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Men Want A Classy Woman

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 473)
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Ladies, this one is for you. Your mother always told you "Don't give away the farm." Yet men have been saying, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" It's a paradox; women think they need to put out, or they'll lose their man. Men don't want a woman who puts out; at least not long term they don't. Are you the type of woman who men take home to bed; or the type who men take home to meet Mom?

One man described it this way, "When I'm talking to a woman, either on-line, on the phone, or in person, who do you think is the first person to bring up sex? Almost always it's the woman. I don't. I can tell almost instantly if the woman is classy or cheap. I want a woman who is confident, not insecure and thinks she needs to attract me by offering up free sex. What healthy, heterosexual man doesn't want or enjoy sex with a woman? But I don't want someone that everyone else has enjoyed. A classy woman is intriguing, mysterious and alluring. Her appearance and the way she carries herself can be very appealing. There's a huge difference between sexy and sleazy; and unfortunately many woman don't know the difference."

Ladies wise up! If you don't understand why you keep attracting the wrong men, it's because your standards are too low. Set the bar higher. Do not engage in innuendos or blatant conversation that is sexual in nature. Just don't do it. You may think you are flirting; but what you are doing is sending a signal to the man that you're easy. You may hook him for a time. You may both be filled with infatuation, but it won't last. Men will look at you as the good time gal; not as a keeper.

What are you wearing? Low rise jeans and tummy shirts are in. They're not in if you don't have the body to wear that style of clothing and they're not in if you're trying to convince the men that you're a classy lady. That is not to say you need to haul out the turtle neck sweaters and long skirts which cover up your ankles.

You will not be able to change your belief system overnight; your views on what men want. But what you can change almost instantly is how you dress and how you talk. Decide today that you will not openly discuss sex or make comments of a sexual nature with men. There are ways you can let someone know you're interested without sounding like a hootchie mamma. And lastly, take inventory of your wardrobe. Leave a little to the imagination, don't show it all.

Men want a classy woman.

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Understanding Menopause

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 793)
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Menopause refers to a stage in woman's life characterized by a permanent cessation of her menstrual activities. It implies that a woman stops having her monthly menstrual periods for the rest of her life, after she achieves the menopause. A normal healthy woman reaches the menopause between the ages of 40-50. Menopause marks the end of a woman's fertility and reproductive years. During the menopause, production of the estrogen hormone reduces drastically in a woman and her ovaries stop producing eggs.

It can take 5 years for a woman to achieve the final menopause stage. If a woman has not experienced any menstrual periods for a year, the condition is known as menopause. When a woman is in her puberty stage or childbearing years, her ovaries release an egg every month. This release is known as ovulation. Ovaries also produce the hormone estrogen. This hormone instructs the uterus to build up a lining. This lining allows the implant and growth of the fertilized egg.

As the women nears her menopause years, the production of estrogen decreases. As a result, she will experience irregular menstrual cycles. The irregularities include skipped periods, light or heavy menstrual flow. A woman could also experience random bleeding as well.

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a natural and biological process. It is not a disease. It is just a transition period of a woman's life. 75% of women experience some or all of the troublesome symptoms during the menopause. There are no common symptoms as every woman's body would react in a unique way towards the menopause. Here are some of the common symptoms that women show during the phase of menopause.

Hot flashes are landmark signs of menopause. As the level of estrogen drops in a woman, her blood vessels expand rapidly. This causes her skin temperature to rise. This can further cause hot flashes or a sudden spread of warmth to her shoulders, head and neck, starting from her chest. This sudden gush of warmth causes a woman to sweat, and when the sweat evaporates from her skin, she feels chilled, and slightly faint. Women also experience raid heart beating and a feeling of anxiety. The face of a woman looks flushed. She might experience red blotches on her neck, arms and chest area.

These hot flashes usually last up to 30 seconds and in some cases up to several minutes. There is no common frequency or duration of hot flashes as they vary from a woman to woman. Women often experience hot flashes during the initial years after their menopause.

Hot flashes affect the life of a woman directly. If they happen during night, they can disrupt the sleep. They cause night sweats. A woman can often wake up and have trouble getting back to sleep again. This results in lack of restful and refreshing sleep, which can have a knock on effect in the morning.

Irregular periods

As a woman approaches her menopause stage, she experiences irregularity in the menstrual periods. Periods become either long or short. Menstrual bleeding becomes heavier or lighter. A woman might experience skipping of periods. These symptoms mark the onset of menopause.

Vaginal thinning

As a result of menopause the production of estrogen decreases. As a result of it the organs such as urinary bladder, vagina, uterus, and urethra become weak and shrink. When bladder and urethra become weak and shrink, they can lead to infection, leakage of urine and painful urination.

As the tissue lining of vagina shrinks a woman experiences pain during intercourse. A woman might also suffer from vaginal dryness, irritation and itching.

Changes in appearance

During the menopause transition, a woman on an average gains 5 pounds of weight. Initially this weight was believed to get concentrated on hips and thighs of a woman. New researches have shown that the weight might settle in a woman's abdomen too.

A woman might experience wrinkling of the skin, fullness in breasts, and thinning hair.

Behavioral and emotional changes

A woman might experience fatigue, irritability and frustration during menopause. She might experience decreased concentration and memory loss. These changes are a direct result of hormonal fluctuations in her body during menopause.

Weak bones

As a result of menopause the density of bones in a woman's body tends to decrease. She starts losing calcium from her bones following the drop in estrogen levels. This can lead to a condition of weak bones known as osteoporosis. A woman also becomes susceptible to fractures.

The menopause is completely a natural phenomenon marking the end of a woman's reproductive term, but not the end of her life. It is a transition time, the symptoms of which can be effectively managed.

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Where Can I Go To Buy Discount Dancewear

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 465)
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Looking for affordable Ballet Shoes? Body wear? You can find it all in a discount dancewear store. Exciting and attractive dancewear is in demand and is the passion of dancers all over the world. And the reason for that is simple: Without dancewear, dancers feel dull and uninspired. In fact, dancers have been buying dancewear for years, and many have closets full of their dancewear. If you are careful in your selections you will certainly enjoy your new dancewear

Beginning dancers often buy discount dancewear because the prices are low. Of course, beginners will start with only a few dancewear outfits, but that's all right. As their passion for dancing develops, their dancewear outfits will increase. Beginners should ask where discount dancewear is sold. As time goes on, they will be able to find the best stores. The initial cost of dancewear can be high, however. There are a lot of dance shoes, costumes, liturgical wear that are needed, but you can often find discounts.

You can find the best discount dancewear in your local stores. If you look around, you will find shops and boutiques that have lowered their prices considerably. If you find a shop that offers the lowest prices, continue visiting so as not to miss more bargains. Most discounted dancewear originally sold for a lot of money. In some case, the discounted dancewear that you find is brand new. The discount is to move the items out of the store so the owners can restock with new outfits. Sometimes you can find discount dancewear with a savings of as much as 50% off the original price. Even a 25% discount will save you a lot of dollars.

When you are buying discount dancewear, be keen and wise. Some shops and stores may be offering discounts because the dancewear has flaws in it. You should examine and look at the dancewear closely. Don't be fooled. Stay within your budget as well. If a discounted dancewear looks old be careful. It may have been in storage for a long time. It you come across something like this, ask for a discount. Also if the dancewear is out of style, it should be discounted heavily. If not, pass on it.

Another good place to buy discount dancewear is through the Internet. Most dancers have purchased their dancewear through the Web. If you are looking for a variety of dancewear with great deals, go online.

Online shopping for dancewear is the best choice to shop because it allows you to choose from thousands of dancewear outfits from all over the world. You can also compare prices and look for the ones that offer the best deals. So why wait? Find your discount dancewear today!

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What Is A Cosmetic Contact Lens And What S It Used For

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 433)
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Cosmetic contact lenses are a professional beauty secret that is hitting the mainstream. For years, stylists have given fashion models, actors, and actresses colored contact lenses to enhance or obscure natural eye color for striking visual effects. Rumors often abound about whether the stunning shade of a young starlet's eyes is natural or not, but regardless of whether the It-girl of the moment was born with those baby blues it is safe to say that colored contact lenses are a powerful beauty tool.

Many of the people who opt for colored contacts have light colored eyes but are looking for a little bit of extra power. If you want to give your baby blues a little bit of extra zip, or want to give your light green eyes a bit of special luster, consider looking into contacts that have an enhancement tint. Enhancement tints are translucent, so they capture the complexity and natural variation of your eye's appearance while adding a little bit of extra color.

Actors and actresses often find themselves cast in roles that require a total switch in eye color. For these kinds of drastic changes, only contacts with a full color tint can do the job. With an opaque color tint, you can turn your dark hazel eyes to a pale, dreamy gray. You can even swap your commonplace dark brown color for an attention getting shade of amethyst or violet. Whether you are looking to transform for a feature film, for a special event like a prom, or just to add a little something out of the ordinary to a regular night on the town, a contact with a color tint can do the job.

Color contact lenses certainly look great, but in some cases they may not be so great to look through. The center of any colored contact lens is clear, which allows your pupil free, unfiltered access to light and images. However, slight vision problems can occur if your pupil is larger than the center of the lens. Because pupils are constantly growing and shrinking in size so that you can see equally well in situations where there are varied levels of light, there is no way to size a colored contact so that you can be certain that your pupil will never be partially covered by the tint. For this reason, make sure that you have worn your contacts several times to determine whether they obscure your ability to see before you attempt any potentially dangerous activity, such as driving at night.

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Discovering Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 204)
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Until recently, shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. In the early 1990's, the first reports of using laser energy to selectively damage and disable actively growing hair follicles were published, and since the mid 1990's, laser hair removal has become the "Gold Standard" for the management of unwanted hair.

People started to crave for the newly discovered laser hair removal, but as they undertook the treatment they found out several side effects. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the side effects are only temporary.

There are several laser hair removal systems available today, but they all work using the principal of selective photothermolysis, in which a carefully timed pulse of laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed and converted to heat energy at the hair follicle.

Because longer wavelength laser light penetrates deepest, the most common lasers used are the Ruby, Alexandrite, Diode, and Nd:YAG lasers, all red or infrared lasers. The bottom line, all of these may be the cause for some side effects that a patient may experience.

The possibility exists that some side effects of laser hair removal can be one of the following:

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Fashion For Cruises

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 513)
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No, I am not going to discuss Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' fashion sense. Going on cruises - you know, aboard a ship - is more than just a vacation. This is a time when dressing up is a must especially in the main dining hall and night socials. Though many cruise ships have loosened their dress code policies, there are still premier lines that keep the old dressing up traditions. It is a good thing, too, because most people who go on cruises are people who want to break the monotony of their lives. Dressing up gives them an opportunity to break from their routine and lets them get the most from their cruise vacation. Dressing up is not really a problem, it is the packing that frustrates many. By many, I mean us, women.

How many times have you tried to shut and zip up an overflowing suitcase only to be denied at the port or airport because your luggage is at least 20 pounds overweight? Dressing up on cruise does not mean that you have to pack your whole wardrobe. Cruise fashion means smart and practical packing. Being stressed out because of too much luggage makes us look haggard even in our best evening dress. Before you pack, it is important to be familiar about your cruise's itinerary. This gives you a general idea what clothes, accessories, and shoes to pack. Since the itinerary and dress code of the cruise is usually printed with the brochure, you should have no problem with this. If you like to be sure, call the travel agency that promotes the cruise. In general, cruises often require that you attend three kinds of activities: a formal social, smart casual affair, and a casual/sporty activity.

Since you won't be spending the day locked up in your cabin, remember to pack good day wear aside from your stilettos. Day wear can mean anything from swimsuits, shorts, t-shirts, and jeans depending on wear you are going. Bahamas cruises certainly merit good swimsuits, sarongs, and other breezy wear. If you are thinking of a Scandinavian tour, hiking boots, jackets, hiking clothes, and gloves are must-haves. Bring sweatshirts, wraps, or lightweight windbreakers for sudden changes in temperatures.

Nighttime aboard on the ship usually involves socials that require dressing up. If your itinerary specifies several strictly formal events, just bring a formal dress or two and key pieces of jewelry. There are dresses that are designed to function in multiple ways: asymmetrical, tube, halter, or with straps. You could buy and pack one of these and save on luggage space. Your staple black dress is fine as long as you change the accessories that go with it. Wraps, shawls, earrings, and necklaces are good additions to your outfit. If you prefer pantsuits, bring a pair of versatile dress slacks and several tops to go with it. Cruise Diva editor Linda Coffman actually advises concentrating on the waist up. People hardly notice what pants or shoes you wear as long as they notice change on your tops and accessories.

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Flowers The Language Of Love

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 196)
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Flowers Truly Reach Your Soul.

Flowers are a heartfelt, natural way to lift our spirits. They can provide a smile for a tired face or brighten a room for a convalescent. Just imagine your favourite flower. Are you smiling yet? You are obviously in a better mood.

There is not a doubt that beautiful surroundings provide us with a favourite environment that helps us thrive. Flowers are an elementary and affordable way to add a splash of color and emotion into your life.

Tropical flowers are an exciting new change from traditional floral gifts like roses , and with modern shipping methods a tropical bouquet is available worldwide. Their massive size and vibrant colors produce an impressive gift for favourite occasions like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, birthdays and anniversaries.

Flowers can be purchased from local florists or even "Grower Direct" services that ship them worldwide. If purchasing flowers to be shipped, it is vital to ensure that someone is waiting to pick up the delivery and that it is not left with the mail on a back porch in the sun all afternoon until someone comes home from at six o

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Vaginal Discharge Std S

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 408)
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Unusual mucus or other substances coming from the vagina is a common problem and this discharge is usually because of some infection and is associated with pain, burning, itching and painful urination. It is not necessary that all the infections are sexually transmitted so you should not assume that vaginal discharge is always an STD.

Irritation of the vagina also known as vaginitis is the most common reason for discharges and is usually caused by infection. There are mainly three types of vaginal infections and these all could be treated with oral or vaginal medications. Such infection tends to produce a distinct discharge:

1. Usually there is a thick, white cottage cheese like discharge that is itching, irritated skin, yeast infection or candidiasis. Women those who suffer from diabetes and those who take antibiotics are more prone to develop such infection. Most of the women face at least one yeast infection at some point in their lives.

2. There is a thin, yellow, foul smelling discharge known as trichomonas that is also transmitted sexually.

3. Other symptoms include thin, gray or white foul smelling discharge known as bacterial vaginosis.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is frequently caused STD that infects the cervix, uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes and is one of the most common and serious complications of an STD. Symptoms include vaginal discharge or bleeding with lower abdominal pain and fever. Chronic PID could result into one or more infections and the most common symptoms that could be identified are gonorrhea or Chlamydia that are sexually transmitted.

Genital Herpes can also produce vaginal discharge and it could affect the cervix. It includes features such as fever, itching, headache and general muscle aches. Some women also get infection inside the uterus and this condition is known as endometriosis causing fibroid tumors, cancer or STD's.

Sometimes a hole develops in the vagina and because of the passageway caused stool or urine passes through the vagina. This problem can develop after a surgery or injury in the area, infection, inflammation or radiation.

Inflammation in the vagina is also caused because of lack of estrogen and as a woman enters into menopause her body produces increasing erratic amount of estrogen. This often makes the vagina dry out and get irritated. This condition is also known as atrophic vaginitis and could be treated by estrogen replacement therapy, vaginal creams or vaginal suppositories.

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Pregnancy And Fibromyalgia

(category: Womens-Issues, Word count: 371)
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Not many people know about the effect of fibromyalgia during pregnancy. In fact, there seems to be contradictory facts between researchers and doctors as to the results of pregnancy on the syndrome. It is generally considered that more fibromyalgia research must be carried out in order to get an accurate concept of what happens to fibromyalgia disorder during pregnancy.

In 1997, a study on fibromyalgia and pregnancy was conducted in Norway. A very few number of pregnant women were involved in this research, some with fibromyalgia and some without. The study found that a vast number of those pregnant women while suffering from fibromyalgia reported a radical boost in the sternness of their symptoms. The third trimester was by far the most difficult during their pregnancy phase, with symptoms increasing frequently. Most of the women in the study said that their symptoms stay on more severe than normal until about three months after they had delivered. They also had a more frequency of post-partum depression. On a positive note, the babies born to fibromyalgia-affected women were all healthy, with normal weight and without any deformities.

Many health physicians however, oppose the concept that pregnancy makes fibromyalgia worse. Doctors who treat fibromyalgic patients actually disagree that pregnancy helps to reduce and even eradicate the symptoms caused by fibromyalgia. According to the reports many pregnant women felt better after their initial vomiting and morning sickness. It is hypothesized that this could be due to the ovarian hormone relaxin. During pregnancy, the quantity of relaxin in a woman's body raise up to 10 times. It has also been established that relaxin supplements help to relieve symptoms in many women with fibromyalgia.

Unless patients have acute complications, most women feel that pregnancy can be pursuable with fibromyalgia. Women with fibromyalgia should keep these things in their mind:

* Women should try to plan her pregnancy at least a year ahead of time, so that the lost strength can be build-up.

* Women should reduce the stress of their life as much as possible.

* They should conceive when the symptoms are comparatively less severe. Conceiving should be avoided during a higher symptom.

Regular consultation with doctors are highly recommended.

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