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Bargain-Hunting Articles

Getting A Good Deal On Children S Clothing

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 663)
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Children grow at unbelievable rates, and sometimes it seems like their clothes no longer fit just overnight. Clothing isn't cheap so having to budget for a new wardrobe isn't easy. If you have several children then you know all too well the burden of coming up with money to buy all of the clothes they need before school starts and again in the summer time. Sure, you can save some money by passing clothing from one child to another but there are plenty of other ways to save money on children's clothing.

Many stores offer buy one get one free offers throughout the year on jeans, shirts, and even shoes. While you may not think your child needs so many right then consider buying them the next size up. This way when you need bigger clothes for them you already have some stored away at home without having to rush out and spend whatever the going price is at that time for such items.

Pay attention to the sales that take place throughout the year on children's clothing. You will be amazed at the savings. In fact, the first place I look when I enter a retail store is the discount and sale racks that are generally placed at the back of the store. I have purchased swimsuits and swim trunks for my children as school time approaches for just a dollar or two instead of $10 or $20 a piece.

Winter jackets can cost from $50 to $200 dollars depending on where you purchase them from. I always buy extras for my children at the end of winter and never pay more than $20 for them. The same with summer clothing such as sandals and shorts. They go on sale as school approaches and I buy larger sizes to store until next summer. I use tight sealing storage containers for the clothing so it won't get damaged.

Sweaters for both boys and girls are a common item in the colder months, but it can be expensive for good quality ones. Buy them on sale and pack them away for next year. Try to avoid ones that offer seasonal colors or themes so that they can be used whenever the child needs one. Even paying $5 for a sweater that is regularly $30 is a very good deal in my book.

My children and I make it a day of fun and games when it is time to change from one season to the next. We go through the containers of clothing and try on things to see what is a good fit. We also clean out clothes that don't fit from their closets. This way we know exactly what items each child still needs to be ready for the season.

To get good deals like these on clothing for children you need to be well organized and plan ahead. You may think it isn't worth while to pay for items now that won't get used for a year, but think about the overall savings. I have three children to buy winter jackets for so $20 each in about the cost of one when the next winter rolls around. This is the best way I know to keep my children dressed nicely but also to make it fit well into the budget I have to work with.

Don't forget to look at the sale pages for children's clothing that are often found in the major newspapers on Wednesdays and Sundays. You may be able to pick up some great deals at these one day sales, but make sure it really is a sale and not just a promotion of their regularly advertised prices. To get the most out of the clothing you purchase, try to avoid trendy themes that may not be in style when your child is able to wear them next year. Stick to basic styles and colors.

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Find Grea Items At A Low Price By Going To Yard And Garage Sales

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 609)
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Find Great Items at a Low Price by Going to Yard and Garage Sales

The saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure is one that we all find to be very true at one time or another. Many people clear out their unwanted items and then have a yard or garage sale. This is a great place to find items you want and need at bargain prices.

If you don't like the price on any given item at these sales you can ask them to lower it. Negotiating the selling price is a common practice for yard and garage sales. Should the seller not be willing to lower the price you can always ask them to take down your phone number and call you if the item doesn't sale for the price they want. You will find most people are willing to lower the price rather than risk the item having to be carried back inside or stored if it doesn't sale at the end of the day.

When it comes to yard and garage sales, you will find you have the best luck if you start out early in the morning. Take the time to read through the ads in your local newspaper. It can be fun to map our a route of yard and garage sales you want to hit with a friend or even as a way to spend some time by yourself. This strategy will prevent you from constantly back tracking.

The items you will find at a yard or garage sale will vary but some common items include clothing, furniture, baby items, kitchen item, art, tools, toys, bikes, and even vehicles. If you are looking for something in particular then search out ads that have those specific items.

Since babies outgrow clothes and items like car seats and basinets quickly they are often in excellent shape. Career clothes are very expensive and you can find a wonderful selection of quality work clothes for both men and women at yard and garage sales. I have come across ladies business suites that still had the tags on them! The down side to purchasing clothing at yard and garage sales is that you can't try them on first to make sure they fit. However, I figure if I am picking up a $60 skirt and blazer set for $2.50 I will take my chances!

If you are looking for furniture then target the ads that describe and estate sale or a moving sale. In most cases they will be trying to sell all they can to prevent having to pack it up and move it with them or pay to place it into storage. You can generally even get them to assist you with loading the items you purchase or delivering them if you can negotiate the right deal. In most cases if you pay for an item the seller will be happy to allow you to come back later to pick it up if you need to.

Clothing, household items, jewelry, and baby items are often expensive you pay retail price for them. You can get a great bargain if you get up early and go to yard and garage sales. Make sure you head out early and you have single bills and plenty of change. Then go have sun seeking the items you are after. If you are like me, there will be plenty that catches your eye that you decide you want just because you can't pass up the great price for it.

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Can Discount Stores Really Offer You A Bargain

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 670)
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It seems like dollar stores and other various discount stores are becoming a common retailer in most areas. Can these discount stores really offer you a bargain or do they just sell poor quality items? In my opinion, there are plenty of gear bargains to be found in dollar stores and discount stores if you look for the right items.

I give lots of cards to people, but they can cost $3 each at most retailers. I can find some great cards at discount stores for about $.50 each. They are still funny or pretty or sentimental in nature and I never feel like I had to settle for less than what I wanted to say.

Disposable items for a party are a great deal at discount stores. The cost of napkins, paper plates, cups, silverware, invitations, and tablecloths can really add up fast. Wrapping paper and gift bags are another area of party items that can be found for a good price at discount stores.

I wouldn't recommend going into discount stores and buying gifts for your family members or friends, but there are some good items in there. I personally enjoy buying picture frames from discount stores because they look just as nice. However, I would feel bad giving picture frames from these stores as gifts. For example I bought a very nice set of three frames from a discount store recently. They look like glass and make a beautiful display on my dresser. Yet when you pick them up you can quickly tell they are made from lightweight plastic.

Most discount stores have plenty of toys for children, but remember that children are very hard on toys. They will be very disappointed when the head pops off the doll or the tires fall of the car. I wouldn't recommend buying such toys from a discount store as the quality just isn't there.

Yet there are plenty of fun children's toys you can get from a discount store including cards, marbles, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and coloring books. These all make great items for stocking stuffers or even for traveling to make the trip go by faster. I like to bring bubbles for when we stop at a rest area as an incentive to get them to treat each other with respect while we are on the road. Simple, but it works well every time!

There are also plenty of items at discount stores that you can use to decorate your home. I refuse to pay $35 for a shower curtain! It just isn't going to happen. I always get them at the dollar store for just a couple of dollars. They last a very long time and they were well. I have not problem at all when the time comes to replace it. I have also found neat soap dishes and wall hangings for my bathroom at discount stores.

Office supplies are something most of us use on a regular basis. You can get them for a very good price at discount stores. Notebooks, paper, pens, glue, rulers, scissors, calculators, and envelopes can all be found for a really good price. I have never had any problems with the quality of such items. They are very comparable to those I buy at other retail stores for much more money.

I think when it comes to finding bargains at discount stores there are some to be found. It is important that you don't have too high of expectations when it comes to the quality of the items. Yet in most of the cases relating the different items I have described above, the quality doesn't have to be exceptional. They will work to serve the purpose without costing you a fortune. This makes party planning much more fun when you know you have the budget to cover it all. If you don't shop at discount stores you are really missing out on some great bargains!

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Take The Vacation You Want Without Paying A Fortune For It

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 285)
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Take the Vacation you want without Paying a Fortune for it

The majority of us live a very fast paced lifestyle that involves more things to get done than we really have time for. As a result, it is ourselves that we don't fully take care of. Planning a vacation is a great way to reward yourself for your hard work as well as have some time to relax. Many people think they can't afford a vacation, but with some time spent looking into various aspects of things it is very possible to take the vacation you want without paying a fortune for it.

First, you need to decide where you want to travel so that you can collect all the information about getting there and the various attractions. If you need transportation to get there look at the various options. Many people think getting a package vacation that includes airfare, hotel, and a rental car is the best way to go. In many cases it can be but that isn't always the case. It depends on the various specials that are available.

For example my husband and I wanted to take our children to Disneyland. Yet the cost was several thousand dollars for the roundtrip flight, hotel, passes to the parks, and rental car. We thought about going somewhere else but decided to see what our options were first. We discovered that it was almost $300 per person to fly to California and back.

Yet we found roundtrip tickets to Las Vegas Nevada for $99 per person. We rented our car from that airport instead and drove the remaining 4

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Save Money When You Purchase Refurbished Products

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 303)
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Most of use enjoy being able to buy the items we need as well as enjoy some luxury items now and then. The cost of many items though makes it difficult to budget for them if you don't want to simply run out and charge up your credit cards every time you want or need something.

One of the best ways to get what you want or need is to take a close look at refurbished items, also referred to as reconditioned, that are for sale. These items offer you the same name brand and the same quality but they are sold for less. This is because the item has been returned because it did not work properly. Yet it has been looked at and repaired so it is just as good a purchasing a new one. Many refurbished products come with a warranty as well but several of them are purchased in an "as is" condition. Make sure you ask about this before you make the purchase.

Some individuals avoid refurbished products because they fear they won't work well for them. They figure since the product has already proven to be defective one it surely will again. This is very rarely the case as refurbished products are examined by those trained to repair them. Once the problem is identified the work hard to correct it. Before the product is resold it is thoroughly tested.

Some items that get refurbished are more common than others. Generally all of the various types of electronic products out there can be refurbished. Vacuum cleaners and computers are two of the most popular. Why pay for a new computer or a new vacuum when you can get the same model with the same features for less then

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Finding A Bargain On A New Vehicle

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 678)
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We have all heard that depressing statement that a new vehicle depreciates in value the second you pull away from the dealership. I used to think that was an exaggeration until my friend got into a wreck in her Dodge Durango a week after she purchased it. The insurance wouldn't give her enough to cover buying a new one even though she was not at fault in the accident. She had to get an attorney and eventually she was able to get a new vehicle to replace it, but not without quite a circus taking place around the issue for a couple of months.

Buying a new vehicle is one expense that you have to consider very carefully. Those monthly payments can sure take a chunk out of your disposable income. You also have to consider the cost of license plates, insurance, gas, and regular maintenance on the vehicle. To help you find the very best bargains on the new vehicle of your choice you will want to conduct some research before you start negotiations with the salesman.

There are a variety of ways to find out the book value on a particular vehicle. You can go to or You can get a very detailed price by listing the make of the vehicle, the various accessories it offers, and the mileage. This information will help you find the lowest price you can expect to purchase that vehicle for.

Next, take a close look at your credit report so you know exactly what interest rate you can expect on a new vehicle. This way you don't waste your time haggling with the sales. See what they offer you for a price and financing before you bring your information into play. If they match or beat it then great. If they want to give you higher price or interest rate, present your researched information. If they won't sell you the vehicle for that price with that interest rate then go somewhere else.

October is a very good time of year to start considering the purchase of a new vehicle. This is because they want to start clearing out vehicles on the lot to make room for the next year's models that will soon be arriving. Since many vehicle dealerships don't see much in the way of sales over winter due to the cold and the holiday season, they are more likely to present you with the deal of the century to make the sell.

If you see other sales around the holidays they may be a good time to save money as well. The key to making sure it is a bargain is to make sure the cost hasn't been inflated or your interest rated jacked up a percent or two to cover the promotional cost of the vehicle. Too many people get caught up in what they see on the windshield of a vehicle rather than looking at the big picture.

New vehicles often end up with a scratch or a dent in them soon after you buy them. While this can be very upsetting you really can't do much about it. Someone leaving their shopping cart in the parking lot of the store can result in the wind running it into your vehicle. You can find great deals of new vehicles that have some body damage such as small scratches and even hail damage from a recent storm. In most cases you will save several times what it costs you to repair the damage.

To motivate customers to make a purchase of a new vehicle instead of just looking many dealerships offer incentives like 0% financing and cash back. Make sure you find out all the details of such promotions as they may be a good way to save money or they may cost you more in the long run. Take the time to calculate all the possible scenarios so that you get the bargain you were after with your new vehicle purchase.

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What You Can Expect From Catalog Return Stores

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 137)
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If you are a shopper who is always in the market for a good bargain, then you don't want to pass up the opportunities found at a catalog return store. These are the locations where merchandise individuals ordered from a catalog or even online these days and then returned for one reason or another.

Many people don't want to shop from catalog return stores because they are afraid that they won't get quality merchandise. After there has to be some reason why someone else didn't want it right?

However, you will find the items they offer have nothing wrong with them they simply didn't work well for the person who ordered them. Maybe it was the wrong color or the design didn't fit in with their d

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Save Money On Your Purchases By Taking Advantage Of The Rebates Offered

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 676)
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Save Money on your Purchases by Taking Advantage of the Rebates Offered

Many manufacturers offer mail in rebates to encourage consumers to buy their product. The way these rebates work is that you have to pay the full price for the product when you get it. Then you fill out the rebate information and mail it in along with a copy of your receipt. They will then send you a check.

However, you will be amazed at how many people fail to get around to sending in the information for their rebate. Most offers have a set time frame so it is a good idea to get the information in the mail as quickly as possible. They either don't want to mess around with the process or the simply forget with so many other things taking place in their life.

Since it can take weeks to get your rebate in the mail, it is a good idea to keep a file of the rebates you have mailed in. Always make a copy of the rebate information and the receipt before you mail it in. This way you have proof of your purchase and a phone number to contact them if you don't receive the rebate in a timely manner.

The amount of any given rebate will vary but when you consider that the average on is $25, that is a great deal of money that consumers aren't taking advantage of. It is a good idea to always use them to your advantage. Otherwise you are simply throwing your money away.

Each rebate process may be slightly different so make sure you take the time to read all the information that comes with it. You don't want the frustration of waiting for 60 days to get the rebate only to get a letter instead that says you aren't eligible because you failed to provide some piece of information or your form wasn't completely filled out.

It is also a good idea to take action when a rebate you send it is not honored. This doesn't happen very often but it is very important that you follow up. If you only purchased the item at the price offered because of the rebate than it is even more important that you get it.

Getting your rebate should never exceed 60 days. If you don't have it by then contact the company. Make sure you document all the information about when you called and who you spoke to. It is good to have a log of this information so that if you want to pursue getting the rebate by other means you can back up your information.

There are a couple good websites you can use to track your rebate including,, and If you don't find your rebate and the manufacturer isn't working with you then file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau.

The majority of company's who offer rebates do honor them though so this really should never be an ongoing issue for you. There are plenty of businesses that do look forward to the unclaimed rebates though because at least 40% of them never get filed by the consumer.

As a rule of thumb though, I wouldn't recommend basing your purchase on a rebate. If you don't end up with the funds then the product cost you more than you were willing to pay for it. While you wait for the rebate process to be completed you will have the loss of that additional money that could be allocated for something else.

You should also be prepared for rebates to ask for your personal information including your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. This could result in you getting coupons and promotions that will save you more money in the future. However, they can result in you getting bombarded by offers by the manufacturer that you aren't interested in.

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Do You Really Save Money If You Purchase Items In Bulk

(category: Bargain-Hunting, Word count: 379)
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Do you Really Save Money if you Purchase Items in Bulk?

With the continued cost of various items in our society the concept of buying in bulk is getting to be more common that ever. Yet many people question if they are really saving money or not. The answer to this question that yes you will save money when you purchase the right items in bulk. For example you really don't need to purchase a case of 200 light bulbs as that will last you for many, many years. On the other hand if you have a fairy large family or lots of guests on a regular basis you might consider buying toilet paper and paper towels in bulk.

Any item that you will use up in a short period of time is a good candidate for being purchased in bulk. There are many membership warehouses that offer bulk items that focus on families and small businesses. Dry ingredients for your home including sugar and flour are good options. Avoid buying bulk items that will result in eating the same thing day after day though as no one wants to have to do this. For example, don't buy snacks and potato chips in bulk because everyone in your family will quickly tire of the taste.

If you find that such items like that are a good deal but more than you reasonably need, consider buying bulk items with another family. This way you can share the items and the expense. It is good idea to take the other party shopping with you so that everyone gets a fair say in what items will be purchased. You may need to be willing to try new brands of items to make this work. If the other party already uses that brand ask them to give you a sample. If you want them to consider your brand then offer them a sample of it to try as well.

Meat is probably the best item you can buy in bulk to save money. This will likely involve investing in a freezer that can be kept in your garage or basement to store the meat in. You can purchase a whole beef,

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