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Ppc-Advertising Articles

Making More Than Pennies With Google Adsense

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 740)
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Google Adsense is advertisements you can put on your website in various formats, when someone clicks on an Ad you get payed a commission. Placing ads on your site is easy you just need to copy and paste a script onto your site which is easily created though google's step by step setup. These scripts work by looking at your website page content and showing relevant ads based on this information.

Many people have been highly successful making money with Google's Adsense, some actually make thousands of dollars per day. But there are many strugglers that only make 1 or 2 dollars per day which can be very frustrating. Common mistakes are made by these people, and with just a little extra effort, their earnings could be greatly improved.

If you are interested in Adsense the first thing you need to do is choose a niche to work with. Don't just choose a niche just because of the high paying keywords it offers. You need to find something that you have a passion for or know a lot about. You will need to update your site regularly to keep up with competitors, and it's much easier to do this if you actually like your niche. The second point id like to make is that you need to assess your competition. If your niche has been done to death or there are too many competing sites you are decreasing your chances of success.

Another common problem is the content people put on their sites, it needs to be useful to your visitors and offer them value. Duplicate content is all over the net today and it is easy to find what I call adsense only sites which offer visitors nothing new just the same content from the previous site they visited. If you choose a niche you have a passion for, and knowledge about, you should be able to create a site with unique information that your visitors will value. If you do this your visitors will return and maybe even recommend your site to others.

The next mistake people make is the placement of there ads. It is very important to place your ads in strategic positions. If you don't spend the time doing this your click through rate, and earnings will be low. I recommend using google's help section in your adsence account. Do a search for 'heat map' this heat map shows you the positions that people are most likely to click. This type of information is invaluable, and will help improve your click though rate and earnings dramatically.

It's also extremely important to track your results. Google has channels you can create and use to track your ads so you can see what works best. Spending the time trying different positions and ad types on your site is well worth the effort.

All this information is useless unless you have a steady stream of website traffic. I recommend learning basic on page optimization which is tips on making your site search engine friendly. On page optimization includes things like using keyword pacific page titles, and correct use of meta tags.

More importantly people need to learn off page optimization which is basically getting links from other websites to your own. This will improve your search engine rankings and give you traffic from other websites. Off page optimization includes article submission, posting on forums relevant to your niche with your website in your signature, and swapping links with other webmasters.

Now you are ready to get out there and implement or improve your websites. We have learnt to, choose a niche we have a passion for, provide visitors with unique, and quality content. Place your ads strategically to improve your click through rate with the help of google's heat map. Tracking your ads with channels to see what works and what doesn't. How to get traffic to your website using on-page and off-page optimization.

For more information on these topics I recommend you watch these videos form Michael Cheney who has earned thousand from adsence. He spent a whole year locked away studying adsence strategies and come up with a system that is guaranteed to work for you. If you're not happy with Michael's videos he will happily refund your money no questions asked. You can find a link to his site in my biography box.

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Advertising And Branding Today

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 511)
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Watch any given television long enough, and you'll be greeted by advertisements. And in today's ever-competitive market, the real story is behind the scenes, where companies face a constant battle to stay ahead of the competition. And with brand names offering hugely lucrative contracts for the right image, the art of advertising today is massively important.

The actual art of advertising and branding is a lot more sophisticated and in-depth than the consumers they target may realize. Long before an advert even reaches the screen, or print, it has been subject to pain-staking research, focus groups, marketing surveys, and many other methods of determining the current state of the target market. Without this information, releasing a product runs the risk of commercial suicide if the consumer isn't ready. There's no such thing as luck where advertising a brand, either established or new, is involved. It takes a lot of hard work, grueling hours in meetings and highly skilled teams of creative minds to finalize a concept.

Part of this process, and a way of determining whether a new brand and accompanying advertisement has succeeded or not, is actually one of the simplest. By providing a group of consumers with either an image, a tag line, or even just a combination of colors and sounds, and they recognize the brand behind the advertising, then the hard work has paid off.

This is where the advertising and branding of a product is so important, by firstly ensuring that consumers will recognize a given product or brand. The next important factor is actually persuading consumers to associate certain attributes with your product. These can range from reliability, pricing, value for money, etc. This is one of the most difficult, yet most intrinsically important sources of advertising and branding success. An instance of this is if you mentioned mouthwash - is there a brand that springs to mind immediately? How about favourite destinations to go on vacation - does one resort receive more recommendations than others? Even if that particular resort hasn't been visited by everyone who mentioned it, just the fact the advertising of that resort makes it sound so enticing that they perceive it's the destination they should go to, is a sure sign of successful brand advertising.

Yet if successfully advertising a brand is difficult enough to begin with, it can be even more so trying to reach out to new markets with the same product. The stronger the brand and the more successful the initial advertising campaign, the more difficult it becomes to find new avenues. Despite possibly having the number one product on the market, any new advertising still needs to go through the whole process again from scratch. After all, what worked for one product is not guaranteed to work for another.

And this is where the true power of advertising and branding becomes apparent, and is the strongest proof yet that it's one of the most important in determining whether a company succeeds or fails.

For more articles on this topic, go to

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Google Adsense Tips For Maximum Earnings And How To Avoid Smart Pricing

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 1804)
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Almost everyone has probably heard of AdSense by now, if not then I am pretty sure you have seen AdSense and may have not even known what it was. To explain AdSense, I must first tell you a little about ' AdWords ', Adwords is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising system that is available through Google the search engine. You create a small text ad, which is placed on Google's search result pages, the ads match your websites subject or content. You bid or set a fee that you are willing to pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad, this is a great way to get highly targeted traffic that can turn into sales, subscribers, or whatever you are trying to achieve with your website traffic.

Now that I have explained Adwords, I can now tell you about AdSense. AdSense makes it possible for website owners to earn money by simply letting Google place ads on their web pages. AdSense ads can be either text or images, the ads can be altered to blend into the webpages, so they don't make your site look junky or poorly designed. AdSense ads are highly relevant to the content of most webpages, for instance if you place AdSense ads on a webpage that sells Coins, you will get ads about selling coins or other coin related subjects. Every time a website visitor clicks on one of the AdSense ads on your webpage, you earn money, and every month after your first balance reaches one hundred dollars, Google will send you a check or you can have the money deposited into your checking account. The AdSense program is a great way to earn extra money if you have a website, it's easy to make a few dollars every day, and some folks are making thousands of dollars per month doing it.

When I first started Adsense, I placed the ads on my webpages and it wasn't very long until I had made a small amount of money, a few days later my account balance had grown even more. I was pretty happy, but I thought to myself, after reading a lot of articles, I am not making nearly as much money as others are making with AdSense, something must be wrong. Then I thought, maybe my website doesn't get the traffic that the others are getting ? I chatted with a lot of people on the internet that were in the program, and I discovered that the amount of visitors I get, was higher than some of the traffic they receive. You may think that 200 - 400 unique visitors a day is low for website traffic, you are very wrong, the average website gets a lot less per day, especially if your website is only a few months old or is not optimized for the search engines, or it's subject matter has a very low search demand.

If my website was getting a nice amount of traffic or visitors, why was my AdSense earnings so low ? The first thing that I discovered that was wrong was ' adsense ad placement ', that's right, you have to study each webpage's layout that you plan on placing the ads on. Wherever your webpage has sections or areas that grab and hold the visitors attention, this is a prime area to place a section of AdSense ads, in other words, place the ads on your webpages where folks will notice them. We are currently allowed to place up to 3 different AdSense ad sections or groups on each webpage. I found after some testing that the best places for my ads are, just under the title or sub-title, near the middle of the page, and near the end or bottom of my page. If you place one section of AdSense ads near the top of your webpage, folks entering your site will probably notice the ads, and if they scroll down a ways and theres more ads, that increases the odds that they will notice them also. Probably the best place to place one section of ads is at the bottom of your webpages, right after your last bit of text or interesting reading, but make sure you place the ads before any other links, because when visitors are ready to leave your site, they may leave by clicking on one of your ads, earning you money, and if you have other links showing before your ads, they may leave your site by clicking on one of them. So after I studied the layout of all my webpages, I went back through and repositioned the AdSense ads, almost immediately I noticed my earnings increased.

I left my webpages alone, and about three months later I received my first check in the mail, it wasn't a lot of money but still for really doing no physical work I was very glad to get it. My earnings slowly started getting better and better after that first check, the next month I received another check, then the following month I got another and so on. After having been in the AdSense program for about 8 months, and chatting with more folks who were also in the program I found that my earnings were still low compared to some other people.

I then discovered another method that increased my earnings even more. I noticed that my ads stood out from the rest of my webpages text and content. I had always thought, I should make my ads a different color than my webpages background so folks would notice my ads, and click on them, I was totally wrong. Almost everyone that has been on the internet for any length of time, has become so accustomed to seeing banners and other flashy ads that almost everyone now has what is called 'ad blindness', that is, when they visit a site they are automatically turned off or they ignore anything that looks like an ad. I used the Adsense editor and I changed my ads background and border colors so they matched the background color of my webpages, and I changed the text color of the ads so they matched the text color of my webpages content. The ads blended in very well, to me they were barely noticeable from the rest of my webpage, but right away the number of clicks on the ads increased, and the earnings went up even more.

I left my webpages alone and for another couple months my earnings stayed about the same, I was content with the results, but my earnings were still not as good as some of the other folks who received roughly the same amount of traffic that I did. Then I found out that they had done something else to their AdSense ads, something that made the ads seem to really get peoples attention, they were placing images near the ads, it seemed adding images made the ads look unique and it helped make the amount of clicks on them rise. So I searched the internet and I found some little icons and images that matched the content of my webpages, and near where the Adsense ads were shown, I displayed the images by adding a simple html image tag. I asked google if adding the images was within the AdSense rules, and I was advised that they were fine as long as they didn't make folks click on the ads, by this I mean, you cannot have a flashing sign that says, ' click these ads ', or you shouldn't have a scantily dressed girl pointing to the ads saying ' make me happy - click here ' or stuff like that, just make some nice little images that pertain to your webpages content.

The next couple months or so, my earnings still continued rising slowly. By this time, besides my regular webpages I had been working on several BLOG's pertaining to different subjects, so I thought I might as well place AdSense ads on all of my blogs also and make even more money. For a couple weeks my earnings went up quite a bit, and I was very happy, then all of a sudden, just like someone turning off a switch, my AdSense earnings plummeted. I was now making in a day, what I had made when I first joined the program, what the heck happened I thought to myself ? My traffic was still slowly rising, the number of clicks was rising, but for some strange reason, the earnings per click, (EPC) had dropped a lot, it was horrible.

Then I learned that Google had introduced a new feature or system into the AdSense program, called 'smart pricing', 'smart pricing' automatically adjusts the cost of an ad click. Using Googles system of analyzing AdSense data, if it shows that a click from one of your webpages is less likely to turn into an online sale, or other business result for the Ad publisher, the amount you earn per click in AdSense is greatly reduced. When 'smart pricing', was introduced, some AdSense users saw their EPC drop to as low as 3 cents a click, where before 'smart pricing', that same click might of earned them a dollar or much more, this was quite a drastic drop in earnings. What is horrible about 'smart pricing', besides the earnings loss to AdSense users, is that one site or webpage can trigger it, and once triggered by that one webpage, it effects your entire account and every webpage you have will now earn substantially less per click. Remember awhile back when I had added AdSense Ads to my BLOG's, that seemed to be what had triggered smart pricing for me. The BLOG's were on numerous subjects, but they were not business or real professional sites, so hardly any business results such as sales, occurred from folks clicking the ads on these sites. After I removed the Adsense ads from the BLOG's, it took about a week, then I noticed that the EPC was once again climbing back up, yes the 'smart pricing', spell had been broken.

If you are thinking about trying AdSense, or if you are already in it, beware of the smart pricing curse, or if it has already effected your earnings, try removing AdSense ads from your webpages a few pages at a time, the smart-pricing system is evaluated each week, so it will take a few days to see if you have removed ads from the page(s) that triggered it.http://inovatrek.dealspot.hop.clickbank.netYou may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

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Does Pay Per Click Have A Future

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 1210)
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Reading the Google hit piece that appeared in Barron's this week got me thinking about the whole pay-per-click model. Pay-per-click (PPC) has been around for more a decade, and while Google has made some positive changes to it, it's showing its age.

If you think of the Internet advertising process as a series of actions, it would go like this:

Impression -> Click -> Action

Back in the old days the metric was CPM (cost per thousand), and advertisers paid per impression (getting the ad on the screen). CPM favored the publisher over the advertiser, as the publisher's responsibility ended at the first part of the process. DoubleClick, an early ad serving company, came up with their DART system to match the right advertiser with the right screen in order to maximize the return on CPM.

PPC moved the metric forward in the process, measuring success (and payment) based not on how many times the ad was served, but how many times it was actually clicked. When most people think of PPC they think of Adsense, Google's contextual advertising engine. But PPC is employed in banner advertising, on big ad farms like Doubleclick and other companies, and in some affiliate programs, though the number seems to be waning.

The latest incarnation of search engine based PPC (thanks to Google), works like this: you select keywords that you think people will use to search for stuff related to what you sell. For example, if you sell pretzel dough you might want to advertise under pretzels or making pretzels or something along those lines. Selecting keywords is way beyond the scope of this article, but there are plenty of companies out there that make a living helping you pick keywords. Anyway, you then bid on those keywords and your ad is shown on the page with the search results.

With Adsense Google moved the context from the search engine results page to your web site content. It reads your site and decides what keywords to use to display advertising on your site, just as it would with a Google search.

For affiliate programs it's a little different, but the concept is the same. You choose the ads (or pay someone a piece of the action to choose the ads for you), and they get displayed on your pages. Rather than selecting the keywords explicitly, you are selecting the ads based on what you (or your agent) thinks people who have chosen to read your content may have an interest in seeing.

When someone clicks on the ad, you get paid. It's that simple.

For Adsense, appearing first on the list makes all the difference. A study suggests that being the #1 choice increases your chance of being clicked by up to 40%, because a lot of people don't look past the first entry (I always check the first few). The difference in bids between the first position and second position could be staggering. For example, 1900 people searched Google for the word tax yesterday. The top spot in Adsense would have cost you $25.12. Positions 2 and 3 drop to $6.96, and 4 and 5 would have cost you $4.24.

My experience with Adsense tells me that in this case the first position would probably pay Google close to $10.

As the publisher, this is a home run. Every time the person clicks I get a $5 bill. God, what a country!

As the advertiser, $10 to get the person in the door seems like a lot of money to me. If I'm selling a high margin item (like maybe tax software or one of those quickie tax loans), it seems like it may be okay.

But I still have to get them to buy. Conversion rates (getting the person to take some action once they've clicked on the ad and gone to your site) vary wildly, but I always use 1.5 - 3% of those who click on an ad. That means that 97 - 98.5% of the people who click on the ad do not buy. Let's use 2% as an example. That means that for all the five dollar bills flying into the publisher's pocket, only about 2 people out of every hundred will buy anything. So for every $1000 I spend I get 20 sales. That means that every sale costs me $50. Your results will vary, of course, depending on how targeted your keywords are and your industry and offer. Get the conversion up to 5%, for example, and you will be down to $20 per sale, which is a little better. I am designing a what-if tool to help with this, and I'll post it when it's ready.

One of the reasons for low conversion is probably click fraud. If an unscrupulous person wants to make money in PPC, all he needs to do is find a bunch of people (or computers) to click on the ads on his website continually, and he'll reap the rewards.

Barron's believes that the smart money is getting out of PPC. They cite FTD as an example:

Flower giant FTD Group (FTD) recently complained about the high price of search advertising. "During the Christmas season, certain online search engine costs increased significantly over the prior year, and as such we made the decision not to pursue the resulting high-cost order volume," said Michael Soenen, chief executive officer.

First off, let me just say that as an advertising exec I pitched FTD, and they didn't strike me as the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. That being said, it's easy to see why FTD wants out. Being #1 or #2 in the keyword Flowers around Valentine's Day would have cost between $6.25 and $10.00. There were 100,000 searches on the days close to VD on that keyword, and 11,500 on Flowers Delivered, which would have cost between $5.03 and $6.72.

Some simple arithmetic shows me that FTD nets about $6.20 per transaction across its network. So the transaction is either a wash or a loss. FTD is the number 1 ad on Google for their keywords, so I guess they decided to eat that first transaction, counting on continuity to save them. According to Barron's this isn't going to work either:

One industry executive noted that the lifetime value of a customer acquired through Google for his/her business had approached zero. Oops. So much for that theory.

So the answer seems to be that the big guys are getting out. Using the flowers example, though, the top 5 ads are FTD, ProFlowers, Hallmark, 1-800-Flowers and Teleflora. So I guess it's going to happen over time.

So where is the future? According to the inventor of pay-per-click himself, Bill Gross (formerly of, the future is in pay-per-action, which moves the metric down to the final part of the Internet advertising transaction, where we think it belongs. There's a terrific article on that has more information on this.

Pay-per-action is simple...both parties have a stake in the outcome of the click, whether that is a sale, a lead, or even an instant telephone call (more on that in part 2). We think this is going to be the next big thing, and it's already happening.

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Advertising Gifts Online At Great Prices

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 287)
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Holiday gifts are available everywhere online, so how do you know if it's really a wholesale item? First, do a price comparison with several retailers. Beware of companies labeled wholesale that sell comparable brand name items at the same prices as retailers. Also, check the shipping total. Some companies will price below retail and then hike the shipping price tremendously to make up the difference.

Look for closeout bargains on online auctions. There are online companies that buy closeout merchandise from department stores, return merchandise, or overstock products. They buy these items super cheap and then pass the wholesale savings on to online consumers.

Once you locate an online seller that offers these kinds of items, you can often find great wholesale deals on gifts for kids of all ages, from babies to teens. For babies, there are baby cribs, baby blankets, baby furniture, and baby clothing available online at wholesale prices. For toddlers and those a little older, there are toys, games, dolls, and other great items online. For teens, there are CD players, cell phones, musical instruments, video games, DVD movies, music, jewelry, clothing, shoes, books, and more at wholesale prices.

Wholesale Computer Gifts for the Holidays

For the one who loves computers, you can find a variety of wholesale computer gifts online such as hard drives, printers and printer accessories, laptop cases, cables, adapters, computer briefcases, and more. Other ideas include webcams, gaming computers, digital cameras, and printer ink cartridges. Look for brand name products such as Dell and Compaq and compare pricing and quality. Sometimes you can find used accessories at great prices but be sure the items are in good condition.

eBay Wholesale Holiday Gifts


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Is Advertising On Craigslist Better Than Advertising On Myspace

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 354)
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This article will compare effectively advertising on craigslist and using Myspace to promote product or service.

Firstly unlike other advertising opportunities there is no risk implicated in posting on Craigslist, and of course advertising is free on Craigslist. Another reason why advertising on Craigslist is so useful is the possibility of reaching a large of potential customers. Craigslist receives approximately four billion page views each month with ten million people using Craigslist each month. The key to reaching your target costumers on Craigslist is placing your advertisement in the most appropriate locations. Craigslist has a specific section for businesses to advertise their services.

Internet marketers have found MySpace can also be used to advertise products or service. Advertising on MySpace can be effective as long as it is done correctly and not in a way that is viewed as spam. The effectiveness of MySpace stems from amount of users who are currently using MySpace. Another reason why MySpace is such an effective advertising tool is there are no fees associated with using your MySpace profile to create links to products and services you offer. Participants on MySpace invest time in meeting others and making friends, most people who use MySpace are not exactly looking for information about products or services. The best way to effectively advertise on MySpace is to follow the same guidelines that would normally be followed by advertisers in online locations. This includes knowing who your target audience is and how to effectively appeal to them.


Both Craigslist and Myspace have a large amount of users, and free for advertising product or service.

To reach potential customers, location your advertisement on craigslist or Myspace is very very important.

Craigslist have a specific category for product and service while Myspace not, advertising on Myspace use MySpace profile to create links.

Craigslist also have a large potential customer but participants on MySpace invest time in meeting others and making friends and not exactly looking for information about products or services so they are unlikely to seek out product or service information.

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Jeans Fashion Marketing Smart Shopping For Jeans

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 265)
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Dsquared - Jeans Deal - Buy Sell Jeans: Mens, Womens, Low Rise, Tight, Designer Jeans

Jeans are trousers traditionally made from denim, but may also be made from a variety of fabrics particularly including corduroy. Originally intended for work, they became popular among teenagers starting in the 1950s. Historic brands include Levi's, Jordache, and Wrangler. Today jeans are a very popular form of casual dress around the world and come in many styles and colors, with the "blue jeans" particularly identified with the American culture, especially the American Old West.

The earliest known precursor to jeans is the Indian export of a thick cotton cloth, in the 16th century, known as dungaree. Dyed in indigo, it was sold near the Dongarii Fort near Bombay. Sailors cut it to suit them.[1]

Dsquared Jeans - Diesel Jeans - Gap Jeans

Jeans fabric was made in Chieri, a town near Turin (Italy), already in 1600s. It was sold through the harbour of Genoa, that was the capital of an independent republic, and a naval power. The first were made for the Genoese Navy because it required all-purpose pants for its sailors that could be worn wet or dry, and whose legs could easily be rolled up to wear while swabbing the deck. These jeans would be laundered by dragging them in large mesh nets behind the ship, and the sea water would bleach them white. According to many people the jeans name comes from blue de Genes, i.e. blue of Genoa. The raw material was coming from the city of N

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Ppc Search Engine Advertising

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 420)
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PPC search engine advertising A.K.A. pay per click search engine advertising can allow you to start receiving traffic right away. PPC search engine advertising can provide you with the traffic you need run and own a successful online business. It's the most cost effective way to promote your business online today. How do you get started you ask??

There are many way to get started with a PPC search engine and be advertising in minutes, first find the right company to suit your needs as an advertiser. Common questions to ask: How much is minimum bid on keywords or Phrase? Is there a limit to how many keyword I can bid on? Last but not least is there any type of bonus for me becoming a member? Almost all PPC search engines will have all of this info on their website.

After you have picked a solid company and would like to start advertising you must decide on your keywords and phrases. The second task is very important; you can choose any keyword you would like with targeted traffic in mind. Only bid on a couple non targeted keywords. It's a waste of money If all your incoming cliental is not interested in you product. Take in to prospective of spelling mistakes and how they can help you gain cheap traffic off PPC search engine advertising, ex. You sell t-shirts and say a 100 people a month searches the keyword t-shit. Just because they can't spell does not mean they can't by a t-shirt.

Now all you have to do besides sit down and relax you must set your daily spending limit. I normally start it at $10 a day as a test run that equates to 1000 visitors to my website if I only bid $0.01 per keyword or phrase. To find out how much you can afford to pay on keyword is by running simple tests. You want to find out how many people it takes to sell one item? Say the 1000 people have already come to your website & 10 people bought you product for $10 each. So it took 100 people to make one sale you then traded $10 for $90 this would be an indication that you can set you daily up higher.

There is many way to advertise online and ppc search engine advertising has been one of the most powerful tools for my websites. It's fast and easy traffic and helps when you combined other methods of advertising.

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Guide To Google Adwords

(category: Ppc-Advertising, Word count: 463)
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Google had established its supremacy amongst the ranks of search engines being the most preferred and most popular search engine on the web. I remember the instance when the son of a friend of mine refused to accept the information we gave him about Christmas, until he was convinced that the content had indeed been pulled off Google. In 2000, as Google won the race over the other search engine it was also involved in creating a program that would catapult its position as a viable advertising medium and generate more revenue. The initial advertising model that Google had developed was primarily for the use of big companies however, it later also developed the Google Adwords program which offers beneficial results to all companies, big and small.

Google's Adwords is a keyword targeted advertising program. The original Google Adwords program was discontinued because its basic idea was to pay per impression which did not guarantee traffic to the advertiser and was not so popular. With the overhauling that the Google Adwords received in 2002 changed all of that. Google's Adwords is advertising model that works on the principle of pay per click advertising. It is keyword targeted which means that when a user searches for certain keywords that are related or present on your site then Google Adwords automatically display your site along with the results of the search in a column right next to the search results.

With Google Adwords, you choose which keywords you choose to advertise and hence when your ad is displayed on the search page it will display what you feel is your most relevant content. This way you are guaranteed a click if your domain name or the content appears relevant to the user. It is PPC advertising which means that you only pay if the user clicks on your domain name and hence visits your site. Adwords also makes sure that your ad stays at its position on the search engine page because the program Discounter reduces the price you pay per click to one above your competitor which also means that you are not required to constantly check on the position of your advert, Google Adwords does that for you.

Another plus point for Google Adwords over others is that Google Adwords maintains the position of your ad through not only Pay Per Click but also Click Through Rate, this is essentially important because this way even the small fish have the chance to stay alive. The company with the bigger bank balance does not win hands down; each company must strive to stay at the top. If your content is good, and your CTR is good then you can keep your place on the search results page easily.

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