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Colon-Cancer Articles

Colon Cancer Affects Men And Women Equally

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 743)
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Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Cancerous tumors found in the colon or rectum also may spread to other parts of the body. Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer) is a malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. If signs and symptoms of colon cancer do appear, they may include changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, persistent cramping, gas or abdominal pain. Since colon cancer can grow for years without causing any symptoms, it's best to get regular colon cancer screenings.

Almost all men and women age 50 and older should have a colon cancer screening. Screening tests can help prevent colorectal cancer by finding pre-cancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. For normal risk individuals, screening tests begin at age 50 and the preferred approach is a screening colonoscopy every 10 years; an alternate strategy consists of annual stool test for blood and a flexible sigmoidoscopic exam every 3 to 5 years.

Special screening programs are used for those with a family history of colorectal cancer. Colonoscopic surveillance (also called screening colonoscopy) needs to be available at more frequent intervals for individuals at high risk for colon cancer (for instance, those with a personal history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps; family history of colorectal cancer; non-hereditary polyposis; colorectal cancer; or a pre-disposing condition such as inflammatory bowel disease. Since your genes cannot be changed, if there is a family history of colon polyps or cancer, a colonoscopy should be performed to remove the polyps before they become malignant.

In the area of prevention, researchers are looking at the effects of curcumin (found in curry), resveratrol (found in red wine), ginger and the Mediterranean diet on the growth and development of colon cancer. Recent research suggests that a high fiber, low-fat diet plays a role in prevention; how great a role it plays is unclear. Although the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, it is possible to prevent many colon cancers through: diet and exercise. It is important to manage the risk factors you can control, such as diet and exercise.

A detox program, in most cases shall include a mental shift in attitude towards diet, improving nutrition, removing toxins, returning the desired flora in your internal system, maintaining a balanced pH level in the body and improving the overall mind and body relationship. Diet plays an important role in preventing the development of colon cancer. Diets high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables, such as those that include red meat, fried foods and high-fat dairy products, may increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

A body cleanse diet, is a diet that aims to clean and remove harmful toxins from your body. A well known detox diet for your body is the increasingly popular lemon detox diet, which incorporates a number of ingredients and requires you to consume a drink of these ingredients once everymorning, then drinking water with a hint of lemon juice throughout theday. Generally, a healthy and safe detox diet will not require you to starve yourself, and it contains highly nutritious food that can help to boost your metabolism.

While you are doing your colon cleanse, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and exercise. Exercise is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Light exercise is also a good way of getting the blood circulating in your body. Gentle, no-impact exercise safe and beneficial for people of all ages. There are tons of exercise programs and plans out there, or just walkingfor at least 12-15 minutes a day is beneficial to the colon function.

Detoxification is an efficient process of removing toxins from the body. The bodies natural detoxification system had simply not evolved to deal with the future man made pollutants that were to come. With the increase of toxins within the environment and foods we eat, it is not surprising that the majority of people are at a level of toxicity that is past the point that the bodies own natural detoxification system can cope with. Regular detoxification will help avoid serious problems and keep you feeling better, both mentally and physically. Detoxification kits may be bought from health food stores, or a qualified practitioner or natural physician can recommend detox products.

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New At Home Test Aids In Cancer Screening

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 341)
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There's encouraging news for the millions of Americans at risk for colon cancer. A new, easy-to-use fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is available for at-home screening and is designed specifically to detect colon cancer at its earliest stages.

Hemoccult ICT is a new, safe and affordable FOBT screening option for colon cancer-the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. Despite its high incidence, colon cancer is a highly treatable cancer, with a 90 percent survival rate when detected early. Unfortunately, only half of the more than 80 million Americans over age 50 have been screened for colon cancer.

The American Cancer Society recommends annual screening with a FOBT for both men and women beginning at age 50. Annual colon cancer screening with FOBT has been proven to decrease mortality by 33 percent when compared with no screening. Because colon cancer can take three to 10 years or longer to develop in the average patient, it is important to begin screening prior to developing symptoms.

FOBT vs. Colonoscopy

For years colonoscopy has been the most well-known test in colon cancer screening. While widely regarded as the gold standard, colonoscopy does have some drawbacks:

(*) Colonoscopy costs between $300 and $1,000, and while covered by insurance for many, millions of Americans lack health insurance.

(*) Standard colonoscopy can be overwhelming for some people due to the fact that the procedure is usually done under sedation, and because patients are required to follow a special diet and take a very strong laxative before the exam.

(*) Due to a limited number of trained professionals and the equipment needed to perform the tests, the maximum number of colonoscopies that can be performed in the United States each year can accommodate only a quarter of the Americans in need of screening.

Unlike other available FOBTs, the new Hemoccult ICT has no drug or dietary restrictions-allowing people to begin testing at their convenience. If a test comes back positive, a follow-up colonoscopy typically is recommended.

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A Healthy Colon Is Imperative For Keeping The Body Healthy And Detoxified

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 577)
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With today's active life style's and less than adequate eating habits a healthy colon is imperative for keeping the body healthy and detoxified.

Part of the reason so many Americans have an unhealthy colon is the lack of fiber benefits to their diet. Having a healthy colon is the key to long term health and finding good colon healthy recipes is one way to help keep your body healthy. Constipation, digestive distress, and mucous in your stools are just a few signs that your colon might not be completely healthy, and a healthy colon is absolutely necessary for a healthy body.

Don't let an unhealthy colon become a breeding ground for toxic poisons, parasites, disease and death. Colon therapy can also help rid the body of

parasites without a need for the heavy drugs usually prescribed to treat them. There are a number of colon cleansing products on the market today

that will cleanse the colon as well as expel parasites.

Diets of saturated fats, meats, sugars and processed foods contribute to impacted feces along the inside of the colon wall. However, eating a diet with insufficient fiber is like cleansing dishes without a sponge. A healthy diet full of fiber and probiotics (good bacteria and yeast),

plenty of rest and water, and regular exercise keeps your colon healthy. The problem is that no one who eats a "normal" diet is able to escape

the gradual formation of caked deposits and build-ups on the lining of the colon. Many people might be amazed and disgusted at what actually comes

out of an average "healthy" person during a colonic treatment.

If you want to prevent colon toxicity, chronic disease and premature aging, cleansing your colon is essential. Colon cleansing is the best defense

against colon toxicity developing, as well as maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Take charge of this important bodily function: Get

started cleaning your colon today. There are several products that we believe work very well for getting and keeping a clean and healthy colon and digestive tract. A colon cleansing can actually assist in weight loss as well, in fact some have reported up to a twenty five (25) pound loss almost over night.

A normal healthy colon is the cornerstone of a sound nutritional program assuring normal assimilation of nutritional supplements as well as dietary

food nutrients. A healthy colon is truly essential to one's overall health, especially when you consider that literally everything you eat ends up in your bowels as toxins. One of the most important things you can do to keep a healthy colon is to cleanse your body of toxins, pollutants and impacted fecal matter. The recommended amount of fiber everyone needs to maintain a healthy colon is generally between 20 and 35 grams of fiber a day.

We place significant importance on the products we use to brush our teeth, wash our hair, and cleanse our bodies. Find out as much information as possible, and speak to people who have actually used colon cleansing products and services. The elimination of undigested food and other waste products are as important as the proper digest and assimilation of food stuffs. Psyllium husk and bentonite clay based herbal colon cleansing products are safe and we recommend them as part of your overall getting healthy plan.

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A Mother S Battle With Advanced Colon Cancer

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 116)
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In the fall of 2003, Bridget Beranek, a 44-year-old wife and mother of two young girls, was gearing up for a busy holiday season filled with family functions, parties and shopping. So when she began to lose her appetite and energy, Bridget initially chalked it up to holiday stress.

When the New Year came and went, but Bridget's symptoms were still present, she knew it was more than stress. After several visits to her primary care physician, Bridget saw an internist, and underwent a colonoscopy. In March 2004, she was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer that had spread to her liver.

"I know it sounds clich

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Treatments Coping With Colon Cancer

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 637)
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Patients who receive a diagnosis of colon cancer quickly become depressed and have a lot of unanswered questions about their future. The most important thing for them to realize is that they are not alone and that their friends and family are there to provide love and support.

When dealing with any type of illness, including colon cancer, family and friends are the first thought of a positive support system. Understandably, these same people may be experiencing a lot of emotional pain and anxiety themselves, which stems from seeing their loved on suffering from an illness. If, for these reasons, a cancer patient cannot find support at home, it's a good idea to join a local support group or become involved in an activity that they enjoy. If their health allows it, a cancer patient should continue living life and enjoying every day as possible. While quality of life is very important, making sure to take time out for rest is one of the key points for successful recovery from any illness.

Immediately following diagnosis, a colon cancer patient may want to visit their local library or research the internet for educational resources, of which there are plenty available. This information will help the patient to become better informed and allow them to be more involved with their treatment. It's important to know, and understand, what is happening to the body during an illness, treatments and recovery. It is equally recommended that a patient remain involved in his/her care for as long as possible. This can be achieved by conducting research, asking the physician a lot of questions and preparing for best and worst case scenarios.

Depending on how advanced a cancer patient's illness is, several treatment options are available. If a patient decides to move forward with treatment, he/she may also wish to consult another physician for a second opinion in order to confirm the diagnosis and recommended treatment. The best outcome is to eliminate the cancer completely but, if that is not possible, the doctor may be able to stop the cancer from spreading or to relieve the patient's symptoms and discomfort.

Assuming the patient's health will allow it, and he/she wishes to pursue remedies, the main method of treatment is surgery. Depending on the location and size of the cancer, a doctor may be able to remove all or part of the colon. If a polyp is the only cancer that is known to be present, it may be all that needs removing. In some cases of colon cancer, the patient must wear a permanent colostomy following surgery. This occurs if the cancer is so advanced that it forces the doctor to remove the entire colon.

Another common approach to treating colon cancer is for the patient to begin a series of chemotherapy treatments. This process involves the intake of medicines to help fight the cancer cells, which can either be taken orally or delivered through the patient's veins. This option is often most useful to rid the patient of any lingering cancer cells following surgery. In addition, chemotherapy may be used to control the growth of cancer, relieve symptoms and prolong life. Radiation therapy, often used in conjunction with chemotherapy to help combat various other cancers, is not a treatment used to help colon cancer patients after surgery.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

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Colon Cancer Causes Revealed

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 510)
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Colon cancer is a major illness and one that can cause life altering effects. In fact, this form of cancer is one of the most common in the nation. Most colon cancer patients suffer from polyps, which are abnormal cells that form clusters. When normal cells begin to transform, a potential problem arises. As time progresses, these growths get bigger and can lead to the development of cancer. A vast majority of sufferers have a family history with the disease. In addition, the risk of developing colon cancer increases with age and is most common in those ages 50 and up. Certain individuals simply carry the genetic makeup, which can be identified through a series of tests, that may lead to colon cancer.

While there are no certain ways to pinpoint exactly who develops cancer, or why, there are several risk factors that may increase an individual's chance of developing the illness. Among them, a previous battle with cancer, a family history with colon cancer, poor diets, smoking and obesity. With so many risk factors, one may wonder if there is anything that they can do in order to prevent colon cancer. Studies show that a lot of physical activity or exercise and a low-fat, high-fiber diet may help to reduce the risks. In addition, certain medicines may also help to prevent the disease.

As is the case with many ailments, symptoms are often very similar to those of other diseases. It can be extremely difficult to get an accurate assessment of what's wrong when so many illnesses carry the same symptoms. For this reason, it's important to seek medical attention if an individual experiences abnormal bleeding, weakness, pale complexion or abdominal expansion without weight gain, nausea, any change in bowel movements or weight loss. Each person is different and, as such, symptoms may vary slightly. Because symptoms may either present themselves as severe or barely noticeable, it is recommended that patients be screened regularly for the presence of cancer causing factors.

If left untreated, any type of cancerous cells have the ability to grow and spread throughout the rest of the body. This can lead to the need for further surgery, more intense treatments or, in the worst case, a cancer may become so advanced that it will not respond to treatment. When seeking medical attention, it's important to understand that there are a series of tests that can detect and diagnose colon cancer. A physician will be able to answer any questions that a patient may have regarding treatment options and the likelihood of their success.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

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Colon Cancer

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 357)
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Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine or the large bowel and is a very common kind of cancer, second only to lung cancer in occurrence. The risk of colon cancer is higher in certain groups and ethnicities, as well as in people living in Western industrialized countries. The positive side is that colon cancer also has a very high rate of cure and survival.

Colon cancer is also known as colo-rectal cancer. The large intestine has two sections: the upper portion is the colon and the lower portion is the anus or the rectum. Cancer in the large intestine can spread over both regions, which gives it the name colo-rectal cancer. The colon absorbs water and nutrients during food digestion. The rectum, on the other hand, serves to expel waste material from the body. There are four parts to the colon, and cancer can start developing in any of these parts.

The cancerous growth in the colon usually starts as a polyp. A polyp is a small tissue growth. This polyp will grow into the colon and if left untreated it can develop into cancer over a period of time. A specific type of polyp, called adenomacan, is the primary seed of colon cancer. On an average, it takes 5-10 years for a polyp to reach a diameter of about .5 inch. This takes a further 5-10 years to develop into cancer.

Though 20 years seems enough to detect and treat cancerous development, it is difficult to discern any growth for several years. Thankfully, there are many diagnostic techniques available to successfully detect any cancerous growth or polyps. Some common techniques used in diagnosing and treating colon cancer are barium enemas, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and biopsy. Apart from this, patients can be screened to discern any blood in the stool or unexplained iron deficiency to find out if there is any polyp or cancer developing.

Colon cancer is a widespread disease, and a lot of research is underway to increase survival rates and aid early diagnosis. There are also many foundations that aid colon cancer patients and provide information to people.

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Buddy Bracelet Spreads Awareness Of Colorectal Cancer

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 115)
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Colorectal cancer is 90 percent preventable and 90 percent treatable when detected early, yet it continues to be the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States.

To help spread the message about the importance of early detection, the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation and its 54 partners have joined together to celebrate National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month by introducing the "Buddy Bracelet," a unique and powerful way to promote public awareness of the disease.

"Today, in a sea of colored bracelets, the blue Buddy Bracelet stands out by creating a clever way for people to take their health into their own hands," said Carolyn Aldig

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Colon Cancer And Colon Cancer Prevention

(category: Colon-Cancer, Word count: 334)
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The colon is one of the most important organs in the body. It's intended purpose is to return water and nutrients into our bodies and help us eliminate waste. American diets are low in fiber and digestive enzymes. This causes the body produce digestive enzymes at the expense of immune system enzymes.

The low level of fiber prevents the colon from cleaning itself and causes a buildup of toxic matter in the colon. The buildup of toxic matter in the colon can lead to many health problems, the most serious of which is colon cancer. The weakened immune system is unable to fight the disease.

Colon cleansing helps the body rid itself of toxic matter. This in turn allows the colon to aid in the digestive process and allows the production of immune system enzymes to return to normal.

There are several ways to cleanse your colon. One is hydrotherapy, where a small disposable plastic hose is used to irrigate the colon. A licensed professional must perform this procedure. Similarly, enemas are often thought to cleanse the colon, but they have been shown to only clean the bottom portion and rectum.

Herbal supplements are often used in colon cleansing as well. A plant product called psyllium is most usually the base of these treatments. The psyllium's fiber expands when it comes in contact with water, and the bulky material causes the bowel to contract and expel waste.

There are also oxygen based cleaners that turn the waste into liquid or gas and help it to be expelled.

Another way is to do juice fasting. Juice fasting gives the entire digestive system a much needed rest and for optimal functioning to take place once again after the break.

In a nutshell, colon cancer can be preventable. If you find yourself having meals that are low in fiber, try doing a colon cleanse. A clean colon will mean a healthy colon and a better immune system for your body.

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