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Homeschooling Articles

Having Fun When Homeschooling

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 511)
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Homeschooling has many benefits for a child's education. One of the most obvious is that it allows you, the parent, to tailor a specific education geared towards your child's particular needs. It also allows you to teach in a style that suits your child - as we all know, different people learn better in different ways. When you decide to homeschool it is important to remember that as well as being a parent, you are now taking on the role of a teacher. This is, of course, not a responsibility to be taken lightly, and you have to make every effort to be the best teacher you can be.

Everyone has had the experience of having both a good and bad teacher. If you stop and think about it, I'll think you'll notice some things that your good teacher's had in common. The most important is that they were genuinely interested in their subject areas. Nothing makes a teacher better then enthusiasm for a subject. I think you'll also notice that most of the bad teachers you had didn't seem particularly interested in the subject they were teaching. It is for this reason that it is crucial that you create a homeschooling experience that interests both you and your child.

While your child's education should come first and foremost when creating a homeschooling curriculum, you shouldn't be shy to think of your own education as well. When looking at things to study in particular subject areas, think about things that interested you in those areas that you didn't get to explore as much as you liked to when you were in school.

It cannot be understated how valuable an experience it is to learn with your child. You will be strengthening a family bond, and your shared interest and excitement in a topic will ensure that your child retains the information. A way to do this is to understand the balance between rigidness and flexibility in a homeschooling curriculum.

A certain amount of formalness is required in a general curriculum: you have to have set goals and timelines in which certain things must be learned. But within those timelines, you have a lot of flexibility, and you should use it to your advantage. When studying literature, for example, understand that the goal is to read and learn about good literature, not necessarily to read a particular book. So instead of studying a "standard" novel that you've already read, consider a book that is new to you as well. With both you and your child interested in the book, the experience of reading it together will be enjoyable for both of you, as you will both be excited about the outcome.

This concept needn't be applied only to literature, think of things in science or music, for example, that you've always wanted to learn about. If you make sure that you are interested in the subjects as well, your child will sense your enthusiasm and become more drawn into the subject, ensuring a much more valuable educational experience.

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The Benefits Of Home Schooling

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 874)
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In these present times, getting the best education for your children is of the utmost importance. The topic of student education is a controversial one as there are more than a few options available for the parent to plan the educational development of their children. It does not help that the public educational setting is often full of issue and debate over allocation of school funding, curricula choices and external influences. These things and others end up affecting a student's education, personal development and belief system.

As time has past, it has been taken for granted that getting a good education and nurturing the academic and interest path of many children is successfully accomplished by the institutionalized school systems of our states and cities.

For many, the public school systems have not met the needs of many parents and their children with respect to the academic educational standards expected by the proactive parent. This has resulted in a growing movement of parents taking the education of their children into their own hands. Home schooling continues to grow and to expand as more and more parents realize the many benefits and advantages of teaching at home.

Home schooling offers many benefits and advantages over traditional educational methods and systems offered through our public schools.

Home schooling allows the parent to select the exact lesson plan or curriculum the students will learn from based on what the parent thinks is best for the student, not the public school system. It is often found that many public schools teach students subjects that are academically irrelevant, not challenging, or that are really best left to the parent to teach.

Home schooling offers a control mechanism over this and allows for a way to tailor the student's education to specific interests and desires while continuing to provide a challenge level that will keep the student growing in terms of his or her learning abilities.

Home schooling offers flexibility of the educational process. Some students excel at some things but not at others. Home schooling a student of this nature would allow that student to excel where his or her strengths are while at the same time allowing that student to spend a little more in the development of the weaker areas.

Some students are gifted and do well with all subject matter they are being taught. For them, home schooling allows for the education process to be more challenging since a more academically challenging curriculum can be adopted. Gifted home schooled students are able to pursue their interests and development path without the time constraints or curriculum limitations that are present in the traditional learning environment.

There are many ways that home schooling can be accomplished today. Some parents opt for a structured curriculum while others use available textbooks. Some parents combine these things with their own teaching while others teach each lesson completely of their own resources. Knowing this, it is evident that this education process is completely flexible, can be specifically tailored to the student's needs and can be changed on the fly as student educational needs change.

Home schooling offers other indirect advantages as well. One of these might be more available time. Home schooling can be an efficient way to teach. The time you have during the day can be used efficiently, thereby reducing the overall time that the student actually spends at school. This efficient use of time results in more time to be spent on additional activities either related or unrelated to the student's education.

Home schooling allows for the parent to become the main mentor and source of guidance for a child. Since a home schooled child relates to the parent a lot more, the child and parent can form a tighter bond than they might otherwise form. This bond could be the foundation of a higher degree of trust between the child and parent where the child is more apt to come to the parent for help and guidance instead of turning elsewhere.

Home schooling can be an outlet for a special case where a child may have been a victim of excessive bullying at a regular public school. School bullying is a serious problem at some schools and is a hard issue to resolve. The home schooling of a child victimized in this way offers the child a way to re-focus on learning while at the same time being able to receive the close parental guidance needed to overcome how the child handles situations of this nature.

It is now known for a fact that home schooled students do well when it comes to college preparation. In general, home schooled students have performed equal to or better than public schooled students on SAT assessments. In addition, it is a fact that home schooled students have an equal success factor for doing well in college as their public schooled peers.

Home schooling is not for everyone. Each parent should carefully evaluate whether home schooling will benefit their particular situation or not. There are many considerations to be made when choosing to home school, but for many, home schooling has been a choice that has proven to be very beneficial to the student's exceptional education.

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Free Home Schooling A Short Guide On How To Save Money

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 462)
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A free home schooling program is not impossible to achieve. You do need to do some planning and creativity though. By the way, when I say 'free', I mean you do not need to spend money aside from the pen and papers which any regular school kid needs. Also I recommend getting a whiteboard when teaching your kids.

The key to free home schooling for your kid is to take advantage of resources already available to you, but you may not realize or think of it.

So read on and I'll give you some ideas on where to start.

The biggest problem for most parents when deciding on home schooling is the need to create a home schooling curriculum catered to the needs of the child. Most parents would opt to purchase books or hire a professional to assist them in creating a home school curriculum. They typically cost anywhere from a hundred bucks all the way to a few thousand.

But do you know, the internet has free homeschooling information available? One example of such a site is There are many others as well. Home schooling forums also provides a platform for parents to interact and share knowledge on just about everything home schooling.

For buying books, you can head to ebay to pick up bargains. Another place is your local book dealer who may have books that they may give away. If even they do not have any books to give away, they usually have various discounts for book sets.

The benefits of getting your own book sets include the convenience of having these books in the comfort of your home. The costs of purchasing the books will be well worth it because your succeeding children can make use of these same books when they reach the same educational level.

Otherwise, you can visit your local library near your city. Your library will likely carry a huge wealth of books (some may no longer be sold in your regular bookstores!) that you can borrow when you need them.

Your regular school field trip can easily be replaced with the fraction of the cost. You can opt to see sites within the proximity of your home. Your city and your state may offer you a rich array of cultural and historical sites to visit. You can also opt to tie in education with whatever family trips and vacations you?d be making. Build a lesson around the family trip so that you can use this time and the money you spend in homeschooling your child as well.

With some planning and thought, you can make home schooling free in terms of financial cost and effort.

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The Abc S Of Home Schools

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 594)
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There is no doubt as to how technology revolutionized the way people live today. Many things that were unthinkable in the past are now parts of reality. One of the things that proved difficult in the days gone by is the system of homes schools. Before, studying at home was a luxury that only the elite, rich people can afford. Hiring private tutors were the only possible means of doing education at home. But now with a more standardized system of education coupled with the many possibilities afforded by technology, learning from homes schools is very possible indeed.

The most crucial and critical part when engaging in homes schools is the decision to study at home. For many people, home education is education may rather be the only option especially for those who have physical disabilities or security issues. However, the option of studying at home is now extended to most anyone. Nevertheless, the decision to gain education from homes schools is a very difficult one to make, something that is to be taken seriously. The advantages of learning from regular schools with regular classmates and teachers are quite obvious. Bur for some, such benefits have to be given up for certain reasons. Before delving into home education one should first carefully think if it is the appropriate thing for one's situation. It is important to weigh all pros and cons of studying at home before making the final choice whether to pursue it or not.

Once the decision to engage in homes study, it is then important to prepare one's self for this endeavor. First the home where the education will take place should be carefully arranged and organized in a way that would make it conducive for studying and learning. Afterwards it is important to make the proper arrangements with the school that would be providing the education system at home. Not all schools are open for home education and it is thus important to source out different educational institutions in one's area.

When the arrangements with the school has been made, it is then important to identify with that school to keep the student's mind focused. A home student should feel as close as possible as to how a regular student would feel in the campus. This can be done by obtaining materials that are associated with schools, such as ID cards, school colors and emblems and the like. It is then also important to set up a schedule that should be followed by the home student strictly. It is usually beneficial to set the schedule in accordance to the schedule of the partner school, this way the home student would be synchronized with his or her peers. The record keeping system should also be prepared as this is very important in observing the home student's progress.

Part of the preparation for homes schools is learning and understanding the laws that govern this type of education. Each state have their own detailed information for homes schools and it is necessary to learn these details. It is also important to choose a good curriculum for the home student to follow. It is best to consult partner schools regarding the current curriculum trends in one's area, to ensure that the home student learns enough at least to get by.

Home schooling is a unique educational experience. It can be difficult for many, but if prepared very well, it can be a valuable mode of learning which can be comparable to regular schooling.

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Benefits Of Homeschooling

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 539)
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Why let Tim and Lisa learn at home than send them to school? Well, first of all, you don't have to wake them up at 7 every morning and bundle them off to school with umpteen numbers of instructions, and wait with an anxious heart till they return. Homeschooling gives you more control over the influences that affect your child. The growth and development of your child is removed from the realm of the unknown. You, and you alone can decide what your child needs to do or learn. Tailoring the curriculum to suit the needs and interests of the child is one of the most obvious benefits of homeschooling

Individual attention is another salient benefit of homeschooling. For instance, if Lisa needs more time to learn Math, then she can reduce the time for her English lessons. There are no fixed hours of learning per subject. This means that a child has the advantage of assigning more number of hours to the subject that seems tough WITHOUT any additional pressure. The amount of time needed to learn each subject will depend on the abilities and interests of the child.

The schooling of the child becomes an extended family activity. Parents get involved in every step of the learning procedure. Field trips and experiments become family activities. Thus, the child receives more quality time with his parents. The entire family shares games, chores and projects. Family closeness becomes the focus here. The child is also free of any negative peer pressure while making choices and decisions.

Competition is limited when it comes to homeschooling. The child does not need to prove his ability with regards to other children. His confidence remains intact. Since parents have a deep understanding of their child, they can plan the learning program to pique the child's interest. It is also possible to intersperse difficult tasks with fun activities. A tough hour with Algebra can be followed by a trip to the nearest museum. Learning becomes fun. Parents can also tailor the curriculum to suit the learning style of the child. Some children learn through reading, while others need to write, and still others need to see objects in action.

Homeschooling allows parents to take control over the moral and religious learning of the child. Parents have the flexibility to incorporate their beliefs and ideologies into the child's curriculum. There is no confusion in the child's mind either because there is no variation between what is being taught and what is being practiced.

Lastly, more and more parents are getting disillusioned with the public school system. They believe that their children are being pushed too hard or too little. Other worrying issues pertaining to discipline and ethics also make the school system less welcome. Many repudiate the educational philosophy of grouping children solely on the basis of their age. Some parents themselves have unhappy memories of their own public school experience that motivates them to opt for homeschooling when it comes to their own children.

Homeschooling is the best way to teach a child if you have the time, the ability and the interest to follow through with his education. After all, nobody can understand or appreciate your child more than yourself.

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Getting Started With Home Schooling

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 810)
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As a mother of a two year old, the thought of "school" crosses my mind more than occasionally. I have to admit, I don't like what I see. Schools these days have many problems. Violence is growing. The standards aren't high enough to make sure our children are learning. Many parents are not taking their child's education seriously enough or just aren't getting involved. And unfortunately there are teachers and school administrators out there that are more interested in numbers, politics, and money than they are in the welfare of their students.

All of these things and other considerations are making more and more parents look into home schooling as an option. This allows parents to spend more time with their children. It also allows them to be actively involved in their child's education to make sure their child is succeeding.

But, where do I get started? I'm not a teacher. Where do I get the materials? What do I teach them? Is there some guideline to home schooling that has been successful for other parents? Where can I find more information about Home Schooling? In this article I will do my best to help you find all of the information and resources available for get started with Home Schooling.

First of all, home schooling is not free. There are a lot of materials you will need. Depending on the age of your child, there are specific requirements and specific subjects they must learn as well as standardized tests they must take. This is all set up to be sure parents who take their children out of school are actually home schooling them.

The first thing you will have to do is find out what the home schooling laws are in your state. Open a new browser window so you can keep this articles open and copy this link and put it into the address bar of your new window. There you will find out what the laws are in your state. Some states do not require you notify them and others do, so make sure you study up on your state's requirements.

The next thing you want to do is talk with people you know that are already doing home schooling. They will be able to offer you valuable home schooling advice. Try your local church or social group if you do not know anyone doing home schooling. You can also search at for "Home Schooling Support Groups." These are groups of parents that share their information and experiences with home schooling.

You can buy complete home school curriculums for children of any age by searching for "Home School Curriculum." Many come on CD-ROM with workbooks and everything you need. You can buy everything at once or you can pick and choose the subjects you want to teach first. You can also find curriculums that incorporate your religious beliefs. There are many options!

There is also the theme method of home schooling where you teach your child everything at once by using a theme. You pick a theme your child likes like "The Old West" or "Outer Space". Then you combine teaching them math, geography, history, language skills, etc. based on using their favorite theme.

Children learn very fast when things are interesting to them. Theme-based home schooling is one way to keep your child interested and also a great way for both of you to have fun learning. If you combine this theme-based method of home schooling with field trips or vacations that go along with it, you will find your child really interested in learning more. For instance, a field trip to the space museum or observatory if you are using the space theme. A vacation to a ghost town on the western theme would work as well.

If you are considering home schooling, you will also want to make sure your child has ample opportunity for social activities. You may be able to provide them with the highest standards of academics, but children also need to socialize with their peers. This can be done through organized sports, music classes, and many areas actually have home school "community groups" that get together. Once you are able to connect with other home school parents in your area, you will be sure to find an abundance of activities for your child to participate in.

The bottom line is this. Do not be intimidated by home schooling your child even if you did not do well in school yourself. You can learn together. The benefits of home schooling can far outweigh the disadvantages. If there is a day where it is just not going to work out, don't worry. Don't force it. Be creative and make learning fun for your child. If you are committed, you will succeed. Best of luck!

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Home Schooling Information For The Parent

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 345)
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Home schooling can be a difficult decision. Many believe that home schooling can not prepare a child to deal with real life situations. By attending a public school, the child is more likely to be involved in school team sports, drama clubs, band activities, after school clubs, and be more socially interactive with others. Many of these activities are fundamental for the growth and emotional well being of a child.

Alternatively, an argument can be made that there is just as much social stimulation at home as there is in public school. For a large number of home schooled children, many have friends that live within their neighborhood that they can play and interact with. After school sports programs are available for in many areas, typically at community centers. These programs can prove to be a great source for social interaction.

A good way to obtain additional home schooling information is to ask parents of other home school children. More than likely they can share what activities they do, as well as inform you what type of approach they use; a facilitated self study approach or lecture oriented approach.

This information will help lead you to a better idea of whether or not you are able to handle a teaching job. Contrary to some beliefs, teaching is not an easy task. It takes great dedication and determination to ensure that the children are always excited about learning, moving at a steady pace, and keeping them interested in what is next. If you are interested in home schooling, teaching classes are available through some schools.

There are many resources available online regarding home schooling. Blogs and websites can provide you with relevant home school information. Many of these sites are maintained by parents who home school and provide information on what problems may be encountered in home schooling and the solutions they have.

Although teaching can be difficult, many find the end result rewarding. Home schooling can provide parents and children a nice balance and learning environment to exceed in.

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Home Schooling Programs Explained

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 471)
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We hear of incidents of school violence almost everyday. Your child may encounter and witness violent and aggressive behavior, which may be damaging to him. Some incidents may even lead to deaths. Is your child ready to encounter this kind of situation? Of course you do not want this to happen. To avoid these, you can chose to home school your child.

If the outside world is not safe for him, keep him at home and let him learn at home. Although learning in school is the proper way, the programs in school can also be applicable to home schooling. This is important to maintain so that your child will not feel left behind educationally.

In order to have the same programs in school, you will have to dedicate yourself to a lot of work. A lot of small industries now subsist exclusively to provide the educational tools for home schooling and will be an enormous help in setting up and keeping up your own home classroom. As well as to provide a foundation for you to maintain in recordkeeping and keeping you abreast of new changes and developments in the field, they offer support groups.

There are a lot of different ways to home school, so you will have to do your research and see what application is best for you and your child. Montessori is one of the most effective ways, and they have been recognized for years as a triumphant program for certain children. You can research on how they educate kids. It will depend on your child and your lifestyle as to what you choose to do and have. With each of the programs, you will find detractors and supporters, as well as some support groups who are willing to help and walk you through the system as you plan your child's goals. This won't be hard to maintain and keep up.

Next, you will have to assume all responsibility for your child's education. You may find it difficult to work off of the kitchen table, and might need to convert a spare room into the classroom. You might need to continue the same schedule your child was familiar with and keep the same hours of school work. For the second time, it will definitely land squarely on your shoulders how you get ready for your child's life away from school and outside of your home school.

These things are really not that hard to keep up. Remember that you must come up with the same programs in school for your home schooling so that your child will not miss the fun of being in school and also his education. You must treat him the way a teacher does so he will feel like he is in school away from school.

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Home Schooling Can Lead To Outstanding Careers

(category: Homeschooling, Word count: 448)
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Homeschooling is one the latest trends in education nowadays, although the concept of homeschooling originated in the 20th century. This was during the time before public education came into being. It is not until now that it has become a more viable option for many families who have children who are still going to school.

Some of the famous persons that are considered to have acquired a homeschooled education, given the fact that they were self-educated or had availed of the guidance of a tutor include: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Jane Austen to name a few.

Which only goes to show that individuals who have not acquired a formal education can also become successful in life.

In fact some surveys that were conducted with homeschooled individuals show that more of these individuals are involved in their communities, and have a higher percentage rate when it comes to voting. 58.9% of them also claim that they are very happy with their lives, compared with 27.6% of the rest of the population who also make this claim.

There are many career options that await homeschooled individuals. Surveys show that the preferred occupations that these persons are more likely to choose are: business, computer programming, career in the armed forces, internships, home worker, etc.

But before they embark on a career most of these homeschooled students choose to go to college first. There are a number of colleges that accept students fresh out of homeschooling.

Many highschool students who are undergoing homeschooling simultaneously take college courses to earn credits. These credits count towards the credit their going to accumulate once they go to college. Homeschooled students have been known to score high in college entrance exams.

There are some stereotypical views that have been attached to individuals that have acquired their education through homeschooling. Such as that these individuals tend to be reclusive, antisocial, or extreme in their views when it comes to religion.

But slowly these views are dissipating since homeschooling is now becoming more mainstream.

A lot of parents have become extremely dissatisfied with the way public school systems are run. Not only do they fear for their children's safety, but the quality of education that their children receive some parents also find lacking.

That's why a lot of these concerned parents have made the decision to have their children homeschooled. A decision that now seems to be paying off.

Since the past decade the number of homeschooled students has multiplied, now resulting in responsible adults who have stable jobs and thriving careers in their chosen fields of endeavor, proving that homeschooling provides an excellent quality of education.

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