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Blogging Articles

Asp Net Blogging Software

(category: Blogging, Word count: 232)
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Of all of the different kinds of programs on the market

today, many people feel that Microsoft's recently

released ASP.NET blogging software is the most

advanced. In many ways, this particular program is

more adaptable and more versatile than any other

blogging software on the market. Although most of the

people who favor the program are accomplished coders

who are familiar with programming languages like html

and C++, this new program from Microsoft is much

easier to use than a lot of other blog design software

that incorporates hands-on coding. One of the things

that makes ASP.NET stand apart from its competitors is

the fact that it allows designers to use a wide variety of

programming languages when they build a blog. This

means that a larger number of coders can realize their

dreams by programming in the language with which

they are most familiar and in which they are most


A lot of people have welcomed ASP.NET blogging

software with enthusiasm and with open arms.

However, that doesn't mean that the ASP.NET program

is right for everybody. If you are not familiar with

computer languages like javascript or perl, you may

find that the release of ASP.NET does not directly

affect you at all. However, if you are an experienced

web designer, you are likely to find much to celebrate in

this exciting new program.

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How To Start Your Own Blog

(category: Blogging, Word count: 439)
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These days, if you have something to say and want to share it with others, there's an easy way to do it: Start a blog. If you thought only the young or computer-savvy create blogs, think again. Just about anyone can start a blog-and people of all ages are doing so.

What is a blog? A blog, short for Web log, is a Web page where you write about things that are important to you. Many people use blogs as online journals. Some bloggers write about their hobbies. Others use blogs to share their opinions on politics and serious issues, often adding their own comments to news stories.

To start your own blog, just follow these three simple steps.

1. Select a Topic and Blog Hosting Site-The first step is deciding what you want to write about. Next, find a blog hosting site. Many portals, such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, offer free hosting. Also, there are specialized blogging sites focusing on specific topics, such as family and business. Do a search to find a site that best fits your topic. Once you've selected a site, you'll fill in some basic information about yourself and your blog topic. Now you're ready to start writing and posting to your very own blog.

2. Add Video to Your Blog-The next step is to add a video to your blog. This is called a vlog, short for video blog. To create one, you can use software such as Vlog It!, from Serious Magic. The software lets you create videos that look like a TV news show. First, connect a Webcam or camcorder to your computer. Next, import pictures or video from your computer, digital camera, camcorder or cell phone. Finally, read your script from the teleprompter included with the software. Because the Webcam or camcorder is positioned directly above your monitor, it will look as if you're staring into the camera.

The program offers special effects and graphics similar to those used on television, so your production looks professional. The technology also has a wizard feature that makes the entire process relatively simple. To learn more, visit

3. Share Your Blog-Decide if you just want your friends and family to see your blog or vlog, or if you want more people to view it. If you want it to be available to the general public, register with search engines-such as specialize in tracking the blogging universe.

Now that you know the basics, it's time to get creative and join the blogosphere.

Create a vlog and transform your blog into a TV news show.

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Blogging Directory

(category: Blogging, Word count: 170)
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Have you looked at your website traffic lately? How much visitors actually visit your site everyday. One of the best ways to attract the visitor to your site is by writing informative blogs. A blogging directory with a high page rank can do wonders to lift the traffic of your site. Thousands of people are already successfully blogging to create better relationship with their prospects, increase client loyalty and enhance their visibility and brand recognition.

If someone takes the time to get word our there about themselves and their services or products then they are serious about business. If you are one of these people then you need to get max exposure for your blogs and just writing a blog is not enough anymore. The competition is fierce so find blog directories as some of them offer a free listing. A Blogging directory is a perfect solution to people who are in search of new information online.

Submitting your blog in an effective blogging directory can

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Monitoring Your Child S Blog

(category: Blogging, Word count: 678)
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Blogs are becoming increasingly popular and this popularity is not just with adults. Young children are also becoming interested in blogging. With the advent of social networking websites such as MySpace blogging is growing in leaps and bounds. Internet users now have a variety of options available to them for publishing and maintaining a blog. Additionally, the growing popularity of blogs currently available promotes an interest in blogging with other Internet users. Children are bombarded on a daily basis with a variety of blogs available online and are understandably interested in creating blogs of their own. In most cases children create blogs for social reasons but there are some savvy children who realize the potential for profit from blogging. While there are a great deal of benefits children can gain from blogging there are also some risks involved. Therefore parents should carefully monitor their child's blog as well as all of his Internet usage. This article will discuss the subject of monitoring a child's blog in greater detail.

Discuss Blog Expectations with Children

The first step parents should take when a child is interested in creating a blog is to thoroughly discuss the expectations with the child. The child and parent should have an open and honest discussion about responsible use of the Internet. This is important because these conversations can lay the groundwork for how the child will behave online. There are certain dangers which exist on the Internet but parents who understand these dangers and communicate with their children to share this potential for danger as well as information on staying safe while online are likely to have children who stay safe while online.

When a child is considering starting a blog, the parent should be involved in the process from the very start. The parent should not only be aware of the child's intention to begin blogging but should also be aware of the child's reason for wanting to blog and intentions for the blog. This is important because it can help the parents to set appropriate guidelines for the blog. For example a child may be interested in social networking through a blog but should understand there is the potential for danger with this type of blog. Parents should place limitations on the content of the blog and should advise the children to avoid disclosing personal information such as his full name, address and phone number on the blog. Other information which can be used to identify and locate the child should also be avoided.

Regularly Reviewing Your Child's Blog

In addition to discussing blogging with the child and establishing ground rules for the content of the blog, the parents should also regularly visit the blog to ensure the established rules are being followed. Parents should review the blogs of their children on a regular basis but should not inform the children when these reviews will take place. This will help to prevent the children from altering the blog to eliminate questionable material during the review and replacing this material after the review is complete. This is important because it would be rather simple for the child to make changes quickly simply by saving files and replacing them with appropriate blog postings during scheduled reviews.

Monitoring the Blogs Your Child Frequents

Parents should also consider regularly monitoring the blogs their children frequent. This is important because the information children are viewing online can be harmful to children. It is also important because most blogs provide the opportunity for visitors to communicate with the blogger. In most cases this communication is in the form of comments which are left for the blogger and the blogger may choose to respond to these comments. In some cases the visitor may even have the opportunity to provide personal contact information to the blogger. Parents who remain aware of the blogs their children visit can review these blogs carefully to ensure their children are not behaving inappropriately online and are not inadvertently putting themselves at risk with the actions they take.

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The Importance Of Content Adding A Weblog To Your Site

(category: Blogging, Word count: 562)
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Continuing my theme of how as a small business you can improve your search engine results. In a previous article I extolled the virtues of article writing and in this one I shall consider the practicalities and usefulness of adding a weblog to your site in order to drive more traffic to your web pages.

I am presuming that you have optimised your site, added numerous pages of content and update or add to that content at least on a weekly basis. All of this I did with our own website but still the search engines only visited the site about every 4 - 6 weeks. So although our content was being added to sometimes on a daily basis I couldn't induce the Google spider in particular to visit the site more often even though I was submitting sitemaps to Google.which informed it of these updates.

I then started reading about the benefits to businesses of having a weblog attached to the site. SEO's were and still do wax lyrical about how search engines just love weblogs. On this basis I decided to give it a go and looked around at the various free blog sites and finally settled on as this site allowed the blog to be integrated into the website and offered a multitude of templates to choose from. So I chose my template and went through the process of integration with the website which is a very simple and easy process to follow. The next step was to start writing the blog. Very quickly I discovered that it was the ideal vehicle for announcing new services, new products and new branch openings as well as informing the readers of our day to day activities and experiences. All of it is excellent content and the SEO's were quite correct in that the search engine spiders do love it. So much so that the googlebot spider visits everyday to update the web pages and the weblog. This now means that when my content changes or new pages are added they are immediately indexed by Google. This has done wonders for the search engine placement of the site.

The second benefit that SEO's talked about was the increased number of links that having a blog would bring in. This part I didn't quite believe as I couldn't see how it would do this. I am still not certain of how and why it does attract links but the truth of the matter is that it does. The articles and the weblog seem to inhabit a world of their own and they certainly take on a life which you have no control over. However the combined effect is to boost your own content, attract search engines to visit your site frequently, increase the number of backlinks to your site and increase the number of visitors. All of which are of tremendous benefit to you as a business.

The latest figures I saw published for the number of businesses with weblogs was only 2%. So all you small businesses out there with a website, get writing articles and add a weblog to your site. Keep that updated, preferably on a daily basis, and you will soon see dramatic effects both on your visitor numbers and your search engine placement.

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You Need Traffic For Your Blog Here S How To See It

(category: Blogging, Word count: 726)
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For those who blog, or write in online journals, keeping track of visitors can be a great way to see who visits a particular blog. There are many ways to keep track of blog readers when you blog. Blog hit counters; visitor tracking, referrers and keywords all can help you know if someone has visited your blog.

When you set up your blog, you will probably have already decided on the type of blog you will keep. Some web blog hosting sites will offer there service for free, but have a minimum of features. Other blog sites might cost, but will offer bloggers services to keep track of visitors. There are many reasons to track the visitors that read your blog. Understanding who visits you blog will help you know what your readers are looking for. Successful blogging starts with interested writing and will appeal to your readers. Another reason you might want to keep track of the visitors that come to your site is to increase traffic. This is especially important for blogs that are for companies. Companies can use their blog for inexpensive advertising. Knowing who visits the blog site will help a company understand if they are reaching their target audience for their services or products.

A blog hit counter is one way to keep track of the amount of visitors that read your blog. Blog hit counters are usually small boxes at the very end of a web page that updates a number every time your site is hit. Some blog hit counters can give site owners site statistics, reports and graphs to illustrate blog activity. These counters can also show you where your readers are finding your site. If your blog hosting site does not offer a blog hit counter feature, one can easily be downloaded or added to your page from another site. There are many free sites that offer counters for blog pages. Blog writers can register on the hit counter site, download and install directly into the blog template. This will give an accurate count of how many visitors you have to your blog. If you are not worried about keywords or details information about your readers, then a blog hit counter is the easiest way to track your readership.

If you want more advanced blog features, then you can add tracking options to your blog. There are several ways you can track your readers. One is by keywords and the other is a visitor tracker. Keyword trackers are ideal for those who need to know what keywords people are using to locate a blog. This could be important for businesses that need to reach potential consumers. A good keyword tracker can also help you organize your blog site to determine which keywords are most popular with readers. It can also help get your site listed on search engines. Keyword trackers can be downloaded for free in many cases. If your site relies heavily on readers, then a keyword tracker could be a good choice.

A visitor tracker works much the same way as a keyword tracker. The difference, however, is that a visitor tracker will provide you with information statistics about your blog visitors. Usually, this information is given in easy to understand graphs and tables. If you need to see where your visitors are coming from, then a visitor tracker can be quite beneficial. It is a little more sophisticated than a hit counter, but works about the same way. When a visitor enters your blog site, their information is saved onto the visitor tracker. When you are ready, you can log in and see exactly who your visitors are. Many times not only are you able to see the statistics on your readers, but you can also see reports for current visitors and those that have visited the site in the past.

One other way that a blog writer can keep track of their readers is to include a comment section at the end of your blog page. Not all visitors will want to leave a comment, but this is a good way to gain feedback about your site. You will better understand the type of readers that frequent your site, but also understand the kind of content that they want to read.

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Hi5 Virus How To

(category: Blogging, Word count: 257)
Share this article on: Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp you got hit by the "hi5friends" PHISHING VIRUS right? That means your hi5 profile page is blocked and anywhere you click you get redirected and you hi5 page doesn't work?? Or have a friend hit by this??

Then do the following URGENTLY :: If you aren't logged in to hi5 then go to and log yourself in. Your hacked profile appears.


Do this ONLY if you are logged in. If you were already logged in, then DON'T DO ANYTHING and just copy the line above and hit enter!!

You will be then redirected to your style/appearance page. Go to the "Style" text-box. ERASE EVERYTHING that's there!! EVERY bit of text found at the "Style" text area must be deleted !!

Go and click the "Save" button !! And then thank ME...that's XcSN..not God (just kiddin')

Ohh...and one more thing..go to and and do a search( from your browser's menu -> Edit -> Search) for your mail. If you find your mail address anywhere in those 2 files(logins.txt or login.php) than you've been hacked and anybody cand see that!!

So fast, go and change your password from Hi5, up in your right corner of the page at the "Account" link(don't need to change your mail too).

Ohh..AND send this entire message(don't modify it) to all your friends even if you aren't hit by this hi5 worm, some of your friends might need help..

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Using A Free Blogging Web Site

(category: Blogging, Word count: 462)
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For first time bloggers, a free blogging web site is a

great way to get started in the blogosphere. Popular

blogging web sites like blogger and eponym allow users

to set up and host a blog without paying any fees at all.

This encourages people to start blogging, because the

fact that one of these sites can provide you with all of

the tools that you need to get your blog up and running

without spending any money means that you have

nothing to lose by starting a blog. The fact that it is so

easy to find a way to blog for free is one of the reasons

why so many people who have never had any other kind

of web presence before find themselves drawn to


By signing up with a free blogging web site, you may

find it easier to get listed in search engines that you

would if you were starting your own blog from scratch.

For example, google runs the free blog hosting site

blogspot and crawls its pages very often looking for

updates, so if you have your site hosted by blogspot you

are almost guaranteed to be listed on google's blog

search engine. This easy access to search engines can

take some of the work out of promoting your blog, and

can help you gain a following with a minimum of

marketing effort.

If your blog attracts a large readership, you may want to

consider moving your site. Many people feel that being

hosted by a free blogging web site gives a blog a kind of

amateur flavor that is fine for a new member of the

blogosphere, but is not appropriate for a high-profile

blog. Having your own domain can help you make your

blog feel professional, and finding a company that will

host your domain is not difficult or expensive. Once

your blog takes off, you will probably be able to sell

enough advertising space to be able to afford to buy a

domain and pay for a hosting package, and still have

money left over. However, it does not make sense in

most cases to invest in these glossy luxuries before you

have a sizable readership.

Starting your blog on a free blogging web site is a great

way to build a following before you spend any money

on your blog. If and when your blog becomes popular

and you are ready to take the next step and purchase

your own domain, your readers will follow you to your

new home. The fact that it is possible to use a free blog

host like blogspost, blogger, or eponym as a kind of

incubator for your blog is great news for bloggers


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Make More Money Online With A Blog

(category: Blogging, Word count: 298)
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Did you ever consider to start your own blog to make more money on the internet? If not, you really should, because by tapping into the blogging scene you can easily increase the profitability

of your website.

Just right now is a great deal of hype and talk about blogs, but when one strips them down and looks at them clearly, they discover that a blog is nothing more than a web site. In essence, a blog is a website featuring an easy to use content management system that allows for quick updating in chronological order. The roots of blogging trace back to online journaling and community-building efforts, but approached from a business perspective, blogs are uniquely positioned to make you money. Their structure, treatment from search engines, and ease of use make them a wonderful moneymaking tool.

The structure of blogs is perfect for revenue-producing efforts. This is because the sites are, invariably, heavy on content and are naturally organized in an intuitive fashion. Regardless of what platform one uses for blogging, they will be able to produce a content-based site featuring a series of potentially well-targeted pages.

Search engines love content. Textual content keeps search engine spiders well-fed and persuades them to visit again and again. Google, Yahoo and MSN reward informative sites chock-full of information with better positioning in search results and index these sites quickly. Because blogs are content-driven, they serve as a model for how to build a "cooperative relationship" with a search engine. In the end, effective blog use produces high search engine rankings and, thus, great traffic levels. Traffic, of course, is a key to profitability. It is hard for a site to profit if no one sees it! The traffic advantages vis-

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