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Who Killed Heath Ledger

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 1378)
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The first time I saw Heath Ledger, it was by accident. My date and later to-be husband, Nick, took me to see 'The Sixth Sense', finally succumbing to peer pressure to guess 'the big surprise ending. By now, 'The Sixth Sense' was off the major theater chain circuit and only screening in small suburban independent theaters, which led us to experience one of those now rare events: a double-feature matinee. The first movie was '10 Things I Hate About You'.

Well passed 'teen movies, even those with Shakespearian-based scripts, we shyly admitted to liking 10 Things. Wow, I really like the male lead, what was his name? "He's Australian, you know", replied Nick. And in typical Aussie-fashion, I was doubly impressed and now stupidly filled with national pride. Another brilliant Australian up-and-comer to join the rapidly increasing queue to grace Hollywood screens.

Years later, I would often grab the DVD to fill a cheerless afternoon and find myself watching and rewinding the same scene. Over and over and over again. My secret guilty pleasure. Heath sliding down the pole, microphone in hand, singing "You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you ..." The brass band kicks in. And that charmingly defiant half-run, half-prancing across the school steps. The scene is brilliant. It's inexplicable. He simply has that old-fashioned 'it' factor.

I'm not a star-struck fan and was never one of those teenagers with movie-star idol posters plastered all over my bedroom walls, but this kids got talent.

And then came those scene-stealing roles that totally blew us away. The Patriot. Monsters Ball. And finally leading-man status and an Academy Award nomination. By now, we were just used to having another famous Australian up there with the rest of the world's great talent churning out an endless array of diverse, yet illustrious film roles.

We had no idea. It was not endless. It was not what we expected.

When people who I've never met but greatly admire die, I'm sad. But I've never cried before. I have never before felt that heart wrenching overwhelming shock that lasted for days after I heard the news. This time it was somehow more personal. As soon as I read the detailed list of the first report of his deathbed scene, I intuitively knew how he died.

Ten days later the final medical examiners report confirmed my suspicions.

Hollywood is 'Xanax-city. Feeling down, pop a Xanax. Feeling stressed, pop a Xanax. Need to perform at your very best, pop a Xanax. A-list stars feel the pressure to provide A-grade performances when working on multi-million dollar films. There's too much money at stake. The intense stress, both internal and external, is immeasurable. The studios are risking billions, paying the stars millions, and the actors are unnaturally subjected to more pressure than we mere mortals can imagine.

Heath Ledger, himself, admitted that after the worldwide release of A Knights Tale with its instant paparazzi-bulb-flashing stardom, his stress levels increased ten-fold.

Xanax is the trade name of the generic anti-anxiety/tranquillizer prescription drug, alprazolam, listed in Ledgers toxicity report. The other anti-anxiety drug was diazepam, or more commonly known as Valium. These drugs are from a class of commonly prescribed tranquilizers known as benzodiazepines or simply referred to as benzos.

According to the latest National Health Study, approximately 10 million scripts of benzos are written annually in Australia alone with its meagre population of 20 million compared to 300 million in the US.

Many doctors will write a script for benzos faster than a speeding bullet. But the real danger is that too many of them do not know the long-term effects these drugs have on your system, how to give their patients the correct advice when administering or monitoring the dosages, and - more frighteningly - how to manage their patients benzo withdrawal program.

Firstly, this is how benzos affect your body - or more importantly - your brain. Benzodiazepines increase, or rather, enhance your brains main neurotransmitter, commonly known as GABA. Eventually, and this can be as quickly as 3 to 4 weeks if taking a daily dose, your brain will stop producing its own GABA and rely totally on the artificial benzo.

GABA is the most important neurotransmitter because it affects just about everything else. Primarily it enhances the brains other neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Dopamine. All of the brains neurotransmitters have important functions such as, voluntary movement of the muscles, wakefulness, sleep, memory function, sensory transmission - especially pain, and much, much more.

The problem is that from this point on your brain needs more benzo as tolerance starts the downward spiral, and the brain needs higher and higher dosages to obtain the same effect. If the patient is not given the correct dosage or management advice, that insidious and often-undiagnosed disorder known as Benzo Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) will start its ugly and potentially dangerous descent.

BWS is known by experts in the field for its severity and prolonged nature. It may take years to fully withdraw from benzos, even with proper care and supervision. Without this knowledge, the unwitting patient can suffer from over 30 symptoms, the most common being unrelenting insomnia, severe pain and mood changes. People who have been taking benzos for a relatively short time can experience withdrawal symptoms even whilst taking the drug. In addition, if you have been taking them for a prolonged time, and then suddenly stop, dire circumstances may happen. Or, at the very least, more pain, more depression and unrelenting insomnia.

When we now read about Heath Ledgers complaints, does this sound familiar? Everything points to extreme Benzo Withdrawal, but no-one is exclaiming its dangers. In fact, most GPs and even hospital doctors admit they know very little about Benzo Withdrawal. Some even refer their patients to drug rehabilitation centers - an absolute no-no according to benzo counselors. Benzo withdrawal is the exact opposite to alcohol or street drug dependency. You don't want to abruptly eliminate the benzo from your body, as they often do in drug rehabilitation. The brain needs the benzo. One must gradually withdraw the artificial benzo until the brain can eventually increase its own GABA. Sudden cessation of benzos can cause severe problems such as seizures and blackouts.

When in BWS, the counselors advise against taking any medication or drugs whatsoever. Paracetamol is probably the only thing the body can cope with for pain relief. Nothing else. Even codeine is forbidden. Also, one should totally refrain from alcohol, caffeine, and all stimulants. There is a strong protocol to be followed and without this knowledge, the patient is easily put at great risk.

The Ashton Manual, the acknowledged benzodiazepine 'bible, warns:

"Drug interactions: Benzodiazepines have additive effects with other drugs with sedative actions including other hypnotic's, some antidepressant's (e.g. amitriptyline [Elavil], doxepin [Adapin, Sinequan]), major tranquilizers or neuroleptics (e.g. prochlorperazine [Compazine], trifluoperazine [Stelazine]), anticonvulsant's (e.g. phenobarbital, phenytoin [Dilantin], carbamazepine [Atretol, Tegretol]), sedative antihistamines (e.g. diphenhydramine [Benadryl], promethazine [Phenergan]), opiates (heroin, morphine, meperidine), and, importantly, alcohol. Patients taking benzodiazepines should be warned of these interactions. If sedative drugs are taken in overdose, benzodiazepines may add to the risk of fatality."

The real problem is that there are extremely few experts in treating BWS; they will not include your local doctor, hospital, or drug clinic. However, there are good BWS specialists that can be extremely helpful, but they are usually found in specially funded tranquillizer recovery clinics.

One must ask, why don't doctors know about this? The problem is they simply don't. Is it their fault or the pharmaceutical companies that profit from these addictions? There is little or no dissemination of information within the community, the medical fraternity or from the pharmaceutical companies about benzodiazepines. And, according to BWS counselors working in the field, there is insufficient research or empirical studies on the effects of benzos and BWS management to assist them with their intensive workload's.

Why? Who is at fault? Who is responsible for remedying the situation? Why are the people who write the scripts uninformed about the after-effects and potential dangers associated with benzodiazepines?

Can our beloved Heath Ledgers death be at least one catalyst that will draw this devastating travesty to the public's attention to demand more information?

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Coaching Celebrities

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 770)
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I've kept the same cell phone number for the past 7-8 years. I've lived in NYC, NC and now Florida and in all that time, I've never changed phone numbers. Nor will I. Sure, it's inconvenient for my mom who lives across town to have to dial a NYC phone to get me and I'm only a few miles away, but for me it's worth it.

I have clients that still call me periodically for coaching that used this cell phone years ago. They like knowing that I'm just a call away if they need me. Several of these clients would probably have names that you might recognize, and don't use a coach on a regular basis, but if the need arises, they know I'm there.

I've spent a large part of my career working with and for celebrities. Whether I marketing for them, do PR for them or consult and coaching with the them, I've made a part of my career working in that market. As a result, I've gotten to know many agents, publicists and Event Planners.

I also coach individuals in business. Right now, it seems that a large bulk of my clients are in new jobs, businesses or about to make a transition. I don't work by contract, only on an as needed basis. Some of my clients show up every week. Others are clients that are only once a month. I'm flexible because my clients are busy. So am I, and I'm fine with them rescheduling with me a day in advance.

I started coaching this way because the high profile clients that I served couldn't meet on a regular basis. They were traveling or unavailable at normal business times so I made allowances for them. As my business and experience grew, I found that working with high profile types was going to be different than a traditional client that may be.

I work on a project basis with many of these high profile types. Some of them are high level executives, besides celebrities and I'm there as a personal consultant that they call upon for many different issues. Most of them found me through the communication coaching that I provide and we've kept the relationship going through the years. Whenever they call I merely write it down and keep a log. I usually bill once a month. On projects, I'll estimate a cost for the project and always try to come in under the estimate.

I have clients that will fly in for the day and for that, my fees are a bit higher than on the phone. It's a concentrated coaching session that can deal with family issues to creating a work out schedule or recreating a brand or speech. We've discovered projects to create that they can market and we've written the outline of books.

I noticed right up front that celebrities are keenly aware that people try to make a buck off of them so I actually charge them less in some cases. Regardless, overestimating the bill is the way to go, and they always appreciate the financial break. I learned this early on when I had a repeat customer and I sent a bill that she questioned. She didn't feel that I had put in that much time with her so I told her that I had struggled with the bill myself because the project was so "off and on". So, I told her to rip up my invoice and to pay me what she thought she should. I got a nice check in the mail that was just a little bit less than I had originally charged and it had a nice note attached. It was definitely the right decision because I've continued to coach this person here and there over the last many years.

Coaching high profile types are a great gig if you can get it. But don't make the mistake of holding to your exact requirements or you might lose a client in the process. The ones that I know appreciate my willingness to be flexible with my schedule and to reschedule if something else comes up. I'm fair with the money and I always try to deliver more than promised.

I love the coaching people who are successful, energetic and ambitious. They never refuse a challenge and they're always up for new ideas. They appreciate others who are hard working like them.

That is why I keep my cell phone number the same. Being available to these people is the name of the game.

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Donny Marie Show The Clothes That Made The Show

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 778)
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She was a little bit country. He was a little bit rock and roll. Together, they were a whole lot of ridiculous. And somehow, through the magic of over-the-top musical numbers, phenomenal guest stars, and painfully kitschy acting skills, Donny and Marie Osmond captured the attention and hearts of the entire nation. While The Donny and Marie Show of the late seventies only lasted a handful of seasons, their outrageous prime-time antics have made a lasting impression on TV viewers of any generation.

The Donny & Marie Show was created by SId and Marty Krofft, the famed creators of other such offbeat television programs as H.R. Pufnstuf and Land of the Lost. It aired from January 1976 to May 1979 as a weekly on ABC and featured such famous guest stars as Redd Fox, Lucile Ball, Betty White, Jerry Lewis, and Milton Berle. The format usually consisted of an elaborate opening act followed by a series of comedy sketches and an even more elaborate closing musical number. But for all the campy scripts and synchronized dance routines, the real stars of the Donny & Marie Show were, without a doubt, the costumes.

The 1977 Christmas special episode is a great example of Donny and Marie's ability to balance cutesy-poo costumes on that thin line between adorable and nauseating. Donny kept it simple; dressing in a matching white knit sweater and slacks combo with a red, white and green striped scarf, he wasn't afraid to say to the world, "Hi! I'm Donny Osmond! I taste like spearmint!" Marie made bolder choices in her winter finest with what looks to be a one-piece body suit but, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a sweater and stretch pants that are just slightly different shades of green. What makes this episode so memorable costume-wise is the fact that the entire Osmond family was featured -Mother, Father, the small army of twenty-eight that is the rest of their immediate family- and they all match. I'm not sure who was in charge of coordinating outfits for that episode, but my hat certainly is off.

Another interesting costume extravaganza was the episode in which Marie celebrated her 18th birthday. In this episode, Marie and Donny sing their familiar weekly number, "I'm A Little BIt Country, I'm A Little Bit Rock-and-Roll", but this time - gasp! - they switch lyrics! That's right! And what kind of dramatic turn events would it be without ridiculous costumes. Both Donny and Marie sport matching silver outfits. Donny has a faux-western theme going on, while Marie looks like she just got back from touring with David Bowie. Marie also has an enormous new hairdo or, as Donny refers to it, a "hair don't."

Donny and Marie didn't stop at matching scarves and silver jumpsuits, though. In one episode, Donny portrays a superhero character known as Captain Purple, wearing an oversized purple muscle suit and wig and, as his mild-mannered alter-ego, a flannel suit. Not to be outdone, Marie suits up herself as Gnidder Neleh (Helen Redding spelled backward) in an equally campy red-orange mini-skirt and wig.

Star Wars being the cultural phenomenon that it was, it only made sense that Donny and Marie would have to do a parody of it. Donny plays Luke and Marie plays Leia with such guest stars as Redd Fox, Kris Kristofferson, Paul Lynde, and a few of the Osmond brothers. The costumes were polished, Osmond-style variations of the originals; unfortunately, C-3PO ends up stealing the show.

The best costumes of the entire series, however, belong to the famous Wizard of Oz episode. Marie plays Dorothy in a red checkered dress and pigtails, Donny is a Willy Wonka-esque Wizard in a yellow-green, curly wig and sparkling fez hat, and Paul Lynde is a downright terrifying Wicked Witch of the West in full green face paint, black gown and gruesome fingernails. Additional victims...err, guests...of this episode include Lucille Ball as the Tin Man, Paul Williams as the Cowardly Lion and Ray Bolger as the Scarecrow. The entire production is technicolor bizarre; the epitome of classic Donny and Marie.

While the show did indeed host a laundry list of Hollywood greats, the real stars weren't the people on the stage but the clothes on the people. From platform shoes and bellbottoms to capes and ice skates, Donny and Marie weren't afraid to let their clothes pick up where their own talent left off. And while some may find The Donny & Marie Show silly and outdated, one thing is for sure; there hasn't been anything like it on television since. Wardrobe-wise, that is.

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Mallika Sherawat Marriage Failure Career Successful

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 427)
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Mallika Sherawat is considered to be a youth icon in the Indian film industry. She has tremendous popularity as far as her looks are concerned. But acting is something which is not the first criterion to be a good female actor in India. They are mainly in the movies for ornamental purposes- to attract young people who form the major chunk of cinema-goers.

Mallika Sherawat hails from Rohtak, India. She was an air-hostess initially. Many people do not know that she was married to a pilot but the marriage did not work out and they separated. Mallika Sherawat then tried her hand in show business and she achieved overnight success with her film Murder. Her success is mainly attributed to her bold scenes which are not usually seen in Indian movies. After some of her initial movies most of the films have proven to be below average. Even her much talked about film 'Myth' with Jacky Chan has fallen flat. If Mallika has to stay in the film industry she will have to give quality to cinema.

For Mallika Sherawat success and money comes easy which will be a dream for many people. This is probably the reason why her parents who were against her defiant attitude regarding her show of skin, later reconciled with her and are reportedly living with her.

Mallika Sherawat's success has initiated a new era in Indian film industry. Actors who used to shy from showing their skin have now shed their hesitation and now competing with Mallika Sherawat. Celina Jaitly, Neha Dhupia, Esha Deol and many more like them are examples of such actors who have adopted the formula of Mallika Sherawat to make it to the top in Bollywood.

Many people feel that Mallika Sherawat is arrogant and egotist. She loves to talk about herself and her success. According to her, half the Indian population is mad about her. During an interview, she even challenged a senior news anchor of a reputed news channel that he likes her. Mallika probably has a very physical perspective of the people in general and that is how she has learned to exploit the desires of sexually deprived Indian men.

Mallika Sherawat has made name and money very easily... (relatively) just with her hot looks. Not everybody is gifted with such an attractive body. Quick success is something which is difficult to achieve and even more difficult to maintain. Let's see in future how she manages to continue to be a successful star of Bollywood.

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Psychic Jane Doherty How She Became A Psychic Ghost Hunter

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I met psychic Jane Doherty by pure chance, which is to say that nothing is ever left to chance when it comes to the psychic world. Her book, Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic, chronicles Jane's own psychic awakening and what it truly means to be psychic. For those seeking more information on what it means to be psychic, this book is a very compelling read.

Jane Doherty is a gifted psychic and medium of international acclaim. Many refer to her as the "real deal" because of her accuracy and sincere caring nature. In fact, Hans Holzer, known best for his many books on ghosts and paranormal activities, has named Jane Doherty as "One of the top twenty psychics in the world." A born teacher, Jane feels part of her own purpose in life is to teach others to open to their own psychic abilities, and for this reason Jane has brought her psychic teachings to an online format through the website. Here Jane has established a book club for her readers to explore more about their own psychic abilities with her personally, and Jane will also teach her multi-leveled Psychic Development courses at the website.

Widely recognized and respected for her extraordinary psychic skills and sensitivities, Jane Doherty has been featured on Fox Network News, CNN, The Today Show, Sightings, MSNBC Investigates, WB11 and numerous publications, including The New York Times, The New York Post and The Philadelphia Inquirer. She has been named one of the top twenty psychics in Woman's Own magazine. Reuters News Media has featured her in Australia, Austria, Germany, England, Russia, and the major Spanish network, Telemundo. She has also co-hosted a psychic call-in radio show for eight years and has been featured in three books, as well as in Woman's World Weekly magazine.

Currently Jane is featured on The Learn Channel's Dead Tenants show. The Dead Tenants TV show follows the journeys of the Preternatural Research Society (PRS)

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R J Williams And Young Hollywood

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 383)
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R. J. Williams or Robert Jackson Williams (born: July 19, 1978) was a child actor on movies and television shows. He is best recognized by soap opera fans for playing Rowdy on General Hospital from 1989 through 1991. He appeared on numerous hit shows in the 80s and 90s such as Full House, Star Trek the Next Generation, Young and the Restless, Baywatch, Magnum PI, Love Boat, TJ hooker and many others. He earned 2 Young Artist Award and 9 Young Artist Award nominations.

After spending his entire childhood as an actor R.J. Williams decided to attend the prestigious USC School of Cinema-Television. Upon completion of his studies, he formed his own production company: Arjay Entertainment.

Since its inception, Arjay Entertainment has established its presence among Young Hollywood. The company had formed several distribution alliances and provided content for ABC, Showtime, TV Guide Channel, America Online and various Fox Cable channels.

In 2006, R.J. Williams launched is an online destination for original celebrity and Lifestyle video content that focuses on the rising generation. RJ Williams developed a very simple programming philosophy at Young Hollywood - all of his content is based on integrity, accuracy, and a real sense of fun.

Young Hollywood features the latest Hollywood entertainment news and latest scoops on your favorite celebrities. It stays away from gossip, tabloids and paparazzi and focuses on the positive side of celebrity life. Young Hollywood also features exclusive video footage on Hollywood celebrities and lifestyle that are updated daily. What restaurant they dine in and clubs they get their grove on. Young Hollywood offers movie trailers, music videos and celebrity photo galleries that range from headline makers, heartthrobs, TV hotties, Oscar nominees, comedians and athletes.

Young Hollywood is all about entertainment, but we're informative too. We offer breaking news, update content on our web site daily, and send out a weekly newsletter to our fans, so you'll always be in-the-know about what is hip, cool and fun.

Young Hollywood has already formed numerous strategic relationships - including recent deals with YouTube and Myspace. Young Hollywood branded segments also appear on CBSs hit show Entertainment Tonight. All of this brings Young Hollywood closer to the long-term goal of becoming the ultimate multi-platform entertainment experience.

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Big Brother 7 Lisa Is Evicted

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Lisa Huo became the fifth housemate to be evicted from the Big brother house after she was voted out ahead of Nikki Grahame, Imogen Thomas and Mikey Dalton in a four-way tussle.

As soon as Grace was given the boot last week, Lisa was odds-on favourite at 4/5 to be next person out of the door with the bookmakers expecting nominations from Aisleyne, Richard, Susie and Pete for the foul mouthed unemployed upholsterer from Manchester.

Big Brother introduced a twist this week for nomination-discussing rule breakers Glyn, Imogen, Lea, Lisa and Nikki who were not be allowed to nominate in the normal fashion. Instead, they each had to nominate one member of their group, on the spot, in front of everyone else. They were not allowed to discuss their choices or nominate themselves and the housemate with the most nominations would automatically face eviction via the public vote. The voting went as follows:

Glyn and Lisa nominated Nikki, Imogen voted for Lea who returned the favour and Nikki voted for Lisa. With two nominations Nikki faced eviction for the third successive week.

The rest of the housemates - Aisleyne, Mikey, Pete, Richard and Susie were allowed to nominate as usual in the privacy of the Diary Room. As Nikki was already put up for the public vote, the remaining housemates were not allowed to nominate her, which saw Imogen, Lisa and Mikey thrown into the eviction mix.

By Monday night, Lisa was 1/4 favourite for eviction, despite the remainder of the nominated housemates not being revealed officially until Tuesday evening.

Lisa's price shortened considerably as the day's neared Friday's eviction night until she was trading at 1/100 so it was no surprise when host Davina McCall announced she was evicted.

Lisa appeared to be expecting to leave as she reacted well with a typical mix of smiles and good natured profanity, hugging each of her housemates in turn and repeating select phrases including "sorted mate", "mint", "take it easy" and "have fun".

Following a few weeks where housemates have received landslide eviction percentages - Grace polling 87.9% and of course Sezer's 91.6%, Lisa received a more respectable 60.3% of the vote considering she wasn't trading at odds-against once during eviction week.

Big Brother's latest twist will see five new contestants entering a secret "second" house next Friday. The new house, accessible via the diary room, features its own bedroom, kitchen, lounge, bathroom and garden area.

Instead of voting to evict a housemate next week, the public will instead choose one housemate to "save" but live with the five newcomers in the new house.

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Eric Clapton Slowhand Returns To The Stage In 2006

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Eric Clapton, thought by many to be the preeminent guitar authority in the world, is returning to the stage in the summer of 2006. His story is one that relates directly to the decades of timeless music he has produced, and Clapton is revered by fans of several generations. His life is one of struggle and sadness, and his music is seen by many of his fans as his personal triumph over his circumstances.

Early Life

Clapton was born in 1945 in England, although he didn't really know who his parents were until later in childhood. His father was a Canadian service man who went back to Canada after World War II, and his natural mother left soon thereafter to join him. Eric was left to be raised by his grandparents, who he thought were his real parents until he was nine years old. Clapton knew his real mother as his sister, as his grandparents wanted to shield him from the stigma that came with being an "illegitimate" child.

Clapton was first inspired by music as a young teenager when he watched Jerry Lee Lewis perform on television, and his life-long love of the blues was born that day. He attended school with the intent on becoming a stained glass designer was derailed when he was expelled at 17 for playing his guitar in class. Despite what was seen as a setback at the time, the incident propelled Clapton into music full time.

Early Career

Clapton proceeded to work a series of low-end jobs while continuing to learn and play the blues with his guitar. In 1963, he joined a band called the Yardbirds, which just happened to boast of three enormously popular guitarists - Clapton, Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck. The band was an instant smash hit, and they were known for their bluesy style and riveting guitar melodies. However, Clapton became disillusioned with the band's progression towards mainstream rock and roll, and left the band in 1965.

Clapton spent the next year making the band the Bluesbreakers extremely popular, but in 1966, he decided to form his own band, naming it Cream.

Reaching Potential

Cream was one of the most recognizable and loved bands in the world, and every one of their albums was a huge hit. Cream was mentioned in the same breath as the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, and the trio recorded three albums before deciding to put together a farewell cut entitled Goodbye in 1969. There were many reasons for the band's break up, but drug abuse and clashing egos were seen as the primary reasons.

Later that year, Clapton became a member of rock's first "super group" when he teamed with Steve Winwood, Ric Grech and Ginger Baker. Although the band released only one album which was named after the band, Blind Faith climbed to number one on the North American Billboard album charts, and the work is still selling well to this day.

Going Solo

After all of his experience in highly successful bands, Clapton decided to strike out on his own, and this would prove to be an extremely wise decision. However, Clapton first had to get past his drug addiction, which was no small task. Once he had, however, he got right back into what he loved most, and released an album entitled 461 Ocean Boulevard in 1974. The album included a cover of Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff, which not only experienced chart success, but brought exposure to the world of reggae that was seen as "the" boost to the genre in general.

In the past 30 years, Clapton has released 15 studio albums which have contained songs that are considered by many to be anthems more than singles, including such mega-hits as "Knockin' on Heaven's Door," "Lay Down Sally," "Cocaine" and "Wonderful Tonight."

Bringing It All Together

The result of Clapton's work goes beyond millions of records sold and tens of millions of loyal fans. He is the only artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times, has won several Grammy Awards and is known for his guitar skill in every country in the world. He has never lost his love for the blues, and continues to thrill crowds with his heart-felt renditions of his and other songs that were written over the decades, and everyone who has a chance to see him live considers it a privilege and an honor.

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Big Brother 6 Sam Heuston

(category: Celebrities, Word count: 501)
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Despite being the best looking girl in Big Brother 6, sexy Sam Heuston was voted out third, lasting a total of 22 days and despite describing herself as "the horniest girl you've ever met", bisexual-by-numbers Sam was quite dull in the house and couldn't even tempt eventual winner Anthony Hutton into some action.

Housemate Sam was a marketing student from Cheam, Surrey and 23-years-old when she entered the Big Brother house. She missed her final exam to participate on the TV show but gained a 2:2 degree anyway.

Sam dreamt of being famous and saw Big Brother as a stepping stone to bigger things. She had a boob job but never told her family and once stripped naked on a podium on holiday in Tenerife in exchange for tickets to an event. Her idol is Christina Aguilera and although she loves both men and women, she relieves herself of boredom by thinking and talking about men.

Before going into Big Brother, Sam believed the housemates would be annoyed at her prettiness. An issue that Sam raised in her continuous slanging match with "Lesleh".

She may have been pretty but also described herself as "original, funny and fun". However, there wasn't much evidence of that during her brief stint in the house.

By the second week of the show, Zoo magazine announced they would offer Sam a job as a sex columnist when she left the house - a role previously occupied by tabloid regular Jodie Marsh.

She lasted just another week when she was put up for eviction alongside Derek and Roberto, receiving 59% of the public and duly being evicted from the Big Brother house.

Sam had escaped being evicted at the second eviction on Friday 10 June (Day 15) when up against all her fellow housemates Anthony, Craig, Derek, Kemal, Lesley, Maxwell, Makosi, Roberto, Saskia, Science and Vanessa. If Big Brother had decided use the normal nomination procedure to choose possible evictees, Sam would have been up against Derek.

This is Sam's nomination history during her stint in the house:

1st (Day 5) - Sam was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Lesley and Vanessa.

2nd (Day 11) - Sam was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley, Makosi, Roberto and Vanessa.

3rd (Day 18) - Sam was nominated by Anthony, Maxwell and Vanessa and was evicted by the public vote.

Since being evicted, Sam has beaten her obligatory battle against depression, had a short fling with Blue lothario Duncan James and dyed her hair blonde.

She has been an almost permanent fixture in the lads mags, been offered TV presenter roles and a sex columnist. She also appeared on an episode of the Italian version of Big Brother as an audience member.

With Big Brother 7 now well underway, Sam will have to come up with a new angle is she is to remain in the spotlight. A second appearance in reality TV, say Celebrity Love Island perhaps?

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