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Dance Articles

Ballroom Dancing Is Making Waves

(category: Dance, Word count: 723)
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Until recently, ballroom dancing often brought about mental images of elderly couples dancing two inches from their walkers. However, in recent years, ballroom dancing has developed a new, hipper, sexier image and people of all ages are standing up and paying attention.

Movies such as Strictly Ballroom and Shall We Dance have contributed greatly to the newer kinder image that ballroom dancing is developing in the United States. As an art form, ballroom dance is a beautiful sight to behold. Particularly when watching those participate on a competitive level.

Because of the rigorous training that is involved in competitive ballroom dancing, many couples that participate often consider this to be a sport more than a style of dance or manner of artistic expression. The term DanceSport is often used in reference to ballroom dancing in the International Style.

There are many styles of dance that fall under the banner of ballroom dancing. Some of these dances are often considered to be the most beautiful to watch as well as among the most sensual styles of dance on the planet. Only you can decide for yourself if ballroom dance is something that might interest you. I do, however, encourage you to take stock of the various styles and themes before unilaterally deciding to rule out all ballroom dance as a possible interest.

International Style

Under the International Style of ballroom dance there are two main categories of dance. They are Standard and Latin. The Standard style is typically hallmarked by Fred and Ginger sort of attire. By this I mean that the style of dress is very formal with men in coats with flowing tails and vests while the women wear very elegant gowns as part of their costumes. Latin dance is far more sensual in music, mood, and attire. Men wear tight fitting garments and women wear very little.


Not only is the style of dance between Standard and Latin very different but also the styles of dance. In Standard ballroom dancing you will find the following dances: the Quickstep, the Slow Foxtrot, the Tango, the Viennese Waltz, and the Waltz. The Tango for many is the highlight of the Standard event while others have a deep appreciation for the technical qualities of the many Standard dances of ballroom dancing.


For the younger generation, the Latin portion of competitions is the eagerly anticipated event. The style of dance is very exotic and emotional as well as incredibly beautiful to watch. The mood this style of dance brings not only to the dancers but also to the audience is almost palpable. The fan favorites of Latin dance include the Cha Cha, Paso Doble, the Rumba, the Samba, and Jive dance. This form of dance is certainly in keeping with the idea that dance is quickly becoming a sport. The energy required for these dances is phenomenal as is the fitness level required in order to wear the costumes.

American Style

The American standard when it comes to dance is a little different than the International Style. The two categories for American Style are Smooth and Rhythm. There are other differences as well. In International Style the couples are required to remain in a closed formation. For American Style ballroom dance these requirements are somewhat relaxed in order to allow for creative use of footwork. The step patterns for Latin or Rhythm dance are also slightly different than in the International Style of ballroom dancing though the sensuality of the music, costumes, and movements are very much the same.


The smooth portion of the American Style of ballroom dance includes the Foxtrot, the Tango, the Viennese Waltz, and the Waltz.


In American Style Ballroom dance the Rhythm portion of the dance includes the following: the Bolero, the Cha Cha, East Coast Swing, the Mambo, and the Rumba. The audience still enjoys the intensity of Latin dance and Latin influence though there are other influences as well. These are still a much anticipated audience favorite in most competitions.

As you can see, ballroom dance has taken on a new intensity in recent years. If you have preconceived ideas of what ballroom dance really is, it is time you saw for yourself how sensual this style of dance can really be.

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Ice Dance For Those Who Love A Challenge

(category: Dance, Word count: 662)
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For those who love to dance but would like to try something a little more challenging, there is always ice dance. This is a form of figure skating that also incorporates some of the rules and moves of ballroom dancing into the mix for a little bit of an added challenge and a few more restrictions when it comes to moves and creative license than traditional figure skating allows.

Ice dance also requires music that has a definitive beat or style of rhythm, which offers a few more restrictions than traditional figure skating. Ice dance can be done for fun and enjoyment or as part of a competition. The competition in this fierce though somewhat new (to American audiences at any rate) is quite fierce among dominate skaters and world leaders in the field much like traditional figure skating.

Ice dance is a beautiful and fluid form of dance that many consider to be even more graceful than either traditional ballroom dancing or traditional figure skating. The technical skills as well as the strength of each partner in this form of dance are extremely demanding and in order to become or remain competitive in this style of dance one must constantly work to home and improve one's skills.

If you have never had the opportunity to watch ice dance whether on television or live, I suggest you take the next available opportunity to do so. Ice dance is a great way to spend the evening. It's a big hit with the girls if you happen to be a guy. If you happen to be a dad of daughters it will make you a hero in their eyes as well as giving them other dedicated and hard working men and women to look to as heroes as well.

Whether you are all that thrilled by the dips, twirls, lifts, and flips you cannot deny the dedication to craft and sport that these skaters must endure in order to remain on top of their games. I can think of few better heroes I would rather have for my children than athletes who dedicate so much time, energy, and effort to their sports.

Watching ice dance is a fun way for many to spend an evening at home. However, watching ice dance live is that much more intriguing to many fans and spectators. There is an energy and oneness with the crowd that simply cannot be relayed through the television screen. Being one of the spectators at a live ice dancing competition is almost as exciting for me as being at a live sporting event such as a football game or race.

There is an electric energy that goes along with being a part of the crowd of spectators that is impossible to match on screen or through any other medium. There is a huge difference in hearing the roar of a crowd or thunderous applause through your television set and hearing it all around you as you sit in the middle. It's a truly amazing and humbling experience.

Ice dance is a highly competitive sport. If you have a child that is interested or you are interested yourself be prepared to invest a great deal of time and money into any serious competitive efforts that you may have in your future. As you have probably gathered this is a partnered competition. You must have a partner in order to truly compete. This, for many is an added source of time and effort. Not all partners are immediate hits with one another and the chemistry is not always there. Plan to invest a good deal of time and effort into finding a good partner for your ice dance efforts if this is a sport you seriously wish to pursue. If you just want to participate as a spectator however, there is no partner required and a great deal of entertainment to be had.

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Selecting The Proper Dance Shoes

(category: Dance, Word count: 580)
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If you've ever been to a wedding or prom in uncomfortable shoes you know the importance of this process. You absolutely must select comfortable shoes if you plan to be dancing for a long period of time. Having those gorgeous knock me dead heels is all well and good for the picture portion of your evening but when you're dancing you will want to be wearing shoes that you can actually move around in without wanting to cry. Besides who really wants to risk a mascara river for the after prom party?

If you want to be sure whether or not your prom shoes will be comfortable for the big dance event try dancing around the house in them at all hours of the day and night. Make sure that there is no pinching, rubbing, or blistering as a result or your will spend the vast majority of your prom night sitting on the sidelines rather than dancing with your date. The same holds true for weddings. Pictures are all well and good, so is making that stunning entrance. At the same time there is nothing quite like being the last one standing when it comes to the dance floor.

I am a firm believer in cute shoes. I am also a firm believer in having comfortable feet. Recommendations for heel height are that 2 inches are actually the best for providing arch support and foot health in addition to comfort. Yes, this means that this height is actually recommended over wearing flats. You'll also want to make sure there is plenty of room in the toe area so that your foot has a little breathing space without allowing room to rub and potentially blister. In other words a snug (but not tight) fit is preferable to shoes that fit loosely. You should have your shoes for the big event properly sized.

If you just can't seem to part with the gorgeous 4 inch stilettos you found on sale as the perfect companion for your prom or wedding dress, then you should at least consider a back up pair of shoes that will be much more comfortable once the entrance has been make, the pictures have been taken, and you lose all sense of feeling in your feet. It is quite difficult to make complicated dance step when the voice in your head is screaming "Ouch! Ouch!" with every single step you make. Your shoes will actually affect almost every once of enjoyment you experience for the evening there is no reason you should wear uncomfortable shoes and be miserable for an evening that is supposed to be fun.

You might want to check out dance stores in an around your hometown and see what they have to offer. They make shoes that are first and foremost designed to be danced in. They also make some very sassy shoes that are completely appropriate for formals and would be quite suitable to wear to a wedding or prom. You can find these shoes online though I recommend against this as you just can't get them properly fitted online and it doesn't matter how great they are designed if the shoes do not fit properly, they are quite likely to hurt your feet. The important thing is that you take the time to find shoes that you feel will be comfortable for dancing without sacrificing the look you are attempting to put together.

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7 Great Reasons To Dance

(category: Dance, Word count: 672)
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When it comes to dance there are plenty of wonderful reasons that people elect to dance. The fact remains that far too few of us manage to incorporate dance into our lives nearly as much as we should. There are many wonderful reasons to dance and they do not all require copious amounts of alcohol and someone with a video camera poised for America's Funniest Home Videos greatness.

Below I will suggest 7 great reasons to incorporate dance into your life as often as possible. I hope that you will take some of these to heart and find a few reasons of your own to dance more often.


There are few greater reasons to dance than to show your love for your partner. You do not have to limit your dancing to your wedding night or an evening out with friends. All you need to dance with the one you love is some good music and a little bit of floor space. Dance while you prepare dinner, wash dishes, or just because it's raining outside. But dance with the one you love and do it often to keep those flames burning.


We always hear people talking about dancing for joy but how often do we really see that happen? What a shame it is that we actually take so few opportunities to dance in our society. Dancing is an outward expression of joy that is almost always infectious. Share your joy with the world and you just might find they will dance along with you. Even if they do not, you should at least be secure in the fact that at this moment in time you are much happier than they are.


When is the last time you've danced? Was it fun? I have found very few people (well other than young boys) who did not have any fun while dancing. The truth of the matter is that dancing is fun. Whether you are line dancing or trying the Tango it is great fun to dance.


What a wonderful way to flirt dancing can be! If you haven't tried it with the one you love, there is no time like the present to do so. Find some great fun and flirty music and dance for the one you love. If you're really lucky, you might even convince them to join in.

To Make Your Children Laugh

Really, there is no better reason on the earth than this to dance. My kids love to see me dance the moves that were popular back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and share their more modern moves with me. It's a great way to enjoy your children before they decide your evil or during those rare moments when you may be on the verge of neutral in their opinions.


While dancing does a lot to lighten the mood and raise your spirits it can also help your heart in other ways as well. Dancing is a great way to get up and moving that doesn't feel as though it is really exercise. This means that you can help your heart by dancing a little while every day. The longer you dance, the better you will feel and the healthier your heart will become.

Meet New People

If you decide to take lessons for dancing, you will find that you have the ability to meet a bunch of great new people. Dancing is a great way that many people are discovering to have fun and stay fit. This means that more and more people are joining local dance classes for these very reasons. You might develop some lifelong friendships through your dance lessons that you would have missed out on otherwise.

Of course there are many more reasons that different people take up dance. In fact, you may find an all-together different reason to take up dance for yourself. Whatever your reason you decide to dance, do it often and have fun in the process.

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The Incredible Importance Of Dance

(category: Dance, Word count: 579)
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Throughout the history of the world, dance has played a vital role in some of the most important and life altering celebrations and ceremonies that have existed. Battles have been fought and won immediately following weapons dances, Kingdoms have been one and lost and celebrated with dances. Kings and Monarchs have been crowned then celebrated with dances, and marriages have been consummated with dances of another kind.

Dance has always been at the center of important events until recent history when it would seem that dance and the importance of dance to morale has been lost somewhere in the process. Dance these days seems to be limited to certain people in certain circumstances or only to those who engage in the art of dance for the entertainment of others rather than the simple joy of dancing for the sake of dancing.

Dance is one of those things that should not be a footnote in the journals of the history of the world. When mankind looses the ability to dance for joy, there really is no reason for the race of mankind to continue on. The ability to dance, as an outward expression of emotion is one of those rare things that separates a man from a beast.

Though the importance of dance seems to have been misplaced in the last century or so, we are seeing a rebirth of sorts for the love of dance and finally beginning to understand some of the more important issues that dance addresses. It is far more than something meant to entertain spectators. It should also entertain those that are doing the dancing.

In addition to the entertainment aspect of dance, which should not be diminished, dance is also a physical activity. We live in a world where the expected lifespan of our children, is shorter than the lifespan of those who are already adults. The primary reason for this is a lack of physical fitness and an over abundance of weight. We need to lead by example and show our children that it is important to do little things that get us off our seats and moving around. Dance is a great way to do exactly that.

Beyond this however, dance has other fitness benefits. By increasing your muscle tone and your blood flow by dancing you are giving your heart a 'battery boost' so to speak. Doing this on a regular basis will lead your heart to be a much healthier heart than if you were to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Dance also relieves stress and releases endorphins if your working up a good sweat so to speak. This makes you feel happy and relieves and reduces instances of depression.

Another great benefit of dance to those who care is the fact that it increases muscle tone and gives your body a longer and leaner look over time and with consistent, disciplined training. Some have also noticed a renewed sense of grace and constantly increasing self-confidence.

Of course, if these reasons aren't enough to convince you of the important role that dance can play in your life as well as in society then perhaps you should just get out there and dance. Try it out, see how much fun it is to dance for no reason other than to dance and then try to explain why we as a society do not need to engage in such activities a little more often.

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Dancing Through History

(category: Dance, Word count: 666)
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Through history we have seen many evolutions of dance. Some of these ancient dances and rituals are still practiced today by those who honor their religious or cultural histories while many have sadly been lost throughout the ages. One thing however remains constant. Dance has always played an important role in the societies, great and small, of the world.

Dating back to the beginning of recorded history dancing has been a vital part of society. Dance was involved in celebrations and preparations for war. Dance was part of rituals and ceremonies of worship. Dance was part of life and we live in a society today that seems to increasingly label dance as a form of entertainment more than a way of life. Perhaps that is part of the reason we have a growing awareness when it comes to depression because fewer people are experiencing the joy of dance.

Did you know that the Spartan warriors used dance in their preparations for battle? They incorporated a 'weapons dance' that was designed not only to familiarize themselves with their weaponry but also to help them be more agile when using them. Believe me when I say that very few ever dared question the masculinity of Spartans on the battlefield. These soldiers were prepared for war and a large degree of that is the result of their weapon dances as mental and physical preparation for the art of waging war. With the Spartans war was most definitely an art form.

Oriental Dance was common during what has become known as Biblical times and remains today a very noteworthy form of dance. In fact, Oriental Dances, also referred to as Belly Dancing, seems to be experiencing a rebirth of sorts as its popularity has spread around the globe in recent years. This style of dance has been used as part of religious ceremonies as well as to entice lovers and incite lust and in some cases to represent fertility. Oriental Dance has a long and intriguing history that is well worth further study if you are of the mind to do so.

In Medieval times dance was a social requirement by those of means or holding status. In fact, what we know as ballroom dancing today began during this period and has evolved a little over the years while holding true to its original form to some degree. The church at the time however frowned on dancing though many members of the church not only tolerated dancing but also participated in these dances. After a great deal of pressure from the populace the church did eventually accept and embrace dance.

The movements for the medieval dance steps were said to be rather simple and repetitive. While some of the dances of the day were performed by couples there were many processional or line dances that were popular during this period as well. Who knew the line dancing had such a long and distinguished history?

As times have evolved so has dance. In today's society dance is often limited to competitions, festivals, and parties rather than the prominence it once held in society. The good news in all this is that dance is no longer for some in society an activity that is solely reserved for the wealthiest among us. Though access to dance lessons, classes, videos, etc. is by no means solid proof that they will be utilized the fact remains that very few cities in the United States do not offer dance classes that are at least marginally affordable for those who participate. Competitive dance is another matter all together however and can bring a significant price tag to those who are unaware or caught off guard. Recreational dance however, often costs little more than the music required with which to dance and the will to dance deep inside. We live in a nation of opportunity, do not squander the opportunity we have to incorporate the simple pleasure of dancing into our daily lives.

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Belly Dance Basics

(category: Dance, Word count: 574)
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Oriental Dance, also known as belly dancing is one of, if not the most sensual styles of dance. It is also one of the most beneficial forms of dance there is healthwise. In addition to the great calorie burning affect of belly dancing there are other health benefits that this form of dance has become famous for over the centuries.

Belly dance has a long and proud history dating back to the dawn of civilization. This style of dance has in its history been used as both an act of worship and an act of seduction. Not always in exclusion of the either as this form of dance is believed by some religions to be a boost for fertility of newly wedded couples.

Belly dance is a style of dance that doesn't require participants to be in optimal physical condition in order to begin. In fact, the low impact nature of this form of movement makes it an excellent choice for those who are not in ideal shape to begin with. This form of dance works the muscles gently with the jarring effects of impact aerobics and other exercise methods. It also works the belly, which is often the problem area for many who aren't in the best of shape. You should also find that you will strengthen your back through belly dance as you progress. This will also help with almost every aspect of your physical fitness routine. More importantly for those who are a little (or a lot) out of shape is the belly dance burns an average of 300 calories an hour. This means that if you practice one hour a day you are burning over 2,000 calories per week.

For those who celebrate their womanhood, there is no better form of dance to express that joy. Belly dance has a long history as a celebration of being female. From being used in ceremonies in the temple to being used to entice and seduce the unwitting belly dance is a celebration of simply being a girl.

If you are afraid to begin your belly dance lessons in a class full of other men and women you can always opt to purchase videos and DVD lessons. There are many of these lessons from which to choose, even lessons that focus on the mental and/or healing aspects of Oriental dance if that is where you feel you need to focus your efforts. Belly dancing is a great deal of fun in addition to being a decent form of getting much needed physical activity.

If you plan to belly dance, you should understand that the costume is part of what sets the mood or the tone. While you do not need all the bells and whistles, the general consensus is that baring your midriff puts you in the state of mind that is most suitable for belly dancing. For this reason it is recommended that you wear clothes that bare your belly such as low-rise yoga pants and a sports bra or some other belly-baring shirt for your practice sessions. This also helps your instructor see if you are making the moves correctly.

If you decide to partake in belly dancing classes, congratulations! You will be joining an historic group of women that date back to what many believe is the very beginning of time. You should also have a new hobby that is both entertaining and healthy.

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Learning To Dance At Home

(category: Dance, Word count: 591)
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There are many ways in which a person can learn to dance if he or she is of the mind to do so. The problem is that many people shy away from learning to dance, despite a sincere desire to do just that out of fear of being seen in the learning process. This is such a sad reason to avoid bringing the joy of dance into your life and one that can be so easily avoided if you are willing to make the efforts that would be required.

First of all, you can learn to dance within the comfort of your very own home. You do not need a dance hall or studio with mirrors to learn to dance even though they are helpful to the process. In all truthfulness it is quite possible to learn to dance at home without even procuring a teacher.

There are many DVDs and instructional tapes and videos on the market that can teach the basics of many different styles of dance. If you aren't sure what type of dance you are most interested in, it isn't a terrible idea to begin by ordering some DVDs in order to find out what specific type of dance interests you most. The really neat thing about doing this is that you can being the learning process in your very own home with the curtains drawn and no one will ever need to be any wiser.

Of course if you are going to learn at home you might want to clue your spouse or partner in and see if he or she would like to join you on the path to discovering the joys of dance as a form of entertainment as well as a means of bringing an extra level of physical activity into your life. The really good news is that this sort of physical activity won't feel like exercise and if you play your cards right with your partner it just might lead to other forms of physical activity. Keep in mind that many people find dance to be a very romantic precursor to other romantic pursuits.

Backing away from the romance department you can even find a great and occasionally merciless audience in your children. They also make great practice partners and guinea pigs and if you control the allowance, then you might even manage to squeeze out a compliment or two to help your potentially wounded ego through the event. Kids are great fun though when it comes to dancing and (younger kids anyway) are almost always willing to kick back and have a laugh at mom or dads expense. If you want to make a really fun afternoon of things, challenge your kids to a 'dance off' you just might be surprise at who is the last one standing.

Learning to dance at home can be a rewarding experience if you apply the things you learn. Not only do you get the benefit of a new hobby but also you manage to do so without the uncertainty and insecurity that is often a common part of lessons. Having an audience can be a frightening thing, however, once you've passed the child test you should be ready for the most ruthless audience any dance studio can give. You should also keep in mind that other students in the class (should you ever decide you are ready to take an actual class) are probably just as nervous about their level of skill as you may be.

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Dance For Fun

(category: Dance, Word count: 670)
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We all have things in life we love to do. Some of these things we love more than others. Dancing is something that many of us, as we age, forget to make the time to enjoy. However, dancing is one of those simple pleasures in life that can also remind us to smile, to play, to spin around until we get dizzy, and most importantly to enjoy the simplicity of having fun without the worry of work, family, or finances getting in the way.

It costs very little in most homes to simply turn the radio on, draw the shades and dance. You can dance with your significant other, your lifelong partner, and even your children. You do not have to worry about anyone watching and if they are watching you should take pity that they are spending their time worrying about what you are doing rather than dancing around and enjoying life to its fullest.

Native Americans had the right idea when it comes to dancing. Let the beat be your guide and simply dance. They danced as a means of worship, to express submission to their gods, to exalt their gods, to display their joy, and as an outward expression of grief. They danced for love and they danced for war. Dancing to them was as natural as walking is to many of us and important means of expressing themselves not only as individual people but also as part of a larger and unified group.

If you have never danced for fun, it's time to check out the various styles of dance and see what appeals to you as a style of dance. There are many types of dance and many different styles of music for those various styles.

Line Dancing

Line dancing is a style of dancing in which dancers line up and dance together by making the same dance steps at the same time. It has swept not only the nation but is quickly making its way around the world as an excellent source of dancing fun. It's also a great way to socialize and meet new people. While line dancing was primarily limited to country music in the beginning it has quickly made its way into other styles of music as well. Many bars, dance halls, and clubs will offer line dancing lessons on slow business nights in order to encourage extra business. Line dancing can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Square Dancing

This style of dance has a rather long history and has experienced a good degree of evolution over the past couple of decades. While it was once reserved for hoe downs and such square dancing is quickly becoming a hobby for many people across America and a great way to spend an evening and get to know others who share this hobby. This style of dancing is best enjoyed by couples and can be such great fun if you let your hair down a bit while participating.

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing can be enjoyed by men and women though it is most commonly associated with women. Unless you include the appreciation that goes alone with watching rather than participating and in that case the men may actually outnumber the women. Belly dancing is a very exotic and erotic form of dance that is almost always an audience thriller. It may take years to perfect your belly dancing moves and many study this style of dance their entire lives but it is a great physical activity that is a lot of fun.

Dancing for fun is not only the best reason to dance by far, but it is far too often not the reason that people dance. People dance for competition, for exercise, and for many other reasons but not nearly often enough do we make the moves simply for the pleasure of doing so. If I could make one suggestion to everyone reading it is this. Go out and dance for the sheer joy of dancing.

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