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Stress-Management Articles

Stress Relief Identifying Stress

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 777)
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Stress relief basic tips. In order to fight stress and decrease stress level in your life you must first identify it and make sure you know your plan to overcome stress, including short terms targets and long term goals.

The "fight or flight" theory - when faced with increasing stress, a person has two ways to confront the problem, the first is to distance himself from the situation, thus solving the immediate need for stress relief (but not necessarily solving the problem, since people need to return to some places) the second is dealing with the problems, solving or eliminating them and simply fighting the stress away. These are the two options you have when dealing with increasing stress, in many cases it is recommended to stay and fight, and in others you can simply cut yourself away from the stressful situation.

One example is a failing marriage, day after day of fights and arguments, insults and acquisitions, inevitably creates an ongoing stressful life, while most people will feel the need to "flight" from the situation right away most choose to stay and fight, only after all attempts to solve the problems and reach a better relationship fail they will choose to end the marriage. On some cases, however, people forget that they have the option of distancing themselves from the situation, and are determined to solve a potentially unsolvable problem, sometimes leading to years and years of constant stress and inability to advance.

Try and be as honest as you can with yourself while reading this next few lines, almost everyone suffers from stress at some points in their lives, and you are no exception, it is only when this symptoms are continues and prolonged that you should start to move into solving them.

Stress has real, clear physical symptoms, some people think that a mental, mind problem will express itself exclusively in the mind, it is not so. There are many "real" physical symptoms that accompany increased stress, if you think about it for a minute, you will understand that it is very easy to spot a stress person when you see one.

Stress may cause sleep problems, lack of sleep, inability to sleep, or oversleeping are all potential indicators of stress. Back or neck pain and stiffness are also indications of stress, as well as back pain. Headaches have been found to be related to stress, to the point you can hear someone saying that he has a "stress headache", try and think of the kind of headaches you get and when you get them, some of them may be related to stress.

The digestion system also suffers the effects of stress, including heartburn and gas, stomach pain and cramps, constipation and diarrhea. Hair loss has also been found to be related to increased stress. Skin problems may also indicate stress, in some cases causing them and in others making them worst, disease like psoriasis and eczema tend to significantly turn bad under stress.

Everyone reacts differently to stress, some people get into a semi depressive mood and stop eating and loss weight, others get into a bulimic state and eat their stress away thus gaining weight. Stress is also a main reason for chronic fatigue.

As a main reason for heart disease and heart attacks, stress has a strong connection with all of the expressions of heart pain, high blood pressure, palpitations (heart beats fast) or irregular heart beat, pain in the chest, pressure on the chest, inability to breath, sweaty palms, cold or hot waves.

On the emotional side, stress has even clearer symptoms. It is surprising to find out that a lot of people ignore these emotional warning signals, or get used to them without questioning the reasons behind them. If you feel that you are experiencing a few of these symptoms, you might suffer increasing stress. On the other hand a lot of these emotional symptoms are stress related and sometime not directly linked to stress.

It is not difficult to identify signs of emotional stress, an increased sense of nervousness or anxiety, symptoms of depression (moods swings, anti social feelings), an "edgy" feeling, anger and frustration, lack of concentration and memory problems and a tendency to over react to situations.

All these things listed about are symptoms of stress, there may be more symptoms, but we think we got most of them, now the question is what to do if you feel that while going over this list you have a lot of stress symptoms... the answer is first try and identify the source of your stress in your efforts for stress relief.

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Keep The Little Things Little

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 470)
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Too much stress? Get dressed before bed, make breakfast the night before, and work with the little voices ... say what?

Ever feel you have too much stress in your life? Most of know there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress challenges us, helps us be productive, creative and leaves us feeling better for having coped.

Some stress isn't good for us, especially if it lasts for longer periods of time. Most articles I've read suggest we have no control over 90 percent of stressors that could impact us. They are probably going to happen whether we like it or not.

Do we turn a blind eye? Are there little things we can do to mitigate the daily stressors we all face? I'm talking little things.

One of my neighbors, Dr. David Posen has written three books relating to stress and lifestyle management. He observes we all have a little voice in our heads that talks to us. These internal conversations can be positive or negative. The good news is we can control the type of dialogue we have. In my business I work with top sales professionals. One of my areas of focus is helping them understand the power of positive self talk. Managing these little voices can significantly impact their business goals and improve their personal life.

Dr. Posen in his latest book offers 52 "prescriptions" he believes can have a profound and positive effect on lifestyles. I'm not a doctor so I can't write a prescription. I can share some 'little things' I've done for the past 20 years that have worked for me.

In the morning, have you ever worried what you are going to wear for the day? Why not make that decision the night before. Before you go to bed, lay everything out. You may think it funny, but I lay out my clothes the night before, including my socks and underwear! I extended this to breakfast. Just before I go to bed, I program the coffee maker; lay out my cereal bowl, coffee cup, juice glass and multivitamin. Does it save a lot to time? Maybe not but if my most difficult thing to remember in the morning is the coffee goes in the cup and juice in the glass, them I'm off to a good start. Next thing I do is organize the little voices in my head. It's going to be a great day. I will be productive. I will not let others actions impact my behavior. That's it. I get on with my day and try not to let the little things become big things.

Take charge of the little things you can control - and if you don't already do so, start singing in the shower!

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5 Tips On How To Build Self Confidence Today

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 684)
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There are very few people who could call themselves perfect and be right. Most of us need to build self confidence today, but the majority just either ignore the issues or concentrate on the negatives: stress, worry, jobs, money problems and relationship issues. Concentrating on these areas drains our self confidence rather than improving it.

If you could improve your self confidence you could make more money, look and feel better physically, or just be more relaxed with other people. Below there are five simple techniques that have been proved to help build self confidence today.

1. Talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but it works. All of us have a running monologue constantly in our heads, whether we realize it or not. Everything we see, hear, or touch sparks off an immediate dialog in our thoughts.

For those who lack confidence this monologue is filled with negative messages many of which are the negative side of adverts from television, radio, advertisement boardings, newspapers, and just overhearing other people talk.

These negative thoughts literally suck energy from our minds and bodies and block the flow of positive messages. We need to hear the positive messages as they will build self confidence today and raise our self esteem. Take control. Use your inner thoughts to talk to yourself in a positive manner, as often as you can.

As an example one of my regular sayings is "I like myself, I like myself, I like myself". I just repeat it for a couple of minutes. It sounds cheesy, but does build self confidence today - Try it. I bet that if you go to the mirror right now and repeat out loud "I like myself!" 50 times, it will be impossible to keep from smiling.

2. Dress as smartly and as classily as you can. You wont feel at your best if you don't look your best. You will be amazed at just how much more confidence you will have just looking your best. It just feels good when you are wearing your best clothes, are well groomed, and are surrounded by a clean environment. So what if it is Saturday, you need to build self confidence today not next week. Put on your nice clothes, get the car washed, style that hair! A hairdresser once told me "Everyday is show time!"

3. Increase your self esteem even more by giving thanks to what you are, how you look, and what you are doing. Say "thank you" to yourself to everything you see, all whom you meet, and each smile that you receive.

4. Stand or sit correctly: How you stand sends out a message to the World, and in turn, back to you. This results in improving how you feel about yourself and will build self confidence today and every day.

There is scientific evidence that shows how posture affects our mood. Do not slouch. Slouching produces a down mood. By slouching you are telling the world and yourself it doesn't matter, you don't matter. Standing tall and upright will actually lift your mood. Help build up your confidence by pulling back those shoulders, stop that slouch, and walk proud.

5. Smile. Just smile and things seem better somehow. Practice smiling regularly and get your facial muscles used to the physical act of smiling.

Go to the mirror and smile - make yourself. Not a grimace, but a proper smile. If you don't think you can try this:

1)Open your eyes as wide as you can - (try and get your eyebrows right up to you hair line)

2)Slightly open your mouth

3)Pull the corners of your mouth back towards your ears (If your not sure pull them back with your fingers so you know what it feels like then try again without your fingers).

4)Repeat 50 times. Get your facial muscles used to smiling and you will smile more and encourage smiles from others. This will make you feel happier and with that you'll build self confidence today.

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Use Meditation To Relieve Stress

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 561)
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Meditation is a form of alternative medicine that promotes relaxing and mental calmness through the use of controlling or suspending thoughts for a certain period of time. Since meditation involves physical and mental relaxation, it's a great way to relieve stress.

When some people hear about meditation as a way to relieve stress, they laugh and think it's a bunch of baloney. They think that meditation is not a viable solution to eliminating stress. But research has shown that meditation works and is a practical technique for stress management.

The most notable research on meditation's usefulness in relieving stress was done in 1968 by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University. He conducted a series of experiments on popular meditation techniques and published his findings in the book "The Relaxation Response." He discovered that meditation has a "real effect on reducing stress and controlling the fight-or-flight response." Dr. Benson wrote that meditation increased the skin's resistance to damage or infections, slowed the heartbeat and breathing rate, and reduced oxygen consumption.

Meditation is all about consciously relaxing your mind and body for a period of time. Meditation means that you need to focus inwardly so that your mind is basically so busy concentrating on breathing and body form that there's no time to think about the events that are causing you stress.

The act of meditation is actually quite simple to do. Meditation does not require you to be a mystic or to be very spiritual. Meditation is something that anyone can do almost anywhere.

When you prepare yourself for meditation, be sure to set aside a certain amount of time where you're guaranteed not to be interrupted. Meditation doesn't require hours of practicing at a time for it to be effective in reducing stress. Practicing meditation is ten- or twenty-minute time slots is definitely good enough.

Effective meditation requires that you're in a comfortable, quiet environment. This means that when you practice meditation, you should make sure that you're wearing comfortable, unrestrictive clothing. The atmosphere temperature (whether you're indoors or outdoors) should also be comfortable for you in order to make your meditation session as stress fighting as possible.

Stress-relieving meditation is all about concentration. Once you're fully comfortable (you can sit or lie down) close your eyes. Focus your attention of your breathing throughout your entire meditation session. Count your breaths. You can even say the numbers out loud to discourage your mind from wandering to other thoughts.

Another way to control wandering thoughts when you're in a meditation session is to use imagery. Imagery is very popular in meditation. All you have to with imagery is focus on something you consider refreshing or pleasant. Music is also a popular way to help mind concentration during meditation. You can do a monologue hum. Or you can use some soothing music that features plenty of nature sounds.

The key to meditation is mind control. When you learn to control your mind, you can control your thoughts, and you'll be able to better control the functions of your muscles. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to learn not to let your mind wander to other thoughts while you're in a meditation session. But once you've mastered meditation, you'll discover you'll be able to do it almost anywhere to relax when you're feeling overwhelmed with stress.

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5 Tips For Surviving An Unfair Boss

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 692)
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Every job has stress, but the workplace environment can seem almost unbearable when working for an over-demanding or unfair boss. You don't have to like your boss, but you do need to be able to co-exist and co-operate with him for you to be productive and successful at your job.

Other than a change taking place, as I discussed in the article 'Unhappy at Work? A Change is Coming,' there is no perfect solution for dealing with a difficult boss, but here are five suggestions that might make your situation a little less painful.

#1) Think of your boss as a parent and you as his teenage child.

This sounds silly at first, but the relationship between you and your boss is very similar to that between a parent and child. Teenagers often have problems with authority and experience disagreements with their parents. Meanwhile, parents often create rules the child believes to be unfair. If the situation gets bad enough, as soon as the child is old enough he finds a way to move out and make it on his own. Parents aren't perfect and neither are bosses - both will make mistakes.

#2) Do the absolute best job you can.

Sometimes the child misbehaves.

J. Paul Getty once said, "The employer generally gets the employees he deserves."

Make sure you are the type of employee you would want working for you if you were the boss. I know this goes against the notion of revenge and tucking it to an unfair boss whenever possible, but by doing the best job possible you give the unfair boss less ammunition he can use to make your life miserable. He also might think twice about upsetting one of his better employees when there are plenty of other, easier targets he can take aim at.

Don't draw attention to yourself. Unless you are the only one your boss has it in for, there should be plenty of others to draw his wrath away from you. Let someone else wear the target on their back.

#3) Learn all that you can from an unfair boss.

We can learn something from everyone we come into contact with. While from a good boss we can learn good management techniques, it is also true that from a poor boss we can learn how not to act. Don't just suffer, gain something from the situation that will benefit you in the future. Watch how your boss handles different situations and make a mental note of which techniques worked and which failed.

#4) Forget about yesterday.

Yesterday is history, it's over with. Try not to let your issues from yesterday spoil today. Instead, start each day with a new, positive outlook, telling yourself that today is going to be better.

Sometimes we get into a rut, expect the worse and act accordingly - we subconsciously force a person (in this case, our boss) to act the way we expect him to act. Make sure you are not unintentionally adding fuel to the fire. Starting each day with a fresh slate is the best way to get past previous differences. Holding onto a grudge only hurts yourself.

#5) Take responsibility.

Don't expect someone else to end your suffering.

Complaining is easy, but it accomplishes very little. Worrying about a problem won't make it go away while losing sleep and dwelling on an issue only makes it seem worse. You will never be happy if you are focusing on worry. If you are truly in a situation that is causing you pain, you need to begin taking steps to improve the situation.

The Roman Philosopher Sallust said, "Every man is the architect of his own fortune."

Have you actually looked for another job? Have you tried to improve your skills through in-house training, adult learning centers, books or correspondence courses? Even the smallest step in the right direction is progress. An obstinate boss won't change his ways, but you can improve your own skills. Why not let your difficult boss be the motivation you use to better yourself?

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Stress Can Visualization Help

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 487)
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I am under stress right now. Please don't bother me. I am facing real bad stress at my work place. Please tell me what can be done? Our relationship is under great stress. Can we not try anything to reduce it? My kids put me under so much stress. I feel helpless. And so on. Stress is one of the most commonly used words. Let us try to understand how to fight it. And this article is timely as April is Stress awareness month.

How is Stress defined? Pressure, strain, anxiety, worry etc. All those negative states that make living difficult are commonly termed as stress. Any time, when the locus of control goes beyond our capacity, we feel stressed. As far as we are in control, we are able to cope it, and as soon as we begin losing control, we experience stress.

The worst part of stress is the common methods used to fight it. Smoking and alcohol are common stress busters. Even overeating for some of us is a stress buster. All these put more pressure on our mind and body and lead to diseases.

What are the easy ways to beat stress? Would getting away from the stressful situation for some time help? Yes it can, and if we add an exercise of imagination where we imagine of someone else facing stress and visualizing his/her responses, that can give us many insights to our situation. Try this. Imagine that someone else is facing the situation of yours. Observe that person carefully. Read the mind of that person. Note the physical signs. Observe how she/he is reacting. Keep yourself totally uninvolved, though it is yourself you are thinking about. This exercise may give you some key insights to your reaction to stress. Now imagine of this person responding to the stressed person relaxingly. Watch the stress dissolving. Note how the person has suddenly begun looking in control. Do this few times when ever you face stress that may be overwhelming you. Visualization helps many of us. If you also get some help with such an exercise, you will beat stress in the initial stage itself and keep your control with yourself.

A very good method of reducing stress is listening to peaceful music and reading motivational text messages. You can do that sitting right in front of your desktop with good screensavers and wallpapers of motivation, living, daily thoughts, success thoughts etc.

Stress takes away control from us. When we get the control back, stress disappears. Control may be got back only by fighting the stress causing situation and finding solutions. That can be done only if we are confident and relaxed. Visualization helps us achieving that state. This is a simple exercise. Try it. Never take stress lightly. As soon as you find that stress is causing you more damage than you can cope up with, take professional help.

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Turn Holiday Hassles Into Holiday Happiness

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 362)
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All too often we look forward to the Holidays only to become overwhelmed, stressed out and ultimately lose our joy. Here are a few things you can do to stay in the spirit of the season and enjoy it to its fullest.

First, ask yourself and your immediate family, how would you most enjoy celebrating the holidays?

This question will help you figure out what is most important to you about celebrating the holidays. It will also help you determine if you may be stressing yourself with false guilt, "should do's" and fears of disappointing others. Take some time to talk with your family about what is really important to you and to them. Often times when we stop to ask the "how question" we discover what we thought was important to others really is not.

Next, begin looking at your schedule. Do you realistically have the time to do all the things you would like to and still maintain your sanity! Start by penciling in events on your calendar to help yourself manage your time effectively. Include things like decorating, cooking, shopping and wrapping gifts.

Be willing to compromise. For example if you have your heart set on decorating your house like Clark Griswald in "Christmas Vacation," but time is of the essence, consider something simpler or eliminate something else.

Avoid perfectionist tendencies. For example: you want 12 ounce disposable cups for your party. But, when you get to Wal-Mart you can only find 8 ounce cups. Consider the time, energy and frustration you will expend traveling to other stores, in the holiday traffic, to find those 12 ouncers!

Finally, to turn holiday hassles into happiness you can do some very practical things like: set a budget and stick to it, pay in cash and avoid the New Years credit card blues and choose recipes you can prepare ahead of time. However, if you really want to make holiday memories this year focus on relationships rather than activities. Consider giving the gifts of kindness and service. And keep your mind on the Reason for the Season...celebrate Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all!

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Three Golden Ways Steps To Mar Stress

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 504)
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Ask a literary person how to deal with stress & he will say you, do it the way Shakespeare, Wordsworth & Shelley did. Or, read the positivity of their writings and you will be stress free.

Ask a modern stress management guru & he will come out with a whole set of CDs, manuals and modern techniques to beat the stress.

...different people have different ways to mar the stress.

What do you prefer? The object is one Stress Management. Let's find out one by one how you can lead a stress free life.

Step 1: Gush into the literature:

"UNDER the greenwood tree,

Who loves to lie with me,

And turn his merry note

Unto the sweet bird's throat,

Come hither, come hither, come hither:

Here shall he see

No enemy

But winter and rough weather

-William Shakespeare

Then let not what I cannot have

My cheer of mind destroy;

Whilst thus I sing, I am a king,

Although a poor blind boy.

-Colley Cibber

Its simple. Just read the above lines again and again, and get at the meaning of the words, through your heart!

Step 2: Introspect

What is stress?

Stress is the state of your mind!

What is mind?

Mind is a bundle of thoughts.

When your mind unnecessarily ponders about the bundle of thoughts, stress takes control of your personality!

What is the solution then?

The stressful thoughts will have to be changed to sincere and pleasing thoughts- and as the wise saying goes:

When the Thoughts are changed, the Mind is changed,

When the Mind is changed, the Man is changed,

When the Man is changed, the Society is changed,

When the Society is changed, the Nation is changed,

And when the Nations change for the better, we say there is plenty and prosperity all over the world!

It is so simple-oh, man, you have complicated the issue, beyond the tolerable proportions and that is the reason for your stress!

Step 3: The modern stress management techniques:

All the modern stress management techniques, the lengthy lectures on causes of stress, the bulky books on the subject, become a kindergarten stuff, as compared to your ability to control your mind. When you establish control on the rapid and agile movements of the mind, where is stress?

Do not think that by controlling the mind, you are curbing its normal and useful activities. It is just like the horse, galloping ahead, but well-controlled by the jeans!

If the stress is related to your health, it is another matter, it needs to be tackled in consultations with health professionals and good psychologists. Severe health problems, combined with stress, can be fatal also. Share your views, sorrows and health related concerns with your friends and well-wishers. You may get valuable advise and unburdening the stressful thoughts in your mind, will itself relieve you to a great extent!

The mind tools, thus, have a definite role to play in taking the stress out of your personality.

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Exercise Your Way To Stress Reduction

(category: Stress-Management, Word count: 477)
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It is easy to let stress take over your life. From career to family to health to money to any and everything in between, most people feel like there simply isn't enough time in a day to get everything done. Stress is bad enough in and of itself, but stress can also cause real physical and emotional harm if it is allowed to go unchecked. There are many drugs that are designed to reduce stress, but is putting extra drugs and chemicals in your system really the best way to balance things out? There is a better way to reduce stress in your life.

One of the best and most tried and true ways for reducing stress is through meditation. Though it may sound intimidating, meditation has occurred in every culture in one form or another through out history. The following steps will help you learn to clear your mind and relax, and you will be amazed at how the stress seems to just melt away!

Begin each relaxation time by reducing distractions, noise, and interruptions. Give yourself the time and privacy you need. Find a comfortable sitting position, wear loose and comfortable clothing. Relax and take several deep breathes. Close your eyes and try to mentally focus on one peaceful word, thought, or image. If there is a picture, a memory, anything that tends to calm you, try to picture that. For some people it's the sound of the ocean, for others waterfalls, and for yet others, the memory of staring off a mountain peak. Clear your head, and let your muscles loosen up, don't worry about what is going on around you. Relax and enjoy the peace that your image brings to you.

When you feel yourself drifting away from the image, don't force it to stay. This is a good time to stop. Stretch and exhale deeply as you wrap up. This is the most initial and basic form of meditation. While it would work in and of itself to reduce stress, this is also the basis for several other exercises and meditations. When you choose to push on, you will always want to start with this basic meditation and relaxation. As you go into further exercises, concentrate on whatever phrases help you relax. "Nice and easy," is a good generic one, while Christian meditation may use a scripture such as "Be still, and know I am the Lord." There are meditative scriptures for almost any faith, and plenty of non-religious phrases, chants, or incantations. Find the phrase that works for you, and look around for other exercises. Meditation is a great way to relax, and will do more to improve your health and reduce stress than any drug, and the only side effect is a calmer healthier life as a result of your improved mood!

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