicted with acne at some point in life or another helps in that there will always be new research and new products coming on stream. Continue to read up on acne research and help your fight against it.

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