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5 Ways To Utilize Auto Navigation Systems And Gps Technology While Traveling

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 614)
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5 Ways to Utilize Auto Navigation Systems and GPS Technology While Traveling

If you have managed to do any research on auto navigation systems I'm sure you've come across countless nifty features that these devices have in common. While not all devices utilize the very same technology, it is great to know that cell phones today in addition to handheld auto navigation systems are utilizing technology that make travel and locating lost children, pets, and other loved ones a little bit easier to manage in today's hectic world.

There are many ways that the technology that drives GPS can improve our lives both at home and while we travel. Below you will find some great ways that this technology helps improve your overall travel experience.

1) Trip Planning. Not only are auto navigation systems great to have while on your trip, they are also quite useful when planning your trip. You will not have to listen to endless whining about whether we are there yet or how much fathers. Your children can listen along with you as you plan your trip and find out fascinating places to stop, view scenery, and get some great chow along the way. You should also be able to quite easily find out about neat shopping, shows, and other points of interest en route as well. Finding something for everyone keeps the entire family happy on your trip.

2) Finding restaurants, theatres, and nearby malls. This is very important not only when traveling to your destination but also once you've arrived. Many of the nicer auto navigation systems on the market today are able to sort restaurants that are nearby. These systems are much more than simple software that is designed for the sole purpose of giving directions. They are fully functional navigational tools. Some of them even have entertainment features, which will allow them to be used as ebook readers and/or MP3 players.

3) Keeping tabs of family in crowded situations. Even in the mall, you can have family members going off in different locations and keep track of them all. This is also true at graduation ceremonies and other events, which may call for family members spreading out over a large amount of space leaving some out of sight at times.

4) Security when away from home. The idea of being away from home, particularly with teens can be very frightening. We want them to be independent and at the same time we want to never let them out of our sight. Having a cell phone that allows GPS tracking of your teen is a great way to have the best of both worlds. You can keep a watchful eye on where they are without having them in your direct line of sight. This allows them the freedom to pursue their own interests and you the security of watching that happen.

5) Tracking important items while traveling. This may not seem like such a big deal until you've dealt with lost luggage a time or two. The truth is that this is a huge load off the minds of many, particularly when it comes to laptops and electronic devices that have important information.

If you haven't considered these reasons for purchasing an auto navigation system or making use of the many options for safety and security that GPS Technology allows in your life, it is time to give these things some serious thoughts. Our children are the most important thing in the world we can protect and it is well worth the minimal investment in the software required to assist in keeping them safe.

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4 Great Reasons To Enjoy Geocaching With Your Auto Navigation System

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 578)
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4 Great Reasons to Enjoy Geocaching with your Auto Navigation System

Geocaching is a great way to spend an afternoon, a day, or a weekend. This activity seems to be taking the nation by storm and is responsible for the rising popularity and availability of GPS and auto navigation systems on the market today. Many people aren't simply purchasing minimal systems that guide them to their coordinates with beeps and blips but investing in complete systems that can provide much more useful tracking and mapping utilities.

Regardless of whether you are purchasing the bare minimum system when it comes to geocaching or investing in a top of the line auto navigation system that has all kinds of bells and whistles, I am fairly certain you will find that geocaching is a great activity for many reasons. Everyone who participates in this activity has something special that they enjoy and appreciate about it. Below you will find some of the more popular reasons that people choose geocaching as a fun way to use their GPS devices.

1) Being a kid again. You heard correctly, this is my personal favorite reason to participate in geocaching. I remember going on treasure hunts as a child and drawing out intricate maps and pretending for days, even weeks on end that I was a pirate in search of some rare treasure. That treasure usually ended up being holly berries or a rather large pinecone, but it was the thrill of the hunt that was important.

2) Enjoying the great outdoors. You may argue that one can do that anytime and wouldn't really need geocaching in order to do so. You would be correct, however, geocaching can take you hiking, biking, swimming, and mountain climbing in search of one little prize stash. Most of us wouldn't tackle all of those things in the course of an afternoon. In other words it's a way to experience the great outdoors only intensified.

3) Learning about others. When Geocaching you can find all kinds of neat and nifty treasures. The idea is that if you take something you should leave something behind and create a log. You learn about a lot of different people by examining the treasures they've left behind and reading the logs. You will experience many different people from many different cultures as this seems to be a rather universal pastime in which all ages and cultures spend hours upon hours participating.

4) Being a part of something bigger than us. I remember watching Treasure Hunters on NBC last summer. They were all off in search of a specific treasure but kept getting clues at different destinations along the way. Geocaching might not have a million dollar payoff but there are little treasures along the way and many people participate which makes the hunt thrilling and fun at the same time. By participating you are one of many people who will tread the same ground and seek the same treasure. It is a unifying experience in many ways and can be excitingly competitive.

If you have never experienced geocaching, I hope you will at least consider this fun and thrilling pass time as you check out possible auto navigation systems and other GPS technology that might be good for you and your family. Geocaching is one of many ways that auto navigation systems can bring more life to your daily living.

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Save Money By Buying The Right Auto Navigation System For Your Needs

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 699)
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Save Money by Buying the Right Auto Navigation System for Your Needs

With so many GPS (global positioning satellite) devices and auto navigation systems on the market today how on earth is someone supposed to choose the system that will be best for you? The answer to that question isn't as difficult as you might think. It all lies in deciding what you will be using your GPS device to accomplish. You need to know where you will be using your device in order to use it properly. By this I mean will you be using your GPS system for driving, biking, hiking, boating, or 'off-roading'?

Occasionally you will find that your goals and desires of your auto navigation system or GPS will require use in more than one of these instances, the good news is there's a device for that too! Seriously, there is a device that is suitable for almost every possible need and use. If you plan to use your auto navigation system exclusively for driving your automobile, you should probably choose a system such as one of the following: Magellan RoadMate 2200T Portable Navigation System, Garmin StreetPilot c530 Automotive GPS, Tom Tom One, Tom Tom GO 910 Automotive GPS System, or Navman iCN 750 Vehicle Navigation with Camera. These systems each offer something unique to consumers while also delivering some of the same popular features that consumer's love. Some of those features include turn-by-turn directions, landmark identification, important stops and destinations along your route, and popular restaurants along the way.

If you want something that is a little more versatile than your typical stand-alone navigation system or GPS then you might want to check out the many options afforded by the handheld GPS systems on the market today. Many of these will require an upgrade of some sort in order to be useful for turn-by-turn destination information but are excellent for those taking the fun off the beaten path and off road. For those who love adventure in the great outdoors the following handheld GPS systems offer an excellent choice for keeping you on track and in the know: Garmin eTrex Vista Cx Color Handheld GPS Unit, Magellan eXplorist 600, and Lowrance iFinder Hunt Color.

For those who currently own a laptop or PDA software and hardware add ons can turn your device into a GPS system. These offer a more affordable option to the stand-alone navigation system and are an attractive incentive to many potential consumers. You will also find the widest variety of features within this particular category. Most of these devices offer the hardware as well as the necessary mapping software as part of the package. This allows them to have relative portability while also offering the full features of the stand-alone navigation systems. Some of the laptop or Palm systems that you may wish to consider are the following: Garmin CF Que 1620 Compact Flash GPS, Tom Tom Navigator 6 Bluetooth, DeLorme Earthmate Blue Logger, and the Garmin Mobile 20 Smartphone GPS System.

These are by no means all inclusive of the many wonderful and exciting products that are available in today's market for those interested in purchasing an auto navigation system. You should also keep in mind that new technologies emerge on a daily basis. With that in mind, prices on existing technologies are steadily decreasing, as prices on new items are often still quite high. It is very possible to get a great deal by shopping last year's top of the line navigation toy and skipping the high-end navigation gadgets of the current year.

Another way to save money on navigational aids and devices is not to shop among the top of the line devices. Instead of shopping for those that are priced highest, elect devices within the middle of the price range. These devices generally offer the same excellent quality as the more expensive devices without the over inflated price tags. You should also remember not to pay extra for features that you won't be using. Having an extra feature or two shouldn't be a selling point if you won't be using those features.

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Auto Navigation Systems Are For Work

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 681)
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Auto Navigation Systems are for Work, Play, and Everything in Between

Back in the dark ages, it was nearly impossible to navigate the shark-infested waters of Main Street or big city USA without the assistance of a road map or some other major navigational aid. Back then if you found yourself lost you either had to stop and ask for directions at a convenience store along the way or drive along until you found a payphone you could use in order to call for better directions. This process became a little easier once cell phones became prominent and affordable to the masses. Today it has become even better if you can believe it.

Gone are the days when you drove around in circles hoping to find a place to stop and get directions to take you back to the beaten path before your gas tank uses the last of its fumes. Now you can simply use GPS tracking to find out where you are and then get directions to the nearest destination of choice or simply find your way back towards your destination. You can actually go on vacation now without taking a massive road atlas or a half dozen maps of a half dozen states along for the ride. Gone are the days of needing a tour guide in order to fold your maps back into their former positions.

Vacations are now much more relaxed as a result of the lack of stress involved in merely getting there. Not only is getting there easier with the use of auto navigation systems, but getting around once you reach your vacation destination is much easier to handle. This makes the entire vacation experience much more enjoyable to all involved and helps build memories that aren't marred by serious adult conversations about the lack of road signs and a few expletives about the fact that armadillos seem to be the only ones around to ask for directions.

Beyond the vacation factor, business meetings were always a step away from potential disaster before the advent of auto navigation systems that exist to help you find your way in the jungle that has become corporate America. The good and the bad of corporate America is that it isn't only on one coast or another but scattered throughout the country. This means that there are times when you will find it absolutely necessary to take drives in places you may have never considered visiting at any other time in your life. Cornfields, I assure you, begin to blend together and all look alike after a while. Only the most keen of observers can tell at any given time one cornfield from another. This is one of those times when it is almost necessary to have an excellent tool to assist you in navigating throughout the countryside en route to your business destination, particularly if it is in the Midwest.

Many times being late is not an option and being lost in the middle of nowhere is even less of an option. An excellent auto navigation system will help you avoid this possibility all together while also helping you in other instances where weather, road construction, and general traffic delays could cause you to be late for those oh so important meetings.

You will also find that even when your job isn't on the line there are plenty of reasons to make use of your auto navigation system. Work and play aren't the only reasons to make use of systems such as this. Getting to your daughters big day at school or your son's big soccer game even when traffic is snarled to a standstill is another great reason to use this type of technology. In fact, there are situations almost every day in which this technology will prove quite useful if you are of the mind to utilize it. It doesn't really matter what you are using your auto navigation system for as long as you are using it widely and faithfully you are getting your money's worth.

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The Privacy Of Auto Navigation Systems

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 576)
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There is a great amount of concern about the privacy aspect of GPS and auto navigation systems and devices. Many people are strict guardians of their privacy as it has become so sacred and so easily invaded. I for one, certainly understand that desire to maintain one's privacy and do not endorse on any level using these types of devices in order to invade the privacy of total strangers or bending the law and legal protections we have in place in order to protect people from actions such as this.

On the other hand, it is great to know that if I make a 911 call from my GPS enabled cell phone, I can be found even if I have no clue as to where I am actually located. The same holds true for On Star. You can be located by the GPS information that the company has access to. The really good news is that you are not completely sacrificing your privacy or your right to that privacy for the sake of security. There are very strict laws in place to protect your privacy from invasive eyes, even during a legal preceding and there is also case law and precedence to support the understanding that your GPS coordinates cannot be given out even if there is credible evidence or reasonable suspicion.

Privacy is so important in America that it has been guaranteed to our citizens. In this day and age of big brother and with the fear of the horrible things that could happen being sensationalized in Hollywood, the idea of privacy isn't as foreign of a concept as we thought it was.

The idea of privacy and invading privacy is another reason that many parents are more than a little hesitant about utilizing the GPS tracking capabilities of their children's cell phones. While we struggle with the notion of invading the privacy of our children we also know without a doubt that we want to protect our children from potential harm with every fiber of our beings. That protection includes protecting them from themselves on occasion no matter how distasteful that process may be.

Knowing where our children are at all times is one of many ways that we can help protect them from the evils of the world while also being available at a moments notice. The flip side of course is that our children can find us whenever they need us also so we are essentially sacrificing some degree of our privacy in order to be available to our children at all times and to know where they are. Be sure to remind your teen or preteen of this whenever they grumble that you are checking up on them.

The price to pay for these services is marginal when compared to the wonderful benefits they offer families with children, teens, or even elderly who may need to be monitored for whatever reason. Protecting our loved ones is one of the many benefits of auto navigation systems and GPS technology that can't be measured with a price tag or a certain weight in gold. Whether you decide to make use of this technology for you and your family you should rest assured in the knowledge that you aren't exposing your day-to-day travels to any passerby. Your privacy is still safe from strangers, while your family may be a different subject all together.

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How Do Auto Navigation Systems Work

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 553)
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Have you ever given serious thought to the incredible benefits that having an auto navigation system will bring to your life and your travels? The truth of the matter is that the more sophisticated systems on the market today provide much more than simple directions from point A to point B. Today's auto navigation systems are your one stop travel shop when it comes to finding points of interest, restaurants, fueling stops, and places to sleep along the way.

If you've never given it much thought, perhaps learning a little more about how an auto navigation system really works will give you something to think about when you get around to considering the impact that a device such as this can make in your life and the lives of your family members. The thing to remember is that not all GPS or auto navigation systems are equal. There are different manners of creation along with different manners of functionality and design. However, they all work on very similar principles.

GPS systems use satellites that orbit the earth in order to send signals that are received by the GPS device. The system has software that interprets the signal and uses that data in order to form conclusions about the current location based on the time it took to receive the signal from the satellite, and the exact location of the satellite that sent the data. By combining that information a conclusion can be drawn by the GPS or auto navigation system as to the exact position of the GPS device. Three satellites are used in order to determine the point of intersection and a fourth satellite insures the accuracy of the data.

Auto navigation systems are more sophisticated and much more functional than the original military GPS devices that were used. You can not only get directions to guide you on your trip, to make up for detours, and get you back on track after wrong turns, but you can also get information about local destinations, restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and a few other points of interest along the way. Many auto navigation systems have upgrade packages that allow you to purchase a subscription, which will provide you with up to the minute information about traffic, weather, and construction along your route. The subscription costs for these services may be a deterrent for the casual driver but will prove invaluable to those who rely on correct directions and being on time while traveling extensively through work.

Be sure that whenever you purchase a GPS or auto navigation system that the system you purchase is not only full upgradeable but also easily upgraded. It does no good to have a system that is capable of being upgraded if you can't figure out how to upgrade it. Many of these systems can be upgraded by using a something as simple as a CD or DVD in order to deliver the information and upgrades. If you can't upgrade your system it will become obsolete in time as new roads are constantly being made and old roads are often closed for construction and upgrades. If you do not have the latest data on roads you are essentially driving just as blindly as you would be without an auto navigation system.

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Auto Navigation Systems Are Aids Not Replacements For Attentive Driving

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 663)
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If you are in the market for an auto navigation system you are definitely not alone. Some people are content to purchase a device, stick it in their windows, and hope it works well whenever the need arises. For those, it is quite likely that most stand-alone navigation units will work quite nicely. The thing to remember is that not everyone is created equal when it comes to primary or even secondary navigational skills. For that reason alone, not all auto navigation units are created equally either.

Don't expect your auto navigation system to replace a 'co pilot' by any means but it should definitely do in a pinch and be more than capable of helping you get through a few lost moments while stuck in traffic, detouring, or taking a country drive. You won't have a natural conversation with your navigational system no matter how much the television commercials attempt to convince you that this will be the case. You can however get great details about every single turn of your trip including details about landmarks you should see along the way.

You should be aware that when you miss a turn the alternate route isn't immediately forthcoming. Computers contain data and it takes a moment to go through the mountain of data sometimes in order to come up with an alternate route. Be patient when dealing with your auto navigation system and it should serve you well both in times of crisis and during your regular daily driving. I know this isn't always too terribly easy in high stress situations but when you look at it, using a navigation system is a far cry better than relying on maps that must be dug out, dusted off, and translated or an inability to read a map and ending up even more lost than you were to begin with.

Even the best auto navigation system on the market isn't a replacement for attention to details, seeing and remembering important landmarks, and paying attention to street signs and what lies ahead. The good news is that the technology for these systems is constantly evolving and improving. Data is synching much more rapidly than ever before and more and more often you are finding much more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. The maps that are provided onscreen (in the more sophisticated versions) combined with the verbal directions and details work together in order to create a great driving experience, which would otherwise be filled with uncertainty, doubt, and no small degree of stress.

Regardless of how effective the auto navigation system you choose is, it only matters how effective you feel it is. If it gives you the directions and insights you need in order to reach your destination safely and on time, then I really can't find fault in the system and would hope that you would not either. There is no such thing as problem free in this day and age and these systems are only as good as the mapping data that they have. The really good news, however, is that data is more often accurate than inaccurate and in most cases you can easily reach your destination.

When selecting an auto navigation system you should really consider how often you travel and how often during that travel you wish you had an alternate route or at the very least an option for your directions, how often you find yourself lost and clueless and needing to ask for directions, and how often you really feel you will use the device you decide to purchase. If you don't feel you will get the most possible use of your navigation device, then consider one that can be used outside the automobile as well or at the very least one of the less expensive versions. You want to get your money's worth from whichever device you choose for your auto navigation system.

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5 Ways Auto Navigation Systems And Gps Technology Improve Lives

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 586)
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Global positioning technology is used in most of today's GPS and auto navigation systems. The truth of the matter is that this technology while once reserved for the wealthy is now trickling into mainstream America. We are seeing this technology in cell phones in order to assist with 911 calls. We are seeing this technology in automobiles in order to track and possibly retrieve them if they are stolen. We are also seeing this technology used to help lost animals find their way back to the homes of their families. The truth of the matter is that there are many ways in which GPS technology is currently making our lives easier.

Below you will find a great number of uses for GPS and auto navigation system technology that currently exist. Even more amazing is the fact that new discoveries for these technologies are being made every day and over time there will be an even greater variety of methods to utilize this technology for the benefit of society.

1) Keep track of teens and children by using services such as uLocate Communications. This technology allows you to track members of your family by their cell phones. With the click of a button on your cell phone or simply tracking from home via the Internet you can find all members of your family that are carrying their cell phones. The benefits of this feature to your peace of mind alone are well worth the monthly subscription fee, which can be as low of $4 a month depending on which service you choose.

2) Keeping track of the elderly. This is especially useful if you have a loved one that suffers from Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia. Technologies are improving continuously and will hopefully reach a point very soon where ID bracelets much like the medic alert bracelets will allow GPS tracking that is even more reliable for the elderly. The relief of knowing that you can find your loved one even if he or she has wondered off and forgotten how to get home is something that you really can't put a price tag on.

3) Lost pets. I mentioned this earlier but it is worth repeating. The technology exists to have your pets implanted with chips or even to have chips placed in collars that allow you to readily locate your precious pet without spending endless hours of searching and whistling. The real beauty of this is that you won't have to spend hours comforting sad children; you can take them to the computer and let them help you track Fido.

4) Finding shortcuts along your route to work, job interviews, important meetings, conventions, and personal appointments. This is great if you are running into a time crunch or worse need an alternate route as the result of a traffic jam or road closure.

5) GPS technology allows security and safety in many cars that utilize On Star technology as well. This technology cannot only track the location of your car but also be used to call for help in emergency situations. This device is activated by the push of a button and can even be used by small children in emergency situations.

There are many great ways that GPS and auto navigation systems and technology are being used each and every day to improve our lives and provide peace of mind. The methods mentioned above are simply icing on the cake.

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Popular Auto Navigation Systems

(category: Auto-Navigation-Systems, Word count: 683)
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While technology is constantly evolving it is fairly safe to say that there are some toys that are better suited to remain at the top of the heap than others. The story really is no different when it comes to auto navigation systems. These systems each have different bells and whistles and while there is no one system that is perfect for everyone, there are a few systems that are consistent best sellers.

It is important that you as a consumer know what is available in navigational tools before leaping and buying the first thing you see. There are many neat buttons and features that can really turn a girls (or guys for that matter) head if she isn't sure of what she will actually need and use in her (or his) travels. Knowing what you need, what you would like, and what you are fairly certain you can live without will help you get the best possible bargain for your auto navigation system dollar.

Best Selling Models

1) Tom Tom ONE Navigation System. This system is currently the smallest of the portable auto navigation systems that technology is constantly changing so this could be a short-lived accomplishment. Don't let the size fool you however. Tom Tom may be small in size but it is big on features. The atlas is preloaded so you do not need to add any software in order for it to be up and running. Additionally you can subscribe to the plus features if you have a Bluetooth enabled phone, these features will provide accurate and up to the minute weather and traffic data while you travel. Tom Tom offers four different routing options and different views of the map displayed onscreen. Tom Tom One offers turn-by-turn directions and will quickly get you back on track if you miss your turn. The Tom Tom commercials aren't a terrible exaggeration of the great features this little device has to offer.

2) Garmin Nuvi 660 Automotive GPS. This auto navigation system is one of, if not the most advanced on the market today. Again, technology evolves so quickly that there is no guarantee this information won't be obsolete tomorrow. However, for the time being this is the system that has all the bells and whistles that should set your eyes aglow and get your fingers itching to 'play' with it for a while. Of course, being the most advanced generally brings the largest price tag. There really is no difference in this case and only you can decide if the features available are really worthy of the additional fee. In addition the typical navigation features Nuvi is Bluetooth enabled and has extra features for those who wish to subscribe.

3) Magellan RoadMate 2200T Portable Navigation System. This system is another that is wildly popular at the moment. Some of the popularity of this particular system is the direct result of its versatility. This unit is small enough to be used in settings other than the automobile. You will need to purchase an upgrade in order to use it for driving directions but all indications point to this unit being well worth the price, including that of the upgrade. This nifty device also has other functions such as an MP3 player and photo viewer. And is well suited for use away from the automobile for up to 8 hours. You can also subscribe to a service that provides reliable traffic updates including information about traffic snarls as well as road construction. You can also use RoadMate to point out points of interest, restaurants, and fuel stops along your route.

Each of the models mentioned above has some feature that sets it apart from the others and some features that are very much like the others. You will find a wide range of prices as well as features in all units that you choose to check out. These are some of the best selling auto navigation systems on the market at the moment and are a good place to start your search for your perfect system.

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