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Inspirational Articles

I Wonder Where The Wonder Went

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 885)
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I was a fifth grader the first time I flew on a commercial flight. I remember being amazed that I could get all the soft drinks I wanted for free. I remember the wonder of looking out at the clouds and the topography far below. I remember watching us land. The entire thing was a great adventure and I was full of wonder.

In college, as I flew once in awhile, I always got a window seat - I wanted to be able to watch the ground pass below me. The wonderment of it all - the patterns and beauty of looking out the window was overwhelming. Yes, I would sometimes read or do something else, but much of the flight I would sit... and stare... and be in wonder of it all.

Soon after I started working, I found myself flying a bit more, and it became clear that during my business life that I would fly. I mentioned once to my Mom, who loves to fly, that I'd never lose that great feeling that an airplane flight brings - and that I would always get window seats.

Somewhere along the way from flying once every couple months to flying 100,000 miles per year I moved to the aisle. I lost the wonder of it all. Last week, I had a window seat and stopped working or reading long enough to spend some time looking out the window. Today, as I write this, I have just finished 20 minutes of window gazing. Some of the wonder is back!

There are many things in our lives that we once considered wonderful (full of wonder). Many of those things we now take for granted. All of this makes me wonder, where the wonder has gone.

Where's the Wonder?

I believe seeing the wonder in things around us is one of the ways we make our lives more meaningful and enjoyable. This is one of the reasons we go on vacations. Yes, some people's vacations consist of little more than a beach (which can be wonderful in many ways!). But many more people take time to learn new things on vacations, by going to museums and art galleries. Many of us travel to exotic places to marvel at sites, and cultures and foods. Wonder plays a big part in the allure of these trips and the satisfaction gained from the experiences.

You may be thinking, is wonder really such a big deal? I would say a resounding yes! Why? Think about it, the absence of wonder, is often called boredom, or worse, cynicism. These are not things that people aspire to!

While we can all certainly experience wonder in new things - new locations, new experiences, new books, new ideas, I believe I found an important key to a more enjoyable life outside the plane window. That key is to add more wonder to life by re-capturing past wonder, and finding new wonder in the things I do each day.

Re-discovering Wonder

There are several things we can do to add to the wonder in our lives - to make our lives more wonder-full.

1.Look at things with fresh eyes. Think about things that have become habit for you. The next time you do them, do them as if you were a beginner again. Start with your drive or commute to work. Make it an exercise in finding wonder. For example, perhaps you go by a school on your way. Spend some time thinking about things from your kidhood days in school. Then try this "fresh-eyed" approach to other routine tasks.

2.Make a list of things you found wonderful at different stages in your life. If you write a journal do it there. If not, make these lists instead of watching TV one evening. Once you have the list, spend some time reveling in those wonders. Think too about how you could re-experience those things again.

3.Make a list of wonders you find each day or week. Again, a great journaling task, or a great routine to add to your planning for a new week.

4.Plan a mini-vacation or a day trip to someplace wonderful for you. I grew up on a farm, so a drive in the country in spring or fall is particularly helpful in restoring my sense of wonder in the growing process. Others might find your mini day to be boring - help them see your wonder - and in turn you will experience your own at a deeper level. Then go with them when they try to recapture their own.

5.Go to an old event, focused on different things. The next time you go to a ball game, focus less on the action, and more on the spectators, or vice versa. Go shopping and shop for something entirely different than you usually would. You get the idea.

These are just a few ideas to help you re-infuse your life with wonder. This idea is really taking hold in my life, in small ways each day is more wonder-full and more meaningful as well.

I believe when you choose to rediscover your wonder, you'll benefit in the same ways.

You know, the Mississippi River is an awesome sight from 31,000 feet.

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The Words Do Matter

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 612)
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Air Canada Flight 154

I was boarding a flight in Edmonton, Alberta, bound for Toronto after a long day. As I handed my boarding pass to the Air Canada gate agent, I asked her if she was having a good day. Her response has been in my mind for nearly two weeks. She looked at me, smiled, and said, "All the better for you asking me, thanks."

As I literally skipped down the jetway, I smiled. I have asked hundreds of people if they are having a good day. Never have I received that response. I've heard, "It's ok.", "No not really," and "Fine, thanks." But never, until now, have I heard "All the better for you asking me, thanks."

Her response was gracious and warm. It wowed me as a Customer - giving me a very positive experience with Air Canada (even before I was on the plane!) More importantly, it made me feel special as a human being. Perhaps she was taught to say this by a parent at a young age and it was an automatic response. Even if this were true, her genuine response makes that irrelevant.

What would have been a normal flight was changed by eight words - eight words I am sure I will never forget.

The Internet Essay

Recently I read an essay from one of my favorite writers. Scott Ringwelski writes an essay each week called Positive Pause. Last week's issue starts . . .

" No Problem...actually is.

' No problem.' It seems natural, easy going, off the cuff, casual.

It's a throwaway line for a disposable world.

However, how does your throwaway line and casual attitude translate to those you say it to?"

Scott goes on to say that the two words are actually two negatives, no and problem. Through a wonderful personal story he relates that rather than answering a request with "no problem," it would be much more meaningful and powerful to say "It would be my pleasure." Scott knows, as does my Edmonton friend, that choosing these words can make a huge difference.


A few hours ago my step mother passed away. While there are many ways she blessed my life and there will be many things I will remember about her, the thing that strikes me now is one of her favorite phrases. "Terrific!" Ask Rhea how she was, and she, more often than not, would say "Terrific!" Even over the last few months when she was very ill. When you saw her, or spoke to her on the phone, if you asked how she was, she would say, "Terrific!"

Certainly in these last few months she hasn't always been terrific, at least by most people's standards. Her optimistic reply though, always lifted my day - even if I were calling to try and lift hers.

The Common Thread

In all of these cases, the words chosen by people have made a positive difference to those around them. As a consultant if I think about these word choices, I could easily make a case that using these phrases would be powerful in terms of Customer Service, and internal communications.

Most importantly though is that choosing these words transforms the people who say the words. Think about my Air Canada friend saying, "All the better for you asking me, thanks!", or anyone saying "It's been a pleasure," or "Terrific!"

These phrases recast our thinking and our self talk in a more positive, focused, and accountable way. Indeed, these words can make a big difference in the lives of others, and in our lives as well.

The words do matter. To everyone.

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Do You Know Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 746)
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This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week.

You see one of the best people I know - my Uncle Carl - had a very bad accident this week. While working on the wood lot with his son, his hand got caught in a log splitter. In the end the damage was so severe that his left hand had to be amputated.

Although no longer a young man, my uncle is very active and enjoys working with his hands. He is right handed but clearly the use of two hands was an important part of his former life and just as clearly that will have to change.

I was devastated when I heard the news and am still shaken by it - even more so when I think about how much worse the accident could have been. My whole family is upset, especially Uncle Carl's wife and children, most notably my cousin John who was with him at the time.

As I worked through my worry and grief I kept asking myself that question: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

I know people often say this when tragedy occurs, but this is not simple lip service - it is fact. My uncle is a good man.

He is a very strong family man who is still married to his high school sweetheart. He loves his four children as well as his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a devoted son when his parents were alive and is loved by his siblings, nieces and nephews. He and his wife opened their home to many children and young people over the years and continue to open their home and hearts whenever family, friends, or community require it.

He has worked hard all his life - using his hands to service the land and master machinery and using his broad shoulders and strong muscles to complete every task set before him.

He has played an important role in his community serving as a volunteer firefighter as well as a cornerstone of his church congregation.

Yes, he is a good man, but his life has not been easy though and I had to question why one more burden needed to be added to his heavy load.

Many Christians will say that God sends us trials to test us. And there might be some truth in that. Many of us are stronger than we think and it takes difficult challenges to make this clear. But I didn't think this applied to my uncle - he has had many challenges over the course of his life and I think he has a good handle on his own strengths.

However loss also highlights what we have and perhaps have taken for granted. Yes, my uncle has had a difficult life but he has also had a tremendously rewarding one. I don't think there really is much that my uncle wishes for or envies in others. Yes, his siblings may have more money and professional success, but I am confident that Carl would not trade his wife and family for that money any day of the week. And I secretly suspect that if he did in fact have more money that it would be spent in large part on his loved ones.

And he is greatly loved by a great many people. Not just by his immediate and extended family but by the many people whose lives he has touched. I know there are prayers on his behalf winging from coast to coast. I don't think he'd trade that love and the respect that accompanies it for all the professional success his siblings have enjoyed.

We can grieve with him for the loss of his hand, but we can't pity him when we look at the many gifts that God has given him.

What is more, when you step back and take a look at the man he is then you do not even notice the missing hand. He is so much more than the simple sum of his parts and in the end it is the size of his heart that one notices most.

It is important to note that it was his right hand that was preserved - the very hand he has extended so many times to others to offer love, friendship, and help.

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Build Confidence With Strategies That Really Work

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 481)
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Wouldn't it be grand if we could just wake up in the morning, brush our teeth and put on our confidence for the day?

Well, for those of us who don't have a drawer full, here are 4 simple strategies that will help you build confidence.

1. Accentuate the positive.

Be your own best friend. What do you tell a friend who's tried something new, whether or not it turned out well? At least you tried something new- good for you!

Accentuate the effort it took in doing something, rather than the final outcome. (You'd do it for your best friend, wouldn't you?) We all have limitations. The key is to accept that you have them without dwelling on them.

2. Don't be afraid to take some risks.

When you are about to embark on a new experience, do you spend your time worrying so much about the outcome you aren't enjoying the moment? If you look at new things in your life as a chance to learn something, it opens up the possibility of you becoming good at that something.

If you spend your time dreading the outcome, you'll turn any opportunity there might have been into a failure. What's more, we can't grow when we are frozen with fear. Don't set yourself up to fail. If you do, look at number one, again!

3. Use self-talk to keep assumptions away.

We all use self-talk. The key is to use it in a way that we don't form bad thoughts that can lead to permanent doubts. Catch yourself using negative self-talk and cancel it with something positive and not based on assumptions!

Build confidence by not expecting perfection from yourself at all times. You can only do your very best at something. Nobody can do everything perfectly, so why do you assume that you should be able to?

4. Learn to rely on your self-evaluation.

If you always rely on the opinion of others, you'll always be wondering what they think! That does nothing to build confidence - it tears it down, by giving away your personal power to others.

Focus on the real you, inside, to find out how you feel about your own actions, how you've been doing your job, etc. You'll be developing a strong sense of who you are.

It's important to remember that no one can be self-confident all of the time. In fact, you'll build confidence faster and easier once your realize that.

Most people with low self-esteem or who lack in confidence are that way because of unrealistic expectations. They expect more from themselves than they do others.

A person with low self-esteem will think nothing about calling him or herself a 'stupid idiot.' They wouldn't dream of saying that to someone else. To build confidence it's a good idea to be your own best friend.

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3 Simple Keys To Getting Rid Of Fear

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 515)
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Fear is your enemy - no other way to describe it. I'm not talking about that natural life preserving action along with a major boost of adrenalin that happens if a wild animal is coming at you. I'm talking about the fears people live with day in and day out.

Fear is your enemy. Someone once described fear as, "Sand in the machinery of life." Fear doesn't help you, it hinders you. Fear doesn't get you through an open door; it keeps you in the hallway. Fear never helps you put your best foot forward; it just keeps both of your feet in cement.

The psychology of today is, "Learn to live with your fears", "Embrace your fears", "It's normal to have fears - everybody does."

It's true; lots of people do have fears. And there are people who are trying to learn how to live with their fears, and embrace them.

But if it's "normal" to have fears, then why would the Bible talk about being delivered from all your fears?

Think about it - if it's normal to have fears, and you had no fears, then you would be abnormal, right? Well why would God want you to be abnormal?

He doesn't. He truly desires for you to be set free from all your fears.

There are many facets and aspects of fear. One of the big ones is having fear of what others think of you. People do things, say things, and even buy things because of the fear that they have of what others think.

Many times people join clubs or organizations because they are afraid that if they don't, others might think badly of them.

People say things and talk a certain way because they are afraid that they might not say the right thing in front of the right people.

People purchase items because of fear not measuring up to those around them. And on and on it goes.

You don't have to live with fear. Here are 3 simple keys to getting rid of fear.

First, start by realizing that God truly loves you and that His love for you is unconditional. The Bible teaches that nothing can separate you from His love. Nothing. His love for you does not change, ever!

Second, ask God to help you to get rid of all your fears. He has promised to deliver you from all your fears. That is His desire for you - a life without fear.

Third, make decisions based on what is best for you, not how it may or may not appear to others. You'll never, ever be able to please everyone, so stop trying to. You'll never, ever be right in everybody's eyes, so stop trying to.

When you make a decision, ask yourself, "Why am I making this decision? Is it based on fear?" Make decisions based on what is right and best for your life, regardless of what others think.

You can live without fear.

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Living Profoundly

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 234)
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When you realize that you really want to have an impact in this world, to make a difference, remember that it is in each moment that you are alive and in the present. When you are too busy worrying about what you don't have, what you have to do, where you've been, and what you don't have, you're not in the present; you're consumed by the past you can't change and the future that has yet to happen. There is no impact in either place.

The impact is here and now. Stop, check in, and connect in relationship with those around you. Be present, make the impact with those you see in your life today. Your future will unfold more powerfully and profoundly than you could ever imagine when you focus on the right things; relationships, people, love and community.

Being present will engage you in ways that will offer you greater insights into who you are; what others see in you; what gets you excited; and where you are going with your life. Giving time to others in the moment will enrich your experience of living as the energy of two create new possibilities. It's never about what you get; it's always about what you give! With greater awareness, that can only come through the being present, you will experience better decision-making and a much more profoundly lived life.

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Having Faith In God S Word And His Healing Power

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 240)
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The Word of God cannot work without Faith. You cannot understand without Faith. Speak the word of Healing and you will be healed. Faith is certain of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God's word is living and active. It penetrates to driving our Body, Mind and Soul.

Praise the Lord in the mist of the Problem.

Ask God for his Help.

Listen to the Lord.

Pray for deliverance.

Always think Positive.

Raising the bar is getting closer to God.

Every Season in your Life has a Purpose.

Our Lives are determined by the Season's.

Go from Pain to Power.

God cannot Heal a thing by saying it is not there.

You must admit your Present Condition.

Your true Beauty is in your Inner Self.

Life and Death are in the Power of the Tongue.

Your Mind plays an important role in your Victory.

Nothing is to Hard for God.

Life is Lived from the Inside Out.

All we have is Today

The Future is the Past that has not happen Yet.

God is in Control of History he Work out everything for his Purpose.

God never brings you Out without bringing you Into.


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We Must Make Our Environment Favorable For Era Transformation

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 2239)
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No doubt individual efforts and endeavours are important and they should be respected and encouraged. At times these lone individual efforts are so intense that it not only influences the individual but transforms and influences the cosmic world. Of course these are exceptions but it proves beyond doubt that each human being is God's prince and that he potentially has all divine powers albeit latent in his psyche. If man so desires he can convert these latent powers into active powers so as to enact amazing tasks at the cosmic level. People with radiant minds do exactly this. Such radiance gets re-instated as great men and with their extraordinary endeavor solve contemporary problems of the world. The divine incarnations of God are of this level. Their special leadership qualities at the world level, bestow on them, the title and respect of "God". This is a description of the peak of greatness of an individual.

Despite all this the deep import of the environment stays put in its position. Its influence is noted at every step and there is an intense need that this environment should be made favourable. For this the only solution is congregational spiritual endevaour. Presently these efforts are being used, to achieve the goal of manifesting Era Power (Yuga Shakti).

The influence of the environment can be known by noting the differences in the shape and inner nature of men. It is the environment that induces skin color, differences of brown, yellow, white, black etc. These special qualities called hereditary qualities, that influence the skin color, ultimately are related to the difference in environment in different nations and regions. The small large forms of human beings are as per one's nation and region. The difference of bodily might in Punjabis and Bengalis (of India) can be attributed to influence of the environment. On an average majority of the people of Uzbekistan (in Russia) live for 100 years. There is nothing special about their eating habits, material comforts etc. Like other people they too eat what others eat but live upto 100 years. Then what is the reason behind these people living a long life of 100 years? The answer is the influence of the regional environment on their bodies.

There are differences not only at the body level but also at the inner nature level. This is the influence of the gross and subtle environment. The basis of the differences regarding culture, civilization etc. is how has the belief, mental inclination and habit been molded in which region and in which direction is the flow of the thinking and activities of these people? This flow does not change easily. Hence it is believed to be a difference in culture and it is nourished too. These special qualities not only overflow in one's inner nature but it also abounds in one's ideals.

There are different levels of beasts, plants, ores etc. on the basis of the differences of the environment. When one compares animals of one country with those of another, only the external shapes differ but there is a vast difference as far as their physical might is concerned, the capacity to give milk etc. The different amount of wool present on a sheep's body is attributed to the difference of environment in various regions. There is a great difference between dogs bred in mountains and those of the countryside. The potential to endure seasonal changes is attributed to the subtle special characteristics of that area. These creatures of cold regions can endure cold and those of hot regions can endure heat with relative ease whereas this becomes difficult for those born in different conditions at the time of change. Those traveling in fast moving vehicles often complain of ill health. This is because the endurance power of the body, fails to adjust with environmental changes.

Differences have been noted in the shape, smell, taste etc. amongst herbs, plants, fruits, flowers etc. Despite the fact that the name and form of herbs grown in various regions are said to be identical, yet there is an extraordinary difference as far as their chemical nature and other qualities are concerned. Differences have been noted in the shape and nature of birds, insects etc. The differences seen in the characteristics of snakes, scorpions, lizards, spiders etc. seem to be based on species' differences, yet even these have their roots in differences based on the environment.

Differences are noted amongst regions of various countries as far as conditions, traditions, beliefs, likings and culture are concerned. Children born in various regions imbibe that particular mental attitude and nature, due to the influence of that particular environment. The thinking, nature and actions of such children are similar to that of other people living in that region. When there is a pressure of the majority, the minority start imitating the majority. This is called trend of time, flow of that era etc. As soon as seasonal changes occur, like summer, winter etc. the characteristics of all creatures, plants and materials too change. A lot of changes take place in our activities when the season is favourable.

Scientists know that everything present and produced on earth is not the result of some accident and it cannot be called a creation of human beings. Over here quite a few things take place wherein lies the hand of subtle powers and not of human beings. The spots seen on the sun, change with the change in state of the sun. Such solar changes deeply influence our planet Earth. Amazing changes are noted in the state of material objects and conditions of all creatures as a result of solar changes. We are fully aware of how radiations, magnetic storms, storms, cyclones make ordinary circumstances extraordinary. Due to interstellar space invisible energy rains showers, snow eras have manifested on earth time and again. Situations of water floods, oceanic changes and partial annihilation have been noted. If in future extraordinary changes in material objects of earth or state of living beings are noted, its instrumental cause will be interspace invisible movements and not ordinary events. During times of floods, famine, intense snow, epidemics etc. man becomes totally helpless.

A person is generally independent and powerful in his life. Despite this his status is ordinary as far as the movements and condition of the cosmos is concerned. He cannot induce rain from clouds overflowing with water that stand on his head. He fails miserably when it comes to obstructing old age and death. His authority over circumstances is negligible. Rarely can he save himself from the flow of time. He cannot stop winter season from manifesting and at the most, he tries to overcome cold by wearing warm clothes and lighting fire.

So it is very clear that man is influenced by the environment. People of different nations live a life that is influenced by their national traditions and thinking. Within that it is the influence of the environment that is at work and not their material brilliance.

With the congregation of consciousness, favourable changes can be induced in the atmosphere. Many a times such inspirations overflow from the invisible world, that within that storm, man's intellect flies about like dry leaves and grass. The urge for war abounds. During such times many experience the need of a major war and are ready to fight. A very strange frenzy looms large in society. There is no need to talk about it or explain it. The speed and heat in the air is such that the layman's intellect gets hypnotized and thus it flows with the trend of time. Scholars of public psychology know very well how during gigantic war frenzies and regional riots, the environment gets incited and heated up. Just like this war frenzy other subtle flows too manifest time and again and work like storms, to induce infinite intellects to follow in its footsteps.

There was a time when there was a flow of democratic thoughts which uprooted rule of Kings and replaced it with the miracle of people voting for their desired government. Then a wave of communism manifested wherein under the leadership of Russia, many Asian and European countries too followed in its footsteps. Today half the people of the world accept communism and they either wholly or partially follow in its footsteps. These thought flows of democracy and communism can be counted as intense waves of this era. Time and again waves of lesser utility, like feudalism, casteism, capitalism, socialism etc. too have raised their hoods. A wave is a wave. An onlooker on the seashore witnesses the terrible ebb and flow of the oceanic waves. Many a times various thought waves too manifest like this which carries alongwith it, innumerable intellects and transports them to far off lands.

Lord Buddha's Wheel of Time was predominantly flow oriented and not based on materialism. Material created a flow. And flow created materials. It was not as though Harshvardhan, Ashok and other kings had unitedly appointed Buddha as a religious preacher. It was Buddha who heated up the subtle atmosphere and due to that heat thousands of wise, capable and wealthy humans joined him in spreading his message. Every religious leader of the past, by heating the atmosphere in their individualistic manner, induced waves of acceptance of their holy message and in that stream swam innumerable followers. Even in those countries which cut asunder the bondage of alien rule, the waves of independence manifested and as a result, terrific movements ensued so as to reach their goal. Those who know the precepts of the subtle and invisible environment are fully aware of the might of such waves. Its stormy night cannot be compared to any other force of the world. If one can understand the nature and deep import of the inspiration of that flow which induced monkeys of the Ramayana era to valiantly jump into the fire, it will be clear that the subtle environment has as much amount of power to lure the humans of the world, to walk in the direction of a particular flow, which is no less powerful than movements based on material paraphernalia.

One cannot depend on advertising instruments for public acceptance and cooperation as much as one can go on the favourable nature of the environment. There is a greater possibility of success, if the flow of the subtle world cooperates in our endeavour. If the wind is flowing from behind, it is easy for ships, airplanes and even people to walk on roads and they can thus move very fast to reach their destination. If the environment becomes vile, terrible epidemics ensue and in a short time span thousands of people die. Due to intense cold in the environment living beings are seen to shiver. Many people are influenced by a sorrowful environment in their house. One can see how different the environment is of a temple and that of a slaughter house. In Spiritual Science the importance of the subtle world and its environment supersedes all material apparatus of the world. For Era Transformation we will have to make intense efforts based on Spiritual Science so as to make favourable the environment.

Scriptures give us proof of the methods used time and again by Spiritual Scientists so as to purify the subtle world. Despite the victory of Lanka, the task of balancing the distorted environment during Ravana's era remained unfulfilled. Lord Rama had fulfilled his vow of executing 10 Ashwamedha Yajnas on the Dashashwamedha Ghat. Despite the death of demons like Kansa, Duryodhan, Jarasandha etc. the distortions of the Mahabharat era continued to prevail in the environment. Lord Krishna saw the need of its purification and hence asked the Pandavas to perform the Rajasuya Yajna. The Asuras came to know of the gigantic Yajna performed by Maharshi Vishwamitra meant to weaken demonic force and thus with the help of demons like Tadka, Subahu, Marich etc. they tried to obstruct these Yajnas. Ram and Lakshman were sent to protect those Yajnas. Yajnas have played a great role in carrying out solutions for social problems. Japa (Mantra chanting) too is a Yajna like the Agnihotra (fire sacrifice). Materials are needed for a fire sacrifice but Mantra chanting Yajnas, do not need many materials. Yajnas are generally congregational. In it one sees the miracles of the spiritual endeavour of Hotas (preists). When Japa Yajnas (Mantra chanting) are carried out by many Mantra chanters a great amount of congregational power manifests. Such congregational spiritual practices are called Purascharanas. Purascharanas carried out for special goals via penance based congregational resolves, too make the environment conducive.

Era Transformation is the biggest, most intense, most widespread and most important task of our world. For that not ordinary and limited, but extraordinary and unlimited energy is required. For this there will be a need of material apparatus yet the root source of energy will be spiritual. To transform and purify the public's psyche is the task of spirituality. Hence the energy required too should be of this level. The greatness or lowliness of the environment is dependent on congregational thinking. Its manifestation is possible only via intensely powerful, congregational righteous programs based on congregational spiritual practices. Today all of us are endeavouring in this direction. One can hope that the results of these pious efforts will play an extraordinary role in the great goal of Era Transformation.

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Breathing The Way Back To Balance

(category: Inspirational, Word count: 225)
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"If you don't like what's happening in your life, change your mind."

This brief quotation from the Dalai Lama reminds me that my experience of life changes as I do. As I change, I change the way I influence - and am influenced by - my surroundings.

How are you inventing your life today? How does the way you think affect your actions? And how might you become more aware of the process?

A centering breath is a place to start.

When you're stressed, in conflict, or otherwise under pressure, do you hold your breath? Most people do. When you stop the natural flow of air, you become tense and unbalanced, physically and emotionally. Your body, mind and spirit are disconnected.

One of the easiest ways to regain your balance is to start breathing again. Open your throat, relax your body and allow inspiration to take place. Inspiration-a great word, isn't it? Your breath is your life energy that connects to inner wisdom, resources and strength.

A good way to practice centering is to notice how often you hold your breath. The awareness will trigger you to start breathing again. The more you notice, the less you'll hold your breath, and the more relaxed and centered you'll be. Try it. And let me know what happens!

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