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Depression Articles

Depression Disorderly Conduct

(category: Depression, Word count: 514)
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People tend to sense uncertainty to the real meaning behind the word depression, trying to determine the difference between a depressive illness to that of a miserable mood can be tricky at times. In the medical world doctors use the word depression in different terms.

Symptoms of a depressive illness and gloomy dismal feelings are very much like a duplicated source therefore a solid excuse for any confusion.

Almost anyone can suffer from depression some people see this illness as a sign of weakness, how far from the truth that is. Depression is a common ailment and is treatable. Someone who may have in the past experienced a bout of depression can expect the risk of a repeat dose.

Approx 5/10 per cent of the population has had or are suffering from depression.

They say women are more susceptible to suffer than that of the male species.

People intend to question themselves or that of others as to why more are prone to this illness than that of other people. Has it anything to do with an individual's personality.

Personality types differ greatly but this has nothing to do with why certain people in particular develop the illness. How ever there are slight risk factors that have been known (genetic factors inherited) from parents or their parents.

Mystery lurks behind why some people suffer from this illness but there are ways of identifying why it may have developed in others. Stressful events like bereavement, losing a job or even moving house can riddle you with depression.

Depression, can strike at any time just like that of the common cold. And it is clear how the brain pattern changes when a person is depressed. Modern scans of the brain have deciphered just how hard the brain works and has found that certain parts like the front do not work as expected. It is also found that a patient has higher than what you would call normal levels of stress hormones.

Feelings experienced with depressive illness can stay with the patient for weeks sometimes running into months.

Disorderly Conduct of the brain.

This is a psychological disorder which is hard to understand due to the trail of physical side effects one being total exhaustion. Other known facts are, depressed people dream up to three times more that of the non sufferer.

Major discoveries in psychology has given us hope in having a better understanding of what depression is all about. With the outcome of recent research there are now answers to questions that have baffled a great many in the past

Standing your ground by facing up to what may be the cause behind your discomfort is a step in the right direction. If the death of a loved etc has caused the pain/sorrow then the cure is time, time heals so they say. For every venomous predator namely diseases etc that takes you as prey, remember there is an antidote.

If you have any concerns about yourself or that of another person please talk to your local GP.

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Important Things To Know About Alcohol Abuse And Alcohol Testing

(category: Depression, Word count: 458)
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While alcohol consumption is considered to be a recreational activity for adults, it can carry with it potential health hazards including dependence, addiction, liver damage and all kinds of different accidents. Alcohol test kits can help put a stop to irresponsible drinking, and reduces the amount of workplace accidents, drunk driving arrests and accidents and binge drinking-related deaths.

Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Someone under the influence of alcohol typically exhibits very characteristic signs including glassy eyes, irritability, memory loss, decreased hygiene, job performance and school performance, argumentative behavior and decline in relationships.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

People who consume 15 or more drinks per week are prone to developing alcohol dependence or becoming alcoholics. Symptoms of alcoholism include excuse-making behavior in order to drink, violent outbursts, tendency to hide drinking habits, forgetting meals, nausea, confusion, decline in physical appearance, inability to quit drinking and drinking alone.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is very serious. A person suffering from alcohol poisoning requires immediate medical attention, as death can result. Some signs and symptoms to watch for that indicates alcohol poisoning include confusion, seizures, vomiting in sleep, hypothermia and irregular or slowed breathing. If someone has drank a large quantity of alcohol and exhibits these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Alcohol Testing

There are several different types of alcohol detection tests for use both in the home and in the workplace. The most popular include the breath analyzer and a saliva screen test. Both of these alcohol drug test kits provide fast and easy-to-read results with lab-accuracy.

Alcohol testing kits are valuable tools that help to keep people responsible for their drinking behaviors. Likewise, alcohol testing can help businesses maintain a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, lowering the amount of onsite accidents and saving companies money. Alcoholism is damaging to a company's production rate and reputation, by increasing losses due to sick days, lowered productivity, onsite accidents, worker's compensation claims and insurance claims. This is precisely the reason many companies opt to incorporate alcohol drug testing into their procedures.

Some industries are required to enforce the use of alcohol drug test kits. Such an industry is the Department of Transportation, which is government mandated to comply with alcohol and drug testing regulations. DOT alcohol & drug tests keep the public safe and the Department of Transportation accountable.

Parents can also benefit from alcohol tests. A simple breathalyzer test can determine whether or not your teen has been drinking, and if so how much. A simple alcohol drug test can help you either lay your fears to rest as a parent or seek appropriate help for your child should the need arise.

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Help For Children Who Are Depressed

(category: Depression, Word count: 665)
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Are you the parent of a child who is often depressed? Are you a child who often feels down in the dumps and depressed? This article offers advice for both parents, other family members and children about how to deal with, reduce and even eradicate this depression.

I remember from my own childhood having many periods when I was very unhappy and sad. I was the type of person who would let aspects from my life get on top of me which would at times affect my sleep patterns. I found growing up through childhood, into a teenager and ultimately into my adulthood as one big choir and struggle. I was forever comparing my own life to that of my brother, sister and friends. Their lives seemed so much easier than what mine was and this made me feel quite jealous of them.

Looking back one of my faults was that I was not willing to discuss my worries and fears with my parents and basically kept them bottled up inside of me. This meant of course that I had to deal with each and every issue (problem) on my own without any outside help or advice. I wish that I had been more open with my family as I think my life would have been that much happier if I had.

I am now a parent of two children myself and am always looking out for them. I try and gage how they are coping with life and if I feel that they are in an unhappy period or mood, I then attempt to find out what is causing this by trying to talk to them. They are not always happy to discuss these issues but I then make sure that they understand that I will be here for them when they are ready to open up. I talk to them about my own childhood and about the mistakes I feel that I made by keeping my own worries to myself.

I want my children to realise that they can talk to me about any aspect of their life and that I will be here to help and not judge them. Life in general, with school as an example, can at times be quite tough, with things such as bullying affecting a lot of children. There is the added pressure of examinations and also trying to establish ones self within a group of friends. Moving schools and going through all of the bodily changes can also be quite uncomfortable for many children.

As a family we try to make our childrens home life as enjoyable and relaxed as possible. This includes many family days out and where financially possible, a family holiday abroad in the summer.

My advice to any parent who has an unhappy or often depressed child would be to be very patient with them through these periods. I, as I have already stated would try and get them to talk about what is making them feel in this way and if they do not want to talk, would let them know that I am there for them if they do ever want a chat etc.

My advice for a child who is feeling depressed would be to talk to your family, a friend or a teacher. They say that a problem shared is a problem halved and I really believe in this statement. You do not have to be alone in this world and the advice that you are given could be of huge benefit to you. Despite what you might think all children have problems and worry about many different aspects of their own life. Your parents were of course children many moons ago and may have experience in the issues which you are not happy about. Do not make the same mistakes that I did by keeping these problems to yourself as it does not help to reduce your fears or depression.

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Top Ten So Called Habits That May Indicate That You Have Anxiety

(category: Depression, Word count: 725)
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There isn't anyone in this world who does not engage in some sort of "habit"...and often on a daily basis. Some people walk fast, while others twist their hair, for example. While most of these are actually benign behaviors, you should know that there are some habits that actually could be a sign that you suffer from anxiety.

Below are ten of the most common behaviors that people often erroneously refer to as "habits, without realizing that they may be attempting to compensate for feeling anxious:

1. Smoking - So many people smoke now...although many are learning that it can cause great harm to their health. There are many smoking cessation programs available which one can access. Note that smoking is often a telltale sign of anxiety.

2. Nail Biting - Thousands of people bite their nails every day. This ordinarily does not do much harm to people, except that it may lead to infection around the nail. Pay attention to the fact that you may be engaging in "nail biting" because you feel nervous and stressed.

3. Hair Pulling - This is more common than people think. Some people pull hair out from various regions of the body (eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp, etc...) when they feel anxious about something. Often this is done unconsciously. If done regularly and in excess, it can lead to hair-loss, and may be a sign of a more serious disorder known as "trichotillomania" (a close relative of a disorder known as OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Just note that this could indicate that you have anxiety.

4. Leg Bouncing - This can't do any harm to you...except to drive other people nuts watching you bounce your leg! However, it could be a sign to you that you need to relax more and are suffering from anxiety.

5. Foot Tapping - This can't cause any problems, other than to annoy others who are watching you tap your feet! Although...your feet might get tired! Bear in mind that "foot tapping" may be more than just a may indicate that you are stressed out.

6. Overeating - Most of us love to eat! But if done in excess, it could cause significant weight gain and lead to a variety of health problems. Comfort foods, such as brownies, cookies, fast food, and other high-sugar/high-fat snacks can cause obesity. Keep in mind that your "habit" of overeating may be a clear sign of anxiety.

7. Undereating - This could create a problem in that you may not get adequate nutrition and you could lose significant amounts of weight, which is referred to as "anorexia" in the medical world. It is essential to get the proper vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy. Please note that undereating could be a sign that you have anxiety.

8. Oversleeping - This is known in the medical world as "hypersomnia". It can't do any harm to you, but if you are oversleeping you may be depressed. Depression is a close relative of anxiety, so be aware that you may have "hypersomnia" because you suffer from anxiety.

9. Undersleeping - This is known in the medical world as "insomnia" and can effect what's known as cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is effected when sleep is inadequate. Balanced cortisol levels are highly essential to having proper sleep, and thus keeping anxiety at a minimum. If you have "insomnia", then this may be a clear indicator that you have anxiety.

10. Skin Picking - This "habit" can cause harm to you, in that it may create scarring or infection to the area that is being picked. Note that sometimes people who engage in this "habit" are doing it to relieve stress or anxiety.

There are four easy steps to help you to better understand your "habit" and its cause:

Step 1. Pay attention to your own behavior, and notice your "habits."

Step 2. Ask others what habits they see you engaging in, of which you may be unaware.

Step 3. Document in a journal what these habits are, and when you engage in them. (e.g. "I seem to pace just before a big exam in school.")

Step 4. Over time, you can establish a pattern of when you engage in a particular habit, and thus pinpoint the cause.

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Seven Tips To Rescue Christmas From Bipolar Disorder

(category: Depression, Word count: 393)
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Christmas can be a nightmare for people with bipolar disorder. As the philosopher Posidonius observed in the fourth century, 'Melancholy occurs in autumn whereas mania in summer.' Here downunder in Australia, Christmas is summer time, party time, spending time, hurry time, family time. This is a potent mix of triggers and seasonal vulnerability and many of us do fall over with mania. Friends and family don't always recognise Christmas mania, because symptoms such as excessive drinking, lavish spending, staying up late at functions, and being in a hurry are features of the season. The stress involved with 'having' to buy Christmas presents and 'having' to get together with family, along with summer-time vulnerability make Christmas a bipolar nightmare in the southern hemisphere.

It's not much better up north. Since the fourth century we haven't come much further than Posidonius except to declare there is such a thing as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It seems the number of hours of daylight you experience is related to your likelihood of getting depressed in winter. The closer you are to the poles, the better your chances.

Then there are seasonal triggers, such as figuring out how to buy presents on a tight budget. If you're depressed, the ubiquitous expectation to be happy (just because it's Christmas) only makes things worse.

Short of walking around with a sunlight-emitting lamp strapped to your forehead, or cutting up your credit card, what can you do about seasonal episodes of bipolar? Here are some quick tips to rescue Christmas.

1.Maintain your daily sleep/wake routine. Use medicine if you have to;

2.Keep in control of drinking. If you suddenly start a binge, it could be a major alert of an episode;

3.Make a Christmas shopping list and don't buy anything not on the list!

4.Ask your partner or friend to help you stick to a budget;

5.Keep up medication;

6.Check in with your doctor or mental health worker as soon as you or someone close notices symptoms;

7.Keep away from any 'toxic' family members (you know who they are).

No plan is failsafe, but then again, having no plan is like going out without an umbrella on a stormy day. You can live well with bipolar, and Christmas doesn't have to be a nightmare. Plan ahead and have a healthy, happy Christmas.

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A Review Of Techniques In Managing Your Depression

(category: Depression, Word count: 499)
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Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their depression.

I was told by a counselor that one of the ways to manage depression is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, your afraid that if you do not get that job promotion then you will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses you, however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there all are kinds of jobs available and just because you don't get this job promotion doesn't mean that you will never get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you always have that option of going elsewhere if you are unhappy at your present location.

Some people get depressed and have a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings. When this happens, a person should take a deep breathe and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. Doing something will get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.

Sometimes, we can get depressed over a task that we will have to perform in the near future. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you and your team have to play in the championship volleyball game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that your playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self Visualization is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation.

Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that make us feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed, open up your small notebook and read those statements.

As a Layman and author of an anxiety book, I have done many interviews with various counselors in how to manage fear, anxiety and depression. The techniques that I have just covered are some basic ways to manage your depression, however your best bet is to get some help from a professional.

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Depression Recommendations For Sexual Side Effects By Antidepressants

(category: Depression, Word count: 300)
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Sexual side effects caused by antidepressants are completely recognized, but this represents a practical problem of managing to physicians. Erectile dysfunction, diminished libido and delayed/attenuated or absent orgasm (dysorgasmia or anorgasmia) are the most common sexual side effects reported because of antidepressant treatment.

However, sexual side effects caused by antidepressants are also a very challenge to clinicians, since they have to distinguish between sexual dysfunction (SD) associated with depression, treatment-emergent SD and pre-existing SD exacerbated by treatment.

Making the difference between these situations is quite important, since treatment strategies are not the same for the above mentioned SDs. Sexual dysfunction associated with depression may be treated raising the antidepressant dose, however, this would be particularly inappropriate for a treatment-emergent SD, in which case the appropriate thing is to lower the dose.

For managing appropriately antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction, experts recommend that clinicians may attempt to alleviate the sexual side effects of a drug though a reduction of the dose and/or a change to an alternative therapy that may be less likely to cause sexual side effects. These strategies are more likely to be used in patients who are not responding fully to treatment and also risk sacrificing the therapeutic benefit of treatment.

Nonpharmacologic interventions are also recommended by experts. Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral techniques employed by sex therapists are the most common, although there are no studies evaluating their success in patients taking antidepressants.

There exist a number of medications quite useful in the treatment of sexual dysfunction associated with antidepressants. Under experts' opinion, the most common medications for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction fall into three categories:

Dopaminergic agents, such as amantadine and pramipexole.

a2-adrenergic receptor antagonists such as yohimbine.

Serotonin 5-HT2 or 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, including granisetron, nefazodone and cyproheptadine.

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Is Your Child Suffering From Teen Depression

(category: Depression, Word count: 113)
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Teen Depression is a rapidly growing concern in our society today.

Aside from obesity, teen depression is one of the major concerns affecting our youth today. Reaching near epidemic proportions, teen depression is immensely contributing to countless numbers of teen deaths via suicide -thousands per year and countless more attempts. Teen depression can be a difficult problem to diagnose for parents, as many teens often will not open-up with their parents and when it comes to depression many will not talk to their friends because of the status quo of depression. Teen depression symptoms are very much the same as adults. Some of the symptoms include:

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Understanding Anxiety Disorders

(category: Depression, Word count: 344)
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Anxiety disorders can have a devastating effect on those who suffer from them. Left untreated, anxiety disorders often inhibit an individual's ability to function normally in everyday life. Anxiety disorder may also be a source of additional tension caused by the strain the condition places on personal and professional relationships. Physical manifestations in the form of illness and mental manifestations in the form of depression are often the consequences of the intense and irrational worry that characterizes anxiety disorders While new methods of treatment are being developed, the most current form of medical care involves a combination of therapy to recognize and change the mental thought processes that make anxiety disorders possible along with medication designed to minimize the chemical imbalances that may facilitate these thought processes. There are several categories of anxiety disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder, but the most commonly diagnosed is general anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms associated with them are often shared by a variety of illnesses such as depression and chronic fatigue. In the past, physicians would frequently misdiagnose anxiety disorder by associating the symptoms with other illnesses while neglecting their underlying cause. This often resulted in treatments that were either ineffective or only served to inhibit the recurrences of specific symptoms. The end result of an improper diagnosis usually entailed an increase in other symptoms that were left untreated.

Today, there are several resources on anxiety disorders and the symptoms associated with them. An increase in medical information available through the Internet has allowed individuals to obtain facts on the diseases and disorders they could potentially be suffering from. The ability to convey the presence of symptoms to your physician can help him or her provide a more accurate diagnosis of anxiety disorders.

With proper treatment, anxiety disorder can be controlled. Many who have suffered from this affliction now lead healthy, productive lives as a result of their commitment to maintaining a well planned regimen.

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