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A Minute Of Deliberate Attraction Is Better Than None

(category: Motivation, Word count: 529)
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Before I explain why a minute of Deliberate Attraction is better than none, I'd like to begin by giving a definition of The Law of Attraction.

Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted.

It is important to understand that The Law of Attraction operates in every moment. Right now, in this very moment, each of us is offering a vibration and The Law of Attraction is matching that vibration and giving us more of it; whether or not we are offering that vibration deliberately or non-deliberately. As the definition says, whether wanted or unwanted, we attract more of whatever vibration we offer in every moment. When it comes to our vibration, whether or not they are deliberately offered, or non-deliberately offered, and whether or not our vibration attracts to us something we want or don't want, The Law of Attraction is still paying attention and operating in exactly the same way-in EVERY moment.

Ideally, we will want to become more deliberate offer-ers about the vibrations we offer. When we become deliberate about what we give our focus, attention, and energy to, we are practicing Deliberate Attraction! Here is an easy 4-stage cycle to help you understand why Deliberate Attraction is an important skill to practice.

Stage #1: You observe what you are attracting in any moment of your life.

Stage #2: While observing what you are attracting, you are offering a corresponding vibration.

Stage #3: Whether offered deliberately or non-deliberately, in every moment, The Law of Attraction is checking in with your vibration.

Stage #4: The Law of Attraction then gives you more of whatever you are offering vibrationally.

This 4-stage cycle keeps repeating itself over, and over and over again. This is how you manifest more of whatever you give your focus, attention, or energy to.

Notice the word 'attention' in our definition of The Law of Attraction. The more Deliberate Attention you give to something you desire, the more quickly it will manifest in your life. Imagine spending one minute deliberately placing your focus, attention, and energy on the way you want something to be in your life. You are filling that minute with deliberately offered vibrations. Your vibrations are summoning the energy of The Law of Attraction to start unfolding whatever you just gave your attention to.

Now that you understand, more clearly, the significance of being a deliberate offer-er of your vibration, isn't one minute of deliberate attraction better than none? Remember, when you give attention to what you Do want, you are including it in your current vibration. And, when you give attention to what you DON'T want, you are including it in your current vibration. The Law of Attraction doesn't make any distinctions between the two.

In closing, in every moment, including this moment RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, you are including both what you want and don't want in your vibration. Practice becoming more deliberate in your vibration and you will manifest your desires more quickly. That's what Deliberate Attraction is all about.

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How To Attract More Into Your Life 3 Things You Can Do Right Now

(category: Motivation, Word count: 87)
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One of the most common questions people ask me about the Law of Attraction is how to use it to attract more money. Money is simply the energy of abundance, and the Law of Attraction can therefore be used deliberately to increase abundance in our lives. To understand how to increase the energy of abundance, consider this: The Law of Attraction is all about vibes.

The word vibes comes from the longer word

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Discover Your Path To Success Part 2

(category: Motivation, Word count: 551)
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Time taken for self-analysis is so important in developing your road map to success. Let's continue with a few more questions to ask yourself - before we go into the heart of the formula for personal success.

Are you easily distracted?

Most people cannot focus on a goal, without getting "side tracked." When this cannot be helped, you can develop a new skill set, through meditation, self-hypnosis, or by learning not to give up. You can learn to meditate in a variety of ways. At my site, we have a course, but you can also find Yoga classes where meditation is taught. There are many good books and CD's. A very good CD is Meditation Made Simple by John Daniels.

Picture it like this: Christopher Columbus truly had a one-dimensional personality; he was focused on finding an alternate route to Asia, to the point of being a poor "family man." However, unlike most people, he stayed focused and never gave up.

Now you don't have to give up everything in life to achieve a goal, but you have to focus on your goal, avoid giving up, getting depressed, and make up your mind to enjoy the journey. It is still wise to have a complete life by allowing time for your family and friends. If you stay on a straight course, you will be "ahead in the game," but you will have to mentally focus on your end result, even in bad economic times.

Can you rationally separate good advice from bad?

You will hear many opinions - some will be constructive, and others will be useless. You will have to know the difference, by evaluating all advice without emotion, and with an open mind.

Is the ultimate reward worth the cost and sacrifice?

You should already know that you may invest time, money, work, or all three, to reach your ultimate goal. Envision yourself reaching your ultimate objective, and if it is worth all of the sacrifice, then you should move on to the next step.

Start moving forward now. If you didn't write your goals down, evaluate them, and prioritize them, you should go back to part one again, to finish that assignment. Much similar to a business, you must have a written plan to move forward.

Just don't worry about getting it perfect. None of us ever do, and your plans will change as you go. In fact, life is adapting to a constantly changing universe. Most of us cannot accurately predict the cycles of the economy. We design a plan and prepare to turn on a dime, if necessary. Everything in life is subject to change and all of us have to accept it.

Realizing this, you now proceed with caution toward your short-term goals.

Once you have designed your plan, there is no need to "wait until next year."

Put your plan into action and take one forward step at a time. This one step is the biggest of all your steps, and your commitment to succeed is your "guiding light."

Now, what were the "hidden treasures" you found in part two? The answer is focus, commitment, and acceptance. You already have them; all you need to do is get the most out of what you already have.

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Overcoming Obstacles The Story Of Jewel

(category: Motivation, Word count: 370)
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Do you have a dream? I bet you do.

And I also bet you have a long list of reasons why you aren't pursuing that dream.

But you CAN start turning your dream into a reality - no matter what your current circumstances are.

Take Jewel, the American pop singer. Even as a child, Jewel knew she wanted to be singer.

After high school, she decided working dead end jobs was an unbearable way to live, so she moved into her VW van (and I think her mother also moved in the van with her). There she lived on peanut butter and carrot sticks, wrote songs and performed at a local coffee shop in San Diego. Eventually, while still in the van, she was "discovered." With her first advance, she rented a house with her mother, bought a "new" car (a used Volvo) and a new guitar.

And the rest is, as they say, history.

Jewel knew she wanted to pursue a dream and she did, even though she had no money and no connections. She overcame her lack of money and eventually became a huge success.

But even without becoming a huge success, you can still take steps this very day to start living your dream. No, I'm not asking you to quit your job and move into your car. But there are small steps you can take each day to bring you a little closer to living your dream.

Action Steps:

1.Write down your dream.

2.Now write down all the steps that need to happen to turn that dream into a reality. Not sure about all the steps? Make researching the steps the first thing on your action plan.

3.Make the commitment to spend 15 minutes every day working on your dream. That's all you need to do - just spend 15 minutes on a task (more if you can fit in the time).

Fifteen minutes may not seem like a lot of time, but trust me, even something that small makes a huge difference. I guarantee that if you religiously spend 15 minutes on your dream, before you know it, you'll start to see it manifesting right before your eyes.

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It S A Habit

(category: Motivation, Word count: 469)
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Do you sometimes have the feeling that you're running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them, like "Hey, I think I've been here before," but I can't figure out how I wound up in the same place. The situation is different, but the conflict feels the same.

I first read this poem in "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche. When I "Googled" it, I found fourteen pages of links. It's clearly a favorite with many people; I know it speaks volumes to me.

"Autobiography in Five Chapters"

1) I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk

I fall in.

I am lost . . . I am hopeless.

It isn't my fault.

It takes forever to find a way out.

2) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend I don't see it.

I fall in again.

I can't believe I'm in the same place.

But it isn't my fault.

It still takes a long time to get out.

3) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I see it is there.

I still fall in . . . it's a habit

My eyes are open

I know where I am

It is my fault.

I get out immediately.

4) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk

I walk around it

5) I walk down another street.

Does this feel familiar? I am ready to learn that lesson! I'm sure that I've changed. I can see that hole coming a mile away. This time it will be different. I still end up falling in. Tired, sad and angry, I drag myself up once again. What was I supposed to learn here? I thought I learned that the last time.

Some conflicts seem to take years to unravel, but if we stay tuned, and our purpose is to look with curiosity and awareness, we will find the moment when we can step around the hole.

As I write, thinking about a recent stumble of my own, I am smiling a bit. From a distance, I watch myself drop into the hole - one I know well - and it's kind of funny. And perhaps that is the way out - to laugh more often, to "love our mistakes," as my friend says. I've heard it said that eventually we will laugh at all our mistakes - the trick is to laugh sooner. When I can laugh as I climb out of the hole, I'm on my way to finding the route around it, or better yet, that alternate street.

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Discover Your Path To Success Part 4

(category: Motivation, Word count: 504)
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In Part Three, I promised we would get into the resources. Before we do, however, let's discuss a treasure that most of us have been exposed to, but don't take nearly enough time out of our day to focus on - the power of prayer. This may offend some people, but I hope it does not; as that is not

my intent.

As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the "new age" movement.

However, there are a large number of children growing up with no spiritual guidance at all. There are many reasons, and excuses, for this, but a large portion of this generation of children could grow up, out of touch, with their spiritual health.

Always remember that "whole health" deals with mind, body, and spirit, as they are interconnected. If these three components are healthy, you are in good shape at any age.

What does this have to do with success? Well, God does make the ultimate ally. Your prayers do honor God's presence - by giving thanks, and asking for help, in times of need. You will feel much better, and prayer applies to every religion.

Personally, the importance does not lie in what religion you are; however, a lack of religion does seem to run parallel with depression. This is classified as spiritual illness, which will have a negative effect on you mentally, physically, or totally.

The concept of God does not apply to all religions, but the concept of prayer does. If you try it, you will heal from the inside - out.

The following resources start from classics that my Grandfather gave to me as a child.

The Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill - 1928

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie - 1936

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill - 1937

The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale - 1952

All of these books can be found in audio format, which makes them very

handy, especially if you are commuting in your car. Each of these books can

also be found on my desk, or in the book case, in my office. Over the years, I had to replace some of the old books my Grandfather gave me, as the worn pages separated from the bindings.

I extend my apologies to the many other great authors, who I did not list; that would be a very large book, within itself. The fact is - this is a good starting point before venturing out and discovering the hidden treasures in print, eBooks, or audio books.

Now you have the last hidden treasures to carve your own path to success. If you put these principles into action, there is no way you can fail. May your journey be a pleasant and safe one.

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Five Keys For Sustaining Motivation To Exercise

(category: Motivation, Word count: 514)
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It would appear that many an eager beginning exerciser looses interest and stops an exercise plan within a month. In order to keep this phenomenon from happening to you, follow these five steps.

If you have been exercising for some time and find yourself bored and dreading your next work out, consider a change of environment. If you have been exercising in your basement, you may benefit tremendously from joining a gym where you can interact with other people and use different equipment.

Don't worry about not using your home equipment. It may be that once you have exercised at a gym for awhile, you'll be ready for another change and want to resume exercising at home.

If you are currently using a gym and find yourself not wanting to go in, it may be time to look at exercising at home. There is something to be said for finding the quiet and solitude exercising can bring when you're not in the middle of a crowded, noisy gym.

A second key for increasing motivation to exercise is in finding a way to listen to music that motivates you. For me personally, I use hip-hop, R & B, and rap. If you saw me in my SUV with kids in tow, you may not believe me. Just ask my husband; he's the one who programs all my music into the MP-3 player he got me for Valentine's Day off of ebay.

A third important key is to take a look at the clothing you wear when you exercise. Have you run more than 200 miles in a pair of shoes? If so, it's definitely time for a new pair. Also, make sure that what you wear to exercise is comfortable and non-restrictive.

In addition to the function of work-out clothing, appearance is important. If you have a great new pair of work-out pants, you may be more motivated to get up in the morning and go to the gym. If you're wearing the same T-shirt you've worn for twenty years, it may be time for a little shopping trip.

The shopping trip doesn't have to be expensive. A friend of mine buys her work-out gear at Goodwill. She always looks fabulous.

A fourth key is to keep focusing on the goals you have set for yourself. If you've reached your goals, it's time to set some new ones. Be sure to keep your goals realistic and measurable to prevent discouragement.

A fifth and final key to maintain or increase motivation to exercise is charting progress. Once you have an attainable goal, how will you know when you have moved one step closer? If you chart your progress, you will clearly see where you are and where you hope to go.

There are as many ways to work out as there are people who work out. Everyone's routine is different and tailored to them. However, if you remember to incorporate these five keys into your work out, you will experience success and be motivated to continue your program.

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Dreams Are They Good Or Bad

(category: Motivation, Word count: 914)
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Dreams that you have at night are bad if they are "Nightmares", but the dreams you have that make you feel great and inspired - those are "Goodmares". So have you been have "Nightmares" or "Goodmares"? If you are feeling oppressed or depressed you are probably have the first one, but if you have good things going on you are probably have the second.

Some say that the first one could be a premonition of things to come or an evilness in the dreamer. But could it just be an inner talk going on within you that is allowing your mind to create these? I am not a psychologist, have never studied Sigmund Freud and really don't delve in that area. But I do feel that if you are relaxed and happy with your life, you are more likely to have "Goodmares".

I am not really here to talk about your "..mares" I am really here to talk to you about your Dreams, your Aspirations, your Desires and your Inspirations. One definition the dictionary has for Dream is: "A condition or achievement that is longer for; an aspiration." That is what is important to you and to your future.

Only Children Or Younger People Dream

Remember when you used to Dream and let your imagination run wild, when you ran freely through a meadow or traveled to new places or conquered domains - became the King or Queen and ruled over the land. Maybe you dreamed of driving the new car you just saw on the showroom with Mom and Dad or living in the house you saw while driving somewhere with your parents. Those were the good days when you let your imagination run freely and life was grand. Sadly, the times that we Dreamed were mainly in our earlier years and as we grew up, the Dreaming seemed to become less relevant. In Junior High and High School you had different dreams to an extent, when you went to College or started you job you had dreams to some extent.

But then reality sets in and you became involved with your career or family or whatever came along and the dreams faded and faded and disappeared. Then your Dreams were replaced with what many call "reality" and it was time to "grow up and forget about the childish things" or maybe it was "what do you want to be when you grow up" question? Some of us have not completely "grown up" yet, we still have times when we dream or "fantasize" about better places and things. But we don't put action to it because we don't know how or we are afraid of failure or success or being laughed at by our "friends". Would true friends laugh at you or would they encourage you? Hummm, that could be food for thought.

Could there POWER in a dream?

The power of a dream is something you need to realize and grab onto. It is the dreamers such as Edison, Carver, Bell, Stanley, Ford, Trump, Gates, and many more who have had Dreams that propelled them to do what became great things. Their Dreams were the driving force that allowed them to keep "their nose to the grindstone" and accomplish great things.

There is such a power there that if harnessed, grabbed onto and acted up will allow you to move forward and off of the "treadmill" that you are on today. Dreams give you hope, they give you power and enthusiasm, a tunnel vision of focus to assist you to motivate you to drive you on an adventure of growth and realization about yourself that you might have buried deep and hidden away. They allow you to use your natural talents and learned talents to the max, if you will allow them to. They are the beginning of the whole process of becoming you were meant to be to accomplish what you were meant to accomplish.

"Those Without Dreams Work For Those With Dreams." Wealth Builders

We all have a destiny, we all have things that we can and should accomplish. To many times we let "life" get in the way and hold us back or hinder us to the point that we give up and believe what the rest of the world says. Get a job, work hard, retire and enjoy your "Golden Years" that is what we did (are doing). I've heard it explained very well more than once, "Work 40 hours a week for 40 years and retire with 40% of what you were used to living on!" It is called the 40/40/40 plan and that is the bill of goods we have been sold. Forget those dreams, forget those aspirations and all that childish junk - just do what the rest of us are doing.

It is time to break the bondage of fear of failure or fear of success, it is time to stop the negative inner talk and sit down, relax and let yourself dream again. Dream about your house, your car, your boat, your new lifestyle, your garden, your swimming pool, your whatever it is that you have felt you always desired and deserved. Write those dreams down each and everyone of them. Every time a dream comes alive in your mind - write it down and keep track of all of them. Because they are the first step to moving on with your life.

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(category: Motivation, Word count: 460)
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I was taught as a child that pride was a bad thing. Well, we all know that too much pride can cause us to be full of ourselves, sell centered and have a know it all attitude, among other negative qualities.

I wasn't taught as a child that pride can be a very good thing. I know now that we all need to have a decent amount of pride in order to have a decent amount of self esteem. Attaining the pride in ourselves in order to establish a decent amount of self esteem is sometimes difficult to do as an adult....... if it wasn't instilled in us as we were growing up.

It has been my experience the past few years to discover that trying new things, accomplishing matter how small they may seem to others, and succeeding in our efforts, can help us to increase our pride in ourselves and our self esteem.

One of the things that I have been doing for approximately four years now is learning the computer, networking, building websites and blogs as well as posting on forums. I feel good about my accomplishments to date and I believe the success I've had thus far will only fuel the fire for me to learn and do more. These activities have helped me with my own self esteem.

I started selling Avon Beauty Products last October and doing so has helped me with my self esteem too. I'm getting out among people again and am also taking better care of myself while using and demonstrating the products. Taking good care of ourselves physically really has a huge impact on our emotional state, in my opinion.

Another kind of pride I have developed in the past four years is a huge sense of pride for my brother, David. His constant struggles with depression/anxiety might have caused him to give up and withdraw totally from everyone. Instead, he has fought the battle ferociously and is coming out on top. Of course, he has days when he mostly keeps to himself, but he also has many wonderful days when he enjoys his time and I enjoy the time I get to spend with him.

My therapist taught me many years ago that writing is a wonderful aid in overcoming our problems. It really helps to express our feelings. My brother, David, joined me in this venture of blogging on this site and I am so proud of his continuing and increasing ability to express himself. He is so in touch with his feelings and has so much to offer others who suffer with depression. He has certainly helped me with mine. Did I mention how proud I am of him?

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