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Mesothelioma Articles

Mesothelioma Support You Are Not Alone

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 667)
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Your days aren't numbered, that's for sure. With the help of Mesothelioma support, you can prolong your existence in the face of the fatal mesothelioma cancer.

Mesothelioma is a lethal cancer of the pleural lining of the lungs, mainly due to exposure to asbestos. This disease has an incubation period of 20-30 years and often people die with inadequate medical and financial assistance. Nowadays, mesothelioma support has a sure remedy for you.

An early diagnosis increases the possibility to have a longer life; so contact your doctor if you show the symptoms such as chest pain, trouble in swallowing, nausea, feeling out of breath always, increased platelet count (greater than 400,000/mcL) and have a history of asbestos exposure.

There is still a lack regarding the knowledge about mesothelioma cancer; for the ill-fated ones, there is possible mesothelioma support that can look after your rights and possible financial assistance additionally.

Services that support

Mesothelioma Support services are to be had at major cancer centers and the patient has to speak with his or her family and seek help from clergy, friends, and institutions concerning the availability of educational materials, telephone support, personalized medical information, online discussions, message boards, and individual consultation with trained counselors.

A legal counseling along with aid from housing, utilities, transportation, accurate medical treatment, pharmaceutical supplies and services should be the prime motto of mesothelioma support.

Support from the family is vital so that all adults should have a will and other necessary paperwork in place, craft a budget, and check cash flow, which can be looked after with the help of the Licensed Certified Financial Planners and Hospital Billing Representatives who will help on insurances.

Mesothelioma support can also be given from

-Bankers and Bank Trust/Loan Officers who will be able to lend money.

-Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid Representatives: They may lend a hand in giving additional sources of income and cover certain hospital payments or prescription costs.

-Attorneys who can often pull through noteworthy compensation from the Asbestos issues, guide while making a will and arrange healthcare powers of attorney and other key papers. A good lawsuit will give you the chance to win more easily.

New vistas

You should stop feeling emotionally frustrated and alone - there are many mesothelioma support groups that can help you build up your confidence. Some are:

-Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR)

-Alliance for Lung Cancer, Advocacy, Support and Education Support Groups help you to ease a bit.

-Alliance for Lung Cancer, Advocacy, Support and Education Support Hotline for mesothelioma support.

-American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Resource that has a free information program to lend a hand to the isolated cancer patients and let their families understand more about cancer, its dealings and the resources accessible to help them in beating this disease.

-Cancer Care Counseling proposes free professional counseling individually or through professional mesothelioma support groups both online and individually.

-Cancer Information and Counseling Line (CICL) has a national toll-free telephone information line intended to assist people with cancer and their families.

-An online community called the Cancer Survivors Network is planned for cancer survivors and their families and friends.

-Gilda's Club, Inc provides emotional support to the mesothelioma patients.

-Hospicelink is an independent, charitable organization, giving news on hospice and soothing care guiding through likewise programmes.

-I Can Cope is a mesothelioma support made under American Cancer Society that offers several courses that are considered to help participants to handle with their cancer experience by increasing their information, positive outlook, and skills.

-Stories of Hope that is an inspiration to the people to fight the disease.

Don't hesitate to take these mesothelioma support programmes, they are designed for your betterment.

Around 2,500 to 4,000 patients, yearly, are diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases in the U.S, so the mesothelioma support seeks to give you a full support. Information is power - get it and see how the problems cease to exist.

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(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 581)
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Tragically the word mesothelioma is becoming more and more well known, the mere mention of it striking fear into all of us for we know that it is associated with death. Asbestos is the reaper, mesothelioma its hand maiden.

Asbestos, the wonder product of the fifties is now recognized as an enemy of the twentieth century. A ruthless enemy which will kill more people than the war. Men, women and children will fall victim to its prey, innocents who have at some time in their lives inhaled asbestos dust.

Most of us have been in contact with products containing asbestos in our life times. We sat in asbestos class rooms, stood beside our fathers as they cut asbestos fencing, pulled up old linoleum with asbestos clogged to the back of it. Visited the local tip where broken sheets of it lay open to the wind.

Records show that there are a higher number of people afflicted with asbestosis and mesothelioma who have directly worked in asbestos mines, ship yards and companies making products from asbestos; however there are a large number of people afflicted, who have never worked in these industries. Their contact with asbestos, due to the dust brought home on their husband's clothes or from the asbestos tailings placed around mine houses and town perimeters. But the tragedy does not end there, children innocently playing in their own back yards played amongst the asbestos tailings as children elsewhere play in the sand. They had no way of knowing that their sand was asbestos blue. A good bath at the end of the day may have removed the dust from the skin but the dust in the lungs remained and would lay dormant for many years before claiming its deadly legacy.

Without warning, a healthy individual suddenly becomes short of breath, x-rays reveal fluid on the lungs and the night mare begins. Questions are asked and you answer, Yes, I was exposed to asbestos dust but I was only in the town for a few short months and that was over 40 years ago. How can this be? This is the most perplexing thing about mesothelioma. Why is there such a long period of time between inhalation of asbestos dust and onset of the disease? What triggers a strong healthy body to suddenly succumb to it? What can we do to prevent this from happening?

Blood tests are now available to determine whether mesothelioma is present in the body, before a person is aware of any symptoms. This is an amazing breakthrough and perhaps the first step towards curing the disease before it becomes terminal. Recently mesothelioma was cured in a mouse and attempts to give it back to the mouse were unsuccessful. This too is exciting stuff and holds a glimmer of hope for us all.

I have witnessed first hand the devastation of mesothelioma. My husband was a strong and virile man who rarely had a sick day in his life. Suddenly at the age of 52 he became short of breath and was subsequently diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. He had lived in the asbestos mining town of Wittenoom in Western Australia for a few short months at the age of seven. The asbestos dust he inhaled then, took forty five years to become lethal. I still find this hard to believe.

Despite his prognosis of three to nine months, Brian survived for two years. He was 54 years old when he died.

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Mesothelioma Information Knowing About The Disease Is Our Own Right

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 559)
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Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer induced by exposure to asbestos. It affects the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the internal organs of the human body and nearly takes 10-50 years to develop. In the nascent stage of Mesothelioma attack, the pleura or peritoneum are affected and then it gradually spreads to the other parts of the body. Mesothelioma is also termed as 'malignant' mesothelioma where the lining of the chest, the abdomen and the heart are attacked. There are two types of mesothelioma, one being Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and the other being Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer).

How you can get affected of Mesothelioma

The inhaling of the fine airborne asbestos dust and fibers causes mesothelioma. It is a proven fact, as 70% to 80% of the case histories of patients state that asbestos exposure in factories or industries leads to mesothelioma. Hence all those working in construction based jobs like shipyards, boilermakers, insulators etc. are susceptible to this fatal disease.

The first step to cure of this disease is to find out all the relevant symptoms. But because of the long latency period of mesothelioma, the symptoms come into play even after 30-50 years since the contraction of the disease. Moreover, the symptoms are not conclusive, and are common to most other diseases. This is why the mesothelioma tests are imperative from the doctor's point of view.

The symptoms

The three most prominent symptoms of Mesothelioma are excruciating pain whilst breathing or coughing, breathing problems and a persistent cough, which could even, lead to bleeding. In addition, tiredness, loss of appetite, loss of weight are some of the other symptoms. Amongst some of the very rare symptoms, husky voice, problem in swallowing, swelling of the face and pain around the rib area are considered.

The diagnosis

It is a daunting task to diagnose the victims of mesothelioma. Normally the average age of the victims at diagnosis is around 50 to 70 years. Surprisingly, the white Americans are victimized more than the African Americans. At the time diagnosis begins, the disease had already spread and seems invincible. A victim would normally survive for only one year when the disease becomes quite ominous. However, the survival time of the patient can be stretched to almost two years if the disease is detected early and given proper treatment.

The treatment

There are many factors, which determine the treatment of Mesothelioma viz., stage of the disease, location of the cancer, patient's age and general health. Surgeries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are amongst the basic treatments for Mesothelioma. In the recent past, treatments like removal of the pleural fluid to relieve pain and control breathlessness are being used. Apart from medication, there are a few helpful techniques that can help relieve pain and stress. These involve a balanced diet preferably prescribed by a general physician or a dietitian, conservation of energy on self-initiative as well as therapies such as aromatherapy, relaxation and massage.

In the inference, it would be worthwhile to mention that Mesothelioma is a dreadful disease and its spread can only be shunned if you are willing to know more about the disease. Then again you should also make sure that you take precautionary measures by piecing together all the information that you have garnered today.

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Diffuse Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 304)
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Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, or DMM, is a rare but highly aggressive type of cancer. It occurs in the thin layer of tissue, the pleura, lining the chest cavity and lungs. Once diagnosed with DMM, most patients do not survive beyond one year. This cancer is more common in men than in women, and in older people.

Most people with DMM have a history of exposure to asbestos; however, if they are not aware that such exposure occurred, they may be unaware that they are at risk. A patient with DMM typically has one or more of the following signs and symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fever, or a cough. An x-ray usually shows that the pleural tissue around the lungs has thickened due to the development of a number of nodules or small cancerous growths. Sometimes, there may be a single large growth. When a biopsy of the cancer tissue is done, the types of cells that make up the cancer may be epithelioid, mixed, or sarcomatoid. People with epithelioid cell cancers tend to survive somewhat longer; those with sarcomatoid cancers usually have the shortest survival.

DMM is always treated as aggressively as possible. The type of treatment depends on the dominant cell type the cancer is made of, the extent of spread of the cancer, and the overall health of the person undergoing treatment. Surgery is a preferred option where the bulk of the cancer can be removed. Many anti-cancer drugs are being tried to treat DMM, with varying levels of short-term success. Radiotherapy may also be an option. A number of clinical trials are currently underway to try and find a treatment that may improve the outlook for DMM patients. However, only seven percent of people with DMM survive beyond five years.

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Asbestos Home Testing Prevention Is Better Than Cure

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 455)
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Asbestos home testing is a process of testing the presence of asbestos in homes in general and building materials in particular. Asbestos is a mineral fiber resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity. Building and insulation industries made widespread use of asbestos in their operations. Asbestos is commonly used in your homes in one form or the other. Some building materials that may contain asbestos materials are vinyl floor tiles; patching compounds textured paints, furnace and stovepipe, insulation, stove door gaskets, roofing shingles, cement, and siding material.

Asbestos was most commonly used until early 1970s in various home appliances, such as toasters, clothes dryers, and hair dryers. Now, government has laid norms for the use of asbestos and its exposure. Asbestos home testing is essential because exposure to and inhalation of Asbestos fibers is dangerous to health. Friable asbestos materials in homes, industries and appliances could lead to serious asbestos related diseases. Following people are more vulnerable to Asbestos-related diseases:

Works in industries and mines

Construct Buildings

Make ceilings

Perform Ceiling insulation

Apart from these persons all other persons who live in houses having asbestos contaminated building material or are involved in use or repair of appliances and products that contain asbestos can also contact asbestos diseases. This makes asbestos home testing a necessary process for all homes that are built before 1980s and all the people who are using appliances and or products that could contain asbestos materials.

Health Hazards Of Asbestos

Undamaged Asbestos cannot cause any health hazards. When asbestos is exposed to hitting, rubbing, or extreme vibration, its wear and tear occurs and shows signs of abrasion. Asbestos is only harmful, when damaged, and its fiber gets mixed with air. You can determine the status and stability of asbestos products by asbestos home testing. Asbestos home testing is compulsory because asbestos exposure could lead to fatal diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos may harm you only if you inhale asbestos fiber. There are no safe levels of asbestos exposure and even short-term exposure to asbestos creates a possibility of your catching any disease caused by asbestos.

Removing Asbestos From Home

It is not possible to perform asbestos testing in home. You need qualified professional to test the presence of asbestos in your home. Asbestos abatement is the process of determining the status of asbestos material and taking corrective measures for preventing risk of asbestos exposure. It is not necessary that you have to remove all the asbestos material from your home. You can also opt for economic measures such as enclosures and encapsulation for preventing the risk of asbestos exposure even without removing the Asbestos Containing Materials.

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Living In Fear Of Mesothelioma

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 548)
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Living In Fear Of Mesothelioma

First of all, you may be wondering what mesothelioma is, and why I should be scared of it ?.....


Mesothelioma is the medical name for cancer of the lung, and is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. Symptoms my not appear for up to 50 years or so after exposure to asbestos, and people who haven't had any contact with asbestos for many years, are now showing signs of having this deadly disease. The symptoms are usually shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains and feeling very tired.

Why should I be scared of it ?

As a small child, I used to live near a factory which used asbestos to make fire-proof products and other insulating materials for the building industry. I believe that asbestos was also used in the manufacture of break linings. I can remember seeing the asbestos dust that spewed out of the factory covering the surrounding area (including part of our school playground) with this deadly snow like powder. Of course, as we were just kids at that time, we had absolutely no idea just how deadly this dust was. We even played in it completely unaware of its dangers.

The Horror Came Later.

It wasn't until years later after the factory had been closed down, that we began to see the full horrors of this white snow looking powder, we had played with as children. By this time I was much older, and the dangers of asbestos had been given massive coverage by the media, so I was now aware of what could happen to myself and hundreds of other people who lived in the same area as this factory in years to come.

TV Documentary.

This factory received national television coverage, and on one program they interviewed families who had suffered due to the problem of asbestos. I was shocked to see that I knew some of the people who had lost family members due to developing mesothelioma, in fact I actually went to school with some of the people who took part in the program. The program showed old photographs of the area around the factory (including my old school) covered in powder, and it really did look like it had been snowing. When you see all of this on television it really does make you just a little bit worried, especially when you have been in contact with asbestos like I have.


If mesothelioma is diagnosed early enough, a cure is possible with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, in the case of a more advanced illness a cure is not possible, but with the right treatments the illness can be slowed down dramatically and medication can be used to ease any pain.


As a precaution I did have x-rays a few years ago just to put my mind at rest, and thankfully they were all clear. The doctor recommended that I should have x-rays on a very regular basis just to be on the safe side. So, at the moment everything is ok, but I will always be just a little bit worried of what might happen in the future.

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The Symptoms Of Mesothelioma

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 190)
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Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is being discovered more and more frequently in elderly men. The most common cause of mesothelioma is from asbestos exposure and affects the membrane of many of the most vital internal organs such as the lungs and heart. Mesothelioma is particularly hard to diagnose because it shows similar symptoms to many other more common diseases.

The most common form of mesothelioma is called pleural mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma accounts for 75% of all mesothelioma cases. Pleural mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs and has symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, wheezing and weight loss. These symptoms apply to many less serious diseases but anyone with signs of these symptoms are strongly advised to consult their doctor as soon as possible.

Those who are exposed to asbestos or have been exposed have a risk of obtaining mesothelioma. It is important that mesothelioma is diagnosed in its early stages so that it can be treated quickly and aggressively. The earlier it is discovered, the more likely the treatment will be successful.

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Mesothelioma Statistics An Eye Opener

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 425)
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What are Mesothelioma Statistics?

Mesothelioma statistics are data about mesothelioma - a dangerous cancer that affects the lining of the lungs and the abdomen. In some cases, mesothelioma can affect the heart and reproductive organs too. It is a fatal disease with patients surviving for only one-two years after the diagnosis.

What have Mesothelioma Statistics Revealed?

Mesothelioma statistics have revealed that nearly seventy to eighty per cent of all cases of mesothelioma have been directly traced to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was a frequently used material in construction, railroad, factory, shipyard and automobile industries. Mesothelioma statistics were able to highlight the link between asbestos and cancer nearly sixty years ago. However, unscrupulous industries have chosen to continue using asbestos for profit motives.

Mesothelioma statistics also portray mesothelioma to be a silent killer. This is because the disease lies dormant in the body for periods between ten to fifty years. It is usually diagnosed in patients when they are between fifty and seventy years of age. Normally the diagnosis of mesothelioma is only after the case has reached the last stage and there is very little hope for the survival of the patient.

Mesothelioma Statistics Related to Mesothelioma Treatment:

The sad reality is that mesothelioma has no cure. According to mesothelioma statistics, after diagnosis, the average survival rate is only 12-24 months. Even with early detection and treatment, the survival rate can be stretched out to five years. Mesothelioma treatments are very expensive and usually range - between four hundred thousand and eight hundred thousand dollars. This is the reason why most of the mesothelioma patients have to file lawsuits to recover medical and other costs related to this killer disease.

Is There Anything That Mesothelioma Statistics Is Not Able To Reveal?

Mesothelioma statistics reveal only the numbers of patients who have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma. This number is between two to three thousand new cases every year. However, mesothelioma statistics is not able to reveal or predict the numbers of people who continue to slowly develop the cancer inside them. There is no statistical data to provide the probable number of mesothelioma patients in the coming future.

How Can Mesothelioma Statistics Be Helpful?

Government regulations make mesothelioma patients eligible for compensation. Mesothelioma statistics can help in providing valuable information about the disease for compensation claims and lawsuits. Moreover, mesothelioma statistics can also help the mesothelioma victims and attorneys to gather valuable information for supporting their compensation claims.

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Mesothelioma The Basics

(category: Mesothelioma, Word count: 750)
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Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is usually found in those previously exposed to asbestos. Cancerous cells form in the mesothelium, which is a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. These cells typically form in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or the sac that encircles the heart.

The average life span of a person diagnosed with the disease is about 4 to 24 months from the finding. About 3,000 people in the U.S. die of mesothelioma every year. People at risk are those who have been previously exposed to asbestos dust, including former steel workers, auto mechanics, mineworkers, and military workers, among many others. Their family members may also be at risk, as the asbestos dust from clothing can travel through the air.

Mesothelioma has an extremely long latency period, which means that symptoms of the disease may not emerge until 30 to 50 years after the initial exposure to asbestos. Pleural mesothelioma, which is the most common type and affects the area around the lungs, may cause shortness of breath, chest pains, and a persistent cough, which may lead to coughing up blood. These symptoms are caused by the build up of fluid between the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. The disease may start in the chest area and spread to other areas of the body. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include weight loss, severe breathing trouble, fever, difficulty swallowing, and swelling of the face and neck areas. It should be noted that some people with the disease do not experience any serious symptoms at all.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is rarer than pleural mesothelioma, and affects the abdominal area. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include abdominal swelling and pain due to the build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity, nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Breathing complications and chest pains may also be present, as well as bowel obstruction, anaemia, fever, and blood clotting.

The rarest form of the disease is pericardial mesothelioma, which first forms in the area surrounding the heart. Tumors grow in the tissues around the heart and spread from there. Chest pain, shortness of breath, constant coughing, and shivering may be symptoms of this form of mesothelioma.

Diagnosis of the disease is oftentimes difficult, due to the fact that the symptoms associated with mesothelioma are similar to those of other conditions. The symptoms of the disease become more serious as the cancerous tumors enter the later stages of development, so people who have been exposed to asbestos at any time in their lives should contact their doctor immediately. Even if a person has never been exposed directly to asbestos but is experiencing any of the above symptoms, they should inform their doctor as soon as possible, as asbestos dust and fibres may have traveled through the air from items such as clothing.

People who have been diagnosed with any form of mesothelioma should immediately contact a lawyer. Individual states have their own statutes of limitation, meaning that there is a set time limit regarding how long a patient has to act on their diagnosis. When searching for a lawyer to handle your case, be sure to find one that has prior experience with mesothelioma cases. They will have the contacts and resources to take care of your case in a timely manner. The Internet is a helpful and efficient resource for a mesothelioma lawyer search.

Patients do not have to be concerned with paying lawyers up-front, since the majority of mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they will not request payment of any kind unless they successfully settle your case. Lawyers will usually take a 35% cut of whatever settlement or reward the patient receives, but patients seeking compensation for their disease have nothing to lose and everything to gain in going to a lawyer for help.

The average mesothelioma-related settlement in the U.S. is $1 million. Cases that go to trial average awards of approximately $6 million, according to the RAND Corporation. A bill called the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005 (FAIR Act of 2005) introduced on March 17, 2005, seeks to create set amounts of compensation for mesothelioma victims, which would depend on their symptoms.

People who have mesothelioma are able to seek large compensation amounts because their disease is a result of a company's decision not to take sufficient measures to protect its workers from breathing in asbestos while on the job.

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