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Hair-Loss Articles

Hair Loss Of The Bariatric Or Gastric Bypass Patient

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 916)
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You are most-likely aware that having Bariatric or Gastric Bypass surgery DOES cause you to experience "some" type of hair loss as you lose the weight so rapidly. You've heard the rumors, and they are TRUE to the point that you WILL LOSE some hair... but you will not be bald in the least! In all of my years attending a support group, NEVER have I seen one bald person yet! So rest assured that although you DO lose "some" hair, it won't be all.

Let's simplify this topic by putting it in a question/answer format:

Q: Why do we lose some hair?

A: As a pre-op person, you used to consume between 3,000 to 5,000 calories a day. But once you have the surgery, your caloric intake is drastically reduced to a mere 300-600 calories a day. This puts the body in an "emergency" mode as it thinks something is terribly wrong, and it begins to focus ONLY on supporting the vital organs that will sustain life. Hair has never been under the category of a "life-sustaining" organ; therefore, the body puts the hair on the back-burner until it is sure that the body is going to be okay enough to again send nutrients to the hair.

Q: When does hair loss begin?

A: It normally will begin anywhere from one month after surgery and last until about 6 months after surgery. Of course, this can begin during the third month or even extend beyond the sixth month. It varies from person to person.

Q: How much hair is lost?

A: Some will jokingly tell you that they could build a cat out of all the hair they lost, but that is not true. While you will notice some handfuls come out as you wash your hair in the shower, see more than normal in your comb or hairbrush, and perhaps even see some on your pillow when you wake up in the morning - this is nothing to be alarmed over. IT WILL STOP FALLING OUT once the body begins to feel that life is "normal" and it will trust that it's okay to send nutrients to the hair again. Be patient and know that it DOES STOP in time.

There ARE some TIPS that will help you NOT experience so much hair loss, however.....

DO NOT wear a hat, scarf, head bands, tight barrettes, ponytail holders or anything similar that will pull or tug on the follicles of your hair. Pulling and pushing on the hair weakens it when it is already eager to fall out. Avoid these items for at least the first six months after surgery.

DO NOT stress the hair with hot treatments such as hairdryers, curling irons, or hot rollers. Stand in front of a fan to dry your hair in a hurry and use good hair jells to create some curl if you want. Sprays are okay too. Even hair color is okay IF you do it sparingly rather than the standard automatic every 6 weeks. Try to go 8 weeks in between hair coloring. Perms are a bit more stressful, though some have had success doing them. You'll have to judge this for yourself as you evaluate this for yourself. You can always be confident in asking your hairdresser about it if you are not sure.

DO TRY a new hair style. As heavy people, we often relied on our hair's BEST looks to draw attention away from our extra pounds. But as you are losing, people aren't noticing your hair anymore... they are noticing the pounds falling off, which is a perfect time for you to consider totally changing your hair style IF it will help you manage it better and also keep more of it on your head. Long hair is a heaviness on the head, which does stress and pull at the hair follicles. So perhaps a shorter style would help your delicate hair stay ON the head. Just as your body is experiencing a "makeover", why not consider your hairstyle as well.... Especially if it will help you KEEP more hair?

DO TRY a product called NIOXIN that you can purchase from your beauty salon. It's a three-step process of a product that helps cancer patients keep more of their hair as it falls out. It strengthens the follicles. I personally used this product, and I fully believe it helped more of my hair stay attached than what might have happened had I not used it. I noticed a remarkable difference when I used this product. And I can tell you that others also have similar testimonials on this product.

DO TRY to remember that your hair is only falling out temporarily and it will soon STOP and STAY ON again! Some people have experienced that their hair soon becomes healthier than they've ever had before! Sometimes the texture even changes.... Sounds FUN, huh? It can be!

BOTTOM LINE: Have a GOOD ATTITUDE about your hair... take care of it, baby it, and you'll find that you'll be out of that FALLING OUT Zone shortly! Today's hairstyles ARE more relaxed, and with the right cut, you'll look just as glamorous as a celebrity! Don't despair.... Just know that we're NOT a group of baldies!!!

I offer a FREE "Weekly Tip Newsletter" that can help keep you motivated as you forge ahead along your weight-loss journey.

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Is Their A Miracle Cure For Hairloss

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 346)
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There comes a time in every man's life when he starts to lose his hair. For some, it can be as early as their twenties or even their teens, while others don't start to lose any hair at all until their forties or fifties. As it is so widely seen as a sign of old age, however, there is a big social stigma attached to hair loss, which leads people to seek various treatments to get their hair back again.

Hair loss is not always caused by old age, however, as many diseases can also cause people to lose their hair. Although cancer is the most well-known, it is not uncommon to lose some hair after quite minor diseases, or after having surgery. Hair loss is also a side effect of some medicines, such as antidepressants.

So is there a miracle cure for hair loss? Well, not really.

The most common treatments that people try are the creams available in most pharmacies, such as Rogaine. They do cause some extra hair growth, but also tend to make your head very itchy in the process. However, as soon as you stop using it, the hair loss will resume, so keeping your hair could turn out to be very expensive for you.

A cheaper option could be pills like propecia, which has also been proven to work, although only in about half of patients. It must, however, also be taken for the rest of your life if you want to keep your hair until you die.

Hair loss can often also be stopped by simply making some changes in your lifestyle, like eating less fat and trying to avoid stressful situations. In many cases, this is the most effective treatment of all, as so much hair loss is brought on entirely by work-related stress: it's well worth taking a week off and seeing if you still have the problem after that.

Above all, if you're trying to treat your baldness, remember the three Ps: patience, proven treatments, and taking pictures.

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Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 311)
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The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.

If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!

Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.

Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major companies can afford. Even the biggest companies could not recoup the costs of such a process as no-one can control the rights to common natural substances such as basic foods and vitamins.

The big question however is, do natural hair loss remedies work? Firstly, hair growth at root level is a living part of the body that depends on sound nutrition, just like any other part of the body. The importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in maintaining healthy hair cannot be disputed.

Secondly, the role of herbs and plants in treating numerous ailments is receiving increased recognition after years of neglect, and hair loss is no exception. Many herbal remedies for both internal and external use are offering new hope to people suffering from premature hair loss.

Thirdly, traditional hair loss remedies may still have something to offer. Ancient literature and folklore reveal that our ancestors went to great lengths to treat thinning hair. Some of the more acceptable traditional approaches are now being incorporated into many potential treatment regimes.

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Female Hair Loss Affects 30 Million

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 295)
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Despite endless hours - and dollars - spent on their hair, every woman has had a bad hair day or two.

Having great hair plays a key role in a woman's self-confidence and self-esteem. Yet according to the American Academy of Dermatology, 30 million women -one in four - experience thinning or hair loss at some stage of their lives, most commonly during menopause or post-pregnancy.

The causes can range from stress to poor nutrition to environmental changes and even daily shampooing and styling, according to Dolisos America Inc., a nutritional and pharmaceutical products company.

Considering the societal pressure on women to look their best, hair loss or thinning can have a devastating effect on self-esteem and may even lead to depression. Dolisos offers some ideas on how to be kind to your hair and nourish it from the inside out:

* Check your roots. Hair loss in women can be attributed to a history of female pattern baldness. Investigating possible genetic causes of your hair loss can help you decide the best course of action to take.

* Feed your follicles. It's important to eat a balanced diet to nourish not only your body but your hair as well. Treat your tresses to foods rich in protein (fish), zinc (shellfish), iron (wheat bran), and vitamin C (many vegetables and fruits).

* Drink water. Consuming at least a liter of water a day helps the body expel toxins and provides optimum conditions for cell growth.

* Consider over-the-counter hair repair. Certain supplements like Eluhair are designed to nourish the hair and promote its growth. Two Eluhair capsules taken daily may help combat the effects of temporary hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, unbalanced diet or stress.

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Hair Loss The Causes And Misconception Of Male Pattern Baldness

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 251)
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There are roughly 80 million men and women in the world suffering from hair loss. In humans, it is caused by a number of different factors. Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss and is estimated to affect 90 percent of men by age 50. That said, pattern baldness (or natural hair loss) isn't specific to men; women suffer from female pattern baldness as well.


Male pattern baldness (clinically known as androgenetic alopecia) is the most common reason for hair loss. It's related to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a naturally occurring hormone present in all men. DHT has a detrimental affect on the hair follicles. It slows down hair production and causes new hairs to be shorter and weaker than usual. The hormone can even completely stop hair growth, gradually depleting your stock of hair. There are a number of other reasons why people go bald, including other forms of alopecia, the treatment of terminal illnesses and diet, just to name a few. Surgical hair loss treatments like Bosley are most commonly used to regrow hair loss caused by male pattern baldness.


By default, men typically blame mom for hair loss, as it was widely understood that hair loss is simply inherited from their mother's side. This is just one of a number of common hair loss misconceptions:

- Hair loss is inherited from your mother's father

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Male Hair Loss Natural Hair Loss Treatment

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 377)
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Men have been fighting hair loss since the beginning of time with methods that are at times ridiculous and dangerous. Today's man has more choices than previous generations, but harsh and unnatural chemicals may not be the first choice for many men. Fortunately, there are several hair loss products that are based on traditional, natural treatments that may be just as effective.

Male pattern baldness is often genetic and/or related to too much dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the follicles of the scalp. This is a specific type of testosterone that is only found in hair follicles. For years, saw palmetto oil has been used to treat prostate problems, and it has been found to have some beneficial effect in blocking the DHT that causes most male hair loss.

A good multivitiman containing B5, folic acid, silica and biotin will help maintain hair health, but be sure to regulate your dosages carefully. Taking in excess of 30mg of zinc daily can cause a copper deficiency, often linked to hair loss. Before supplementing copper, restrict your intake of zinc, as copper can become toxic.

Traditional asian medicine links hair loss to kidney malfunction and often prescribes a kidney tonic to correct male hair loss. Another ancient remedy is aromatherapy and the use of essential oils. A combination of rosemary, thyme, lavender and cedarwood was studied in Scotland and the results were encouraging. The essential oils were mixed with a carrier oil, either almond or grapeseed oil, warmed and then rubbed into the scalp. The treatment was continued with a warm head wrap. Used for several months, the tonic helped over 40% of the study's participants regrow hair.

Perhaps the easiest natural treatment for male hair loss is a change of diet. Increasing foods rich in iron and silica seems to help strengthen the existing hair and encourage new growth. Consider adding foods rich in silica like potato and cucumber skins, peppers and sprouts.

In today's overly medicated society, many are hesitant to try another prescription drug. You have a choice not to. Many of the natural hair loss treatments are pleasant and more often than not, have no side effects. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

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Regrow Hair For Men

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 366)
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Treatments to regrow hair in men are sought after by almost every individual suffering from hair loss. Men generally in the age group 18 to 35. It is in this period that men start losing hair and putting on widows' peaks' and receding hairlines! (Not that they have a choice!) Regrow Hair treatments for men are thus much prized and secretly guarded by the seekers.

There are a lot of hair loss treatments for men - available by prescription and over the counter. It is also true that most of these synthetic formulations have their own peculiar side effects and are not totally safe.

The causes for male hair loss range from diet and nutrition, drug usage to genetics. The most common cause of hair thinning and loss is attributed to Androgenetic Alopecia.

Androgenetic Alopecia is characterized by high levels of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT is responsible for slowing down and eventually halting hair growth. It also ends up making hair brittle, lighter in color, and fall out at a much faster rate than normal.

The presence of DHT can be traced to 5 Alpha Reductase, which is an enzyme produced naturally in the body. This enzyme converts male hormone testosterone into the hormone known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase presence within the body is thus the safest way to preventing hair loss and male pattern balding, another name for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Procerin is a natural regrow hair treatment for men which actually inhibits 5-alpha reductase production and encourages hair regrowth. It is also safe to use without any side effects and is available in both pill and topical solution form without prescription.

Procerin is made from Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and more. The active ingredients in Procerin stop the transformation of testosterone into DHT, and reduce levels of DHT present in the scalp.

Procerin has also been seen to work well with other formulations like Rogaine and Propecia which address different phases of DHT production.

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Dandruff What Causes Dandruff

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 266)
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Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about them so that we can keep our scalp squeaky clean from dandruff.

Dandruff and fungus-

Dandruff is a kind of Seborrheic dermatitis and it is believed that dandruff is caused by a fungus that normally lives on the human skin and feeds on skin oils. During dandruff this fungus known as malassezia multiplies manifold and creates problems in the scalp. Why a fungus, which otherwise lies dormant, suddenly flares up and multiplies is not precisely known.

Dandruff and other causes-

Other causes that are held responsible for dandruff are - stress, poor hygiene of scalp, over use of shampoos, under use of shampoo, chemical treatments that harm the hair and scalp etc. the incidence of dandruff is less in summer than in winter. We can deduce that less sun may be causing dandruff, but exposing more to sun may cause serious skin problems.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Hair Loss Understand Hair Growth To Fight Hair Loss

(category: Hair-Loss, Word count: 399)
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Every one of us dreads losing hair. There will be a rare human being who does not. Hair makes us look good and none of us wants to lose it. There are many of us who are comfortable after losing their hair. But that is more a reflection of their tremendous confidence. If you are one of those who are worried about hair loss, please read on.

Hair growth cycle-

Our hair does not grow all together. We see our scalp full of hair and think that all hair is growing. But the truth is different. Hair grows, rests for sometime, and then falls and a new hair takes its place to grow. At any point of time about ninety percent of our hair is growing and the ten percent is either ready to fall or is falling. When we shampoo our hair, this falling hair sheds itself. Everyday we lose about 50- 100 strands of hair. That is perfectly normal. If that is causing any worry to you, stop. That is normal. The best person to tell you if you might be facing hair loss is your hair stylist. Get your scalp examined and find out if hair is thinning from any place or a patch is forming.

Hair loss reasons

We lose hair for many reasons. The primary reason is hereditary. The second is alopecia aerta. And then there are many diseases and changes in body that bring about hair loss. The last kind of hair loss is rectified as soon as the condition is over. Most of the women lose lot of hair after pregnancy. But they recover it soon. Many other conditions make hair fall like that. We should be more bothered about hereditary loss and alopecia aerta. I think that you have got a brief introduction to hair growth cycle and hair loss. In the next articles, I will talk about the reasons and remedies of hair loss.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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