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Weight-Loss Articles

Weight Loss For Couch Potatoes Don T Get Up I Ll Explain

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 1961)
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*** You're fat and you know it! Now I'm going to tell you something you don't already know.

You think you already know why you're fat but you don't. You think it's because you just don't have enough time and motivation to exercise. You think it's because you love food and don't quite have enough willpower to cut back sufficiently. You don't have a clue!

The real reason you're gaining weight is going to shock you: it's because you have the mind of a well-trained athlete. Don't laugh quite yet. Have you ever noticed how fast athletes gain weight when they retire from competition? It's freakish. The same reason that athletes are good at sports later causes them to bloat - they have especially "trainable" subconscious minds. If you understand the mechanism then you can learn to control your weight without diet, suffering or an inhuman exercise schedule.

*** Weight Loss and your Athletic Mind

Before I continue, I should say that it is true: the immediate cause of weight-gain is what you eat and how you live. I'm not preaching any pseudo-science here. However, controlling what you eat and how you live is elusively difficult and I will show you why. If you think you can change your behavior pattern with sheer willpower - then you just haven't really tried yet.

Sure, you and I pride ourselves in being rational adults, in control of our choices and our destiny. But that's just a load of crap. In truth, we rarely ever do anything that brings us discomfort in the short run. You think otherwise? Go take a straight-cold shower just to prove who is in control. Go without solid food for two days. It won't hurt you, but it will make your body angry. And the fact of the matter is that we are usually slaves to response patterns established by our bodies. Sorry but it's true.

*** The Key to Controlling your Body is to Control Your Mind

Training your body is all about training your mind. We're not talking calculus here, we're talking about your sub-conscious mind - where deep emotions, established patterns, habit and instant responses live. You are a trinity of sorts, 1) a lazy body, 2) a clever and fickle conscious mind and 3) a lumbering but steady subconscious that does most of the work around here.

You probably know already that the subconscious mind provides emotional responses to reinforce "good" behavior (like eating pizza) - but what you might not know is that the subconscious is also responsible for all athletic ability. Even the simple stuff like walking or typing is a constant interaction of conscious commands and unconscious responses. For example, when you learn to shoot a basketball, what you are actually doing is using the conscious mind to burn in a pattern which develops into a subconscious skill-set. When you've truly mastered a move, you "no longer have to think about it". If you're still thinking about the mechanics of a dance step - it's a sign that you have not "learned it" yet. That is, your subconscious cannot yet take over. Once you have "learned" the skill, your conscious mind need only call out the command and the subconscious does the action.

To better understand your psychology, let's liken your mind to a couple animals: imagine a Chimp riding on the back of an Elephant. The subconscious mind is like a slow dumb strong elephant while your conscious mind is like the clever fast chimp.

Chimp (conscious mind)






Thinks he's in control

Elephant (subconscious)



Not creative

Slow learner with a vast memory

Awesome reflexes (ok so the metaphor's not perfect)

Usually in control

*** The Willpower Myth

The nice thing about this little metaphor is that it allows me to point out the absurdity of the whole concept of "willpower" in the sense of the conscious mind overwhelming the subconscious with a show of brute force. Seriously, just imagine the chimp wresting the elephant. Where's the "brute force" of the chimp? The elephant's just going to sit on him and the game is over. That, by the way, is exactly where every diet ends when supported by willpower alone. The subconscious is a powerful part of your mind. You can control it through persuasion but not with brute force.

*** The Elephant, the Stick and the String

In Indonesia, elephants are used in construction work because they are so powerful and yet obedient. All day long the elephant moves hundreds of tons of stone and wood and at night he taken to his bed of straw and tied up. Do you know how big the rope is required to hold an elephant? It's just a little string tied to a stick driven into the ground.

You see, when the elephant was very young, he was tied with the same stick and string - and he was too little to pull free. For the rest of his life, he remembers this and never questions the superior strength of the little stick and string. Think about it.

What are you really capable of? To be blunt, you have no idea. Your limitations are defined by childhood experience - and bear no relation to your adult capabilities. Like the elephant, you are emotionally tethered by childhood ideas. Most of your adult personality is just a protective cage built by a scared child. What would you give to have the power to redefine yourself?

Now for the good news: you're not just an elephant, you're also part chimp! That could have sounded better but never mind. Your mind has a small, clever, conscious aspect that gives you the ability to reprogram your entire mind. That's right, your conscious mind (the chimp) has the ability to completely re-write and take control of your entire mental reality.

This ability defines humans - it makes us the most flexible animals on earth and it allows us to train our minds to do amazing things. From playing concert piano to extreme sports, the vast power of the mind is tapped by this uniquely human capability.

*** Ok, so what does all this have to do with weight loss?

Remember, the elephant learns and repeats patters of behavior that are taught to it - so the real question is "how to teach the subconscious". Here's the simple single trick that people need to understand. If you understand this simple principle then you can be the master of your own mind. You will also understand why our educational system doesn't work (but that's another article entirely).

Our subconscious mind ignores most of what we tell it because we bark at it in the wrong language. The language of the subconscious mind is EMOTION. Using the barometer of our emotion, the subconscious mind is able to determine the importance of any particular behavior. For example, say that you're trying to learn a new skill. You're working hard to learn but you are not enjoying the task and your emotions are saying "this sucks, I wish I were elsewhere, how much longer is this going to take?" Well, it's going to take a lot longer because you're broadcasting to your subconscious mind the message "ignore this activity, just move along, there's nothing to see here." What was your emotional state, and how easily did you learn in high school?

It may not feel like it but you're in full control of your conscious emotions. And this is the fundamental method of programming the subconscious mind. It is, without a doubt, a form of natural hypnosis. Whereas traditional hypnosis works by moving aside the conscious mind, emotional programming works by using the conscious mind - but to the same effect.

Now for the dark side: remember how I mentioned that have three aspects? Body, conscious and subconscious? Well, as it turns out, your body is busy programming your subconscious mind all the time. For example, you're hungry so you bite into a slice of thick cheesy pizza - at which point your body screams out (on an emotional level) "this is good activity, very very good activity". Food cravings are actually subconscious patterns based on years of such programming.

*** Thankfully, the mind is fully re-programmable.

Now that you understand the basic mechanics of programming your mind, you can put it into practice right away. What you are going to do is to replace food cravings with exercise cravings. This technique is fun and very powerful because, rather than working against years of food programming, you're going to do some mental Ju-Jitsu and simply translate an existing food craving into a desire for exercise. Magic? It's better!

It's quite simple: first of all you're going to stop eating for a while (non-sugared drinks are ok). This is not a diet plan, we're not yet trying to lose weight. We're just trying to stimulate a hunger response. Now, when you begin to feel the initial sense of hunger, do this:

Breathe in deeply, relax, and feel the hunger - then don't think of food. Instead, imagine yourself doing sit-ups and absolutely loving it. That's right, visualize yourself hungry and doing sit-ups and let a feeling of joy and satisfaction flood over you. Then return to whatever you were doing.

In a few minutes, when the next pang of hunger comes, repeat this mental exercise. Keep it up for an hour or so and then go have a light snack. While you are eating (especially while you are eating) visualize yourself doing sit-ups and loving it. Associate in your imagination hunger, food, situps and joy.

*** Hunger, Food, Sit-ups and Joy? He's Crazy

Perhaps, but what you are doing is linking a desirable behavior to a very well established response pattern. You will be amazed at how you can use this technique to stimulate a deep urge to do sit-ups. The mind is truly amazing.

By the way, after a few days go ahead and give into the urge to do some sit-ups. As you exercise, make sure to continue the emotional feedback by "letting" yourself enjoy exercise. If you feel yourself not enjoying the process, take control of your emotions right away or stop exercising. It's not worth sabotaging your work to burn a few extra calories.

Don't push your body, push your mind! Your mind is the only gymnasium that really matters. Eventually, your mind will push your body and you will be able to enjoy the process.

I remember several years ago when I first experimented with this technique. As I started craving situps, I realized that doing situps would physically relieve any sense of hunger for an hour or so. I thought I had stumbled upon the strangest diet plan ever, the "silly, happy, situp diet". But really, what I had discovered was the ability to consciously sublimate deep cravings to accomplish a desired objective. If you're interested in exploring this technique I strongly suggest you download a self-hypnosis MP3 audio called "Appetite Zapper". It will step you through the process of taking complete control of food cravings:

The mind is amazing but it just doesn't come with a user's manual. Most of the time it works pretty well on autopilot so we rarely learn to pop the hood and explore its full potential. That's a shame because most of what we want in life - success, happiness, health, good relationships, the satisfaction of achievement - these things are all within our reach and the only thing holding us back is, you guessed it, a string and a stick.

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Tips And Strategies For Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits In Your Family

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 509)
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Most of us have a pretty good idea of what healthy eating is: lots of fruits and vegetables and not too much fat and sugar. But when it comes to kids, knowing what is healthy is only the start. And even if you shop 'healthy' it does not mean that your kid will willingly eat it.

There is hope. Kids need some extra encouragement and guidance along with a few of these strategies your kid is sure to eat healthy.

Be a gatekeeper.

It's likely that the easiest way to get your kids to eat healthy is to remove the less-healthy options. Take control over what food and snack choices are in your home. If a kid is hungry they will eat it when there isn't an alternative. Have you ever heard of a kid starving to death because his parents would not feed him potato chips?

Keep healthy food in sight.

As for those less-than-good-for-you foods, keep them in high cabinets and out of your kid's reach. Arrange your refrigerator and cabinets so that healthy foods are the first foods that you see. If you choose to have some unhealthy options in the house keep them out of sight and you and your kids will be much less likely to choose them as an option.

Make healthy food convenient.

Wholesome foods, particularly fruits and vegetables require little preparation which is great for your 'starving' kid and you. Have a fruit basket at eye level on the counter at all times or have a container with carrots and celery sticks ready to go in the refrigerator. You might be surprised at how many more fruits and vegetables your kid will eat simply by having them visible and easy to grab.

Make learning about food fun.

Taking some of the mystery out of where foods come from can work wonders for some selective eaters. Prepare family meals together, have your kid mix the ingredients and serve the food to the rest of the family. Plant a vegetable garden as a family project and put your kid in charge of watering and picking the ripe vegetables. Kids that are involved are more likely to be a willing participant in the eating process.

Keep an eye on Portion sizes.

Parents often stress over how much their kids should be eating. Whether you are trying to get a selective eater to take a bite of anything green or limit the amount of dessert your sweet-toothed kid wants watching portions is necessary. Knowing the size of a healthy portion will give you some needed perspective. You can use the USDA's Guidelines for Healthy Eating to learn about what a healthy portion is.

Set a healthy example.

Keep in mind that eating meals together isn't just a great way to catch up on your family's day it is also the perfect time to role-model healthy eating habits. Kids learn by watching their parents...That's food for thought!

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You Too Can Control Cholesterol Through Your Diet

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 484)
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Do you love to eat fatty foods? If so, then you could be a candidate for certain heart related problems. According to medical studies, the incidence of heart attacks and coronary artery disease is a result of an escalation of blood cholesterol levels. For that reason, people with cholesterol levels that are above the norm should protect themselves from suffering any form of degenerative disease by lowering their blood cholesterol. This can be realized by observing a low cholesterol diet, while at the same time engaging in moderate physical activities. If diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, there is also medication that can help in controlling cholesterol levels.

Having an excess of cholesterol in the blood is suggested by medical experts as the number one cause of hypertension, and heart disease. In general, the concept that cholesterol is harmful for the body is definitely a false impression. Cholesterol is an important component in our body's complete metabolism. It functions as a vital substance in the formation of cell membranes and also is responsible in producing vitamin D and other significant hormones in the human body. However, an increase in cholesterol levels may damage our entire physical condition. For this reason, controlling cholesterol is important.

Most doctors tell their patients who suffer from high cholesterol to lower their cholesterol level. This can be achieved by following a diet that is low in fat. Watch out for foods that are high in cholesterol and fats; adding non-fat and low-fat foods to the diet also helps. Also one of the best solution in controlling cholesterol is through exercise. In some instances, your doctor may prescribe drugs that can also help lower cholesterol levels.

What kind of dietary practice should you adopt?

First and foremost, observing a diet that contains less fat and less cholesterol is the key for controlling cholesterol. Here are some tried-and-tested tips in maintaining a healthy heart:

1. Eat in moderation. Excess amounts of food can lead to an increase inweight.

2. Stay away from fatty foods.

3. Steer clear of sweets, especially pastries for they are identified as a principal source of saturated fats.

4. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, which are cholesterol-lowering elements.

5. Boost your fiber intake. Fiber-rich foods are also known to lessen cholesterol in the blood.

6. Keeping active while on a low-cholesterol diet is also a contributory factor in controlling cholesterol.

7. For more effective tips in controlling cholesterol, seek advice from your physician. He or she may need to prescribe medications to lower your cholesterol.

Practicing healthful eating habits can greatly add to your overall fitness. And so, controlling cholesterol through diet really makes a difference to your whole wellbeing.

If you have high cholesterol, you should consult your primary care physician prior to making any changes in your diet or lifestyle.

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What In The World Is The South Beach Diet Finally Someone Who Knows

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 475)
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The South Beach Diet is the latest in the series of the diet fads. As it becomes so popular, that it already swept the whole continent of America and is set to do the same worldwide, many people really question the nature of this diet. Most of them often question, what is the South Beach Diet?

So what is the South Beach Diet?

For those who are still not aware of the nature of this "big thing" in the diet arena, especially those who question, "What is the South Beach Diet?" here are some facts about this matter. So to answer your query, "What is the South Beach Diet?" you better read on.

The South Beach Diet is actually a diet program that is generally set for a healthy body. As it is commonly associated with the low-carb diets, it is interesting to know so to answer the big query "What is the South Beach Diet?" that this diet plan is actually not a low-carb nor it is a low-fat. To further answer your curiosity "What is the South Beach Diet?" it is necessary for you to know that the important principle in this diet is that the South Beach Diet teaches the people, especially the dieters to rely on the right carbohydrates and the right fats, which are considered as the good ones.

As a result, the dieters will definitely lose weight and found out that their cholesterol level has been lowered. Furthermore, to respond to the question "What is the South Beach Diet?" is to know the other outcomes for applying such diet plan. Well, it is so easy though to answer the question "What is the South Beach Diet?" It is for the fact that aside from those mentioned information, it is also noted that the South Beach Diet reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as it eliminate cravings without feeling hungry. So what is the South Beach Diet? It is a diet plan that involves high determination and self motivation.

In terms of the origin of the South Beach Diet, it is interesting to learn, so to back up the answers to the question "What is the South Beach Diet?" that it was originally developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston. To further back up the answers to your question "What is the South Beach Diet?" you note that this diet is developed with the motivation of Dr. Agatston to improve the cholesterol and insulin levels of his patients, who had heart disease. The query "What is the South Beach Diet" is best answered by knowing the fact that this diet plan is developed as a healthy eating plan.

What is the South Beach Diet? Well, some call it the "updated version of the Atkins Diet".

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Products And Programs That Can Help Lose Weight

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 354)
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Many available weight loss products and programs offer quick solutions to weight problems. It is a fact that it is a very hard task to achieve the desired weight. Before you get into a weight loss program, it is important that you check the cost of the whole session. Most of these programs offer high cost registration fees and may pressure you to buy pills and special supplements that will help you to have a physically fit body.

Over 50 million of Americans are engaged in weight loss programs, but only 5 percent sustain the weight they have worked off. Many people think that losing weight is easy; they may encounter the struggles of working out and dieting in the course of their weight loss programs. Many are still finding the most effective way to get rid of the excess weight in their body not realizing the fact that there is no such thing as a quick solution to get rid of the excess weight in a short time.

One solution that is seen by experts to be the answer to weight problems is the change of the lifestyle of a person. Eating healthier foods and having an active lifestyle only proves that it is the most effective way to lose weight.

Products that are sold over the counter to help you in your weight problems and even weight loss programs that enables you to have a regular exercise everyday can cost more money. If you want to engage in these kinds of programs, it is important that you must first get the enough information on how good the products or programs are that made others look good and achieve a physically ft body.

Although weight loss products and programs have the capability to help you lose the unwanted weight, it is important that you must select the program that can truly guide and help you in your quest for a physically fit body. To have a healthy diet could be the most recommendable thing that one must do to help the overall health aspects.

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How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 337)
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Would you like to know how to calculate your body fat percentage? When most of us think about about losing weight, the amount of fat you are carrying around is actually much more important than weight.

If you should be measuring anything, it should be body fat percentage, not weight. Your weight does not accurately reflect the level of your fitness.

Body fat is measured with what is known as Body Mass Index, or BMI.

A women that is in shape should have a body fat percentage range from 21% to 31%.

If you are in fantastic shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 10%.

For men, if you are fit and in shape, your body fat percentage should be between 14% and 25%. If you are in excellent shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 2%.

To calculate your body fat percentage, write down how much you weigh but you have to be honest. Remember, no one will see this but you. Multiply your weight by 703.

Next, write down your height, in inches. Multiply by that same number. Then you will divide your weight number by your height number. That is your BMI.

For example, if your weight were 150 pounds x 703, your weight answer would be 105,450. If your height is 5'4?, that would be 64 inches x 64 for a total of 4,096. Taking the 105,450 divided by 4,096, you come out with a BMI of 25.7.

There are other ways to measure your body fat percentage but this will give you a quick idea of where you are at.

If you are thinking about about losing weight, remember the amount of fat you are carry around is actually much more important than weight.

If you use the method above to figure out your current body fat percentage, you'll be on your way to a much healthier fitness level.

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Is Smartlipo Right For You

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 515)
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SmartLipo is the latest revolution in the field of cosmetology. The procedure is done for fat cell reduction and getting rid of excess fat from the body. It is very effective with virtually nil complications and the results are very good. Moreover it is a procedure that is approved by the FDA. Since its approval by FDA in October 2007, many centers in the US have started performing this procedure with very good feedback from their clients. The awareness about this new procedure is also spreading like a forest fire among the beauty conscious persons not only in the USA but also all over the world.

The procedure takes about 45 minutes to one hour to complete. It is done under local anesthesia and the complications due to anesthesia are very minimal. The procedure is done with a laser and so the tissue damage and bleeding is very minimal. There is no visible scar at the treatment site and also no ugly redundant skin. The person who undergoes this procedure can return to duty within 2 days.

All the features of SmartLipo mentioned above are quite amazing and nothing will stop any beauty conscious person with excess fat from undergoing this fantastic procedure. But is this procedure ideal for everyone who is obese or those with excess fat who wants to get rid it? Who are all the persons who are eligible for this procedure? Is it safe in all the persons who undergo this procedure?

Ideal candidates for SmartLipo

The ideal candidates who can undergo SmartLipo for fat reduction are those who satisfy the following criteria:

- Persons who have excess fat and who tried other fat reduction methods like modification of diet and exercises are the best candidates for this laser liposuction method of SmartLipo

- Only those who wish to lose small amounts of fat or up to 8 pounds are considered eligible. This is because unlike the conventional liposuction, only a thin laser probe is introduced in to the treatment site and the laser passed liquefies the fat. The liquefied fat is absorbed in to the blood vessels and lymphatics and they get excreted. So only a limited amount of fat can be liquefied and excreted by this method. In a few centers, doctors also suck out the liquefied fat for better results.

- The persons who undergo this procedure should be in good health, not very obese, leading an active life style

- Persons who want to get rid of only local pockets of excess fat are eligible for this procedure. The areas where SmartLipo is usually done are waist, chin, inner and outer thighs, hips, buttocks, upper arms, face except around the eyes, back of the neck and pubic mound.

Candidates not eligible for SmartLipo

The candidates who are very obese and who want to remove fat more than 8 pounds are not eligible for this procedure. Similarly those who are not in good health and suffering from diabetes, liver disease, kidney and heart disease are not eligible for SmartLipo

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The Easy And Natural Way To Weight Loss

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 319)
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Another very good reason why the holidays are a few months away from summer is so that you can have time to shed off the extra pounds you got from eating all those rich foods till you need to get in your swimsuit again. Over indulging in this festive season is quite easy since it is the time of the year when everybody can be quite extravagant with their spread.

Then the guilt sets in by the first of January. Many New Year resolutions are created by then. Vows and promises of food abstinence and extensive exercises are made but somehow there are quite a number who forgets or just plainly quits.

Some just blame their loss interests to their genetics. Just because their family has a history of being fat or overweight doesn't mean you have to be. Genetics only determine our body shape and not our body fat. You can lose or lower your body fat by weight loss that is simple, easy and natural.

The first thing is to drink lots of water early in the morning when you wake up. Drink clean distilled water at least eight times a day. Have a heaping of healthy, fat-free natural foods breakfast. Simply walking at least an hour a day is good exercise to help weight loss. Cleanse your colon and candida, you can check with your doctor or local pharmacist on how to do this. If you can, do not have any food intake after six p.m., this may be quite hard but you can be astonished with the results.

Weight loss is a gradual process; you don't need to be stressed out about it. Just do a daily routine and stick by it. With the right set of mind and strict discipline and determination, you can shed off those extra pounds before you hit the beach.

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Strategic Weight Loss

(category: Weight-Loss, Word count: 548)
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One of the first things that you'll do when you decide to lose weight is to set a goal weight. For most, that goal will be their 'ideal weight', but for many, that 'ideal weight' may be exactly the wrong weight for them to be aiming for.

Years of dieting or being overweight have the physiological effect of moving the body's concept of the 'ideal weight' from what is truly considered ideal. The 'set point' is the weight at which your body naturally feels most comfortable. If you've been overweight for a very long time, or if you've consistently 'yo-yoed', your body may respond to your initial weight loss by lowering its metabolism because it believes that you are starving to death. This slowing leads to discouraging plateaus that often knock people off their diets entirely, and lead to regaining all or part of the lost weight.

Instead of aiming for an 'ideal weight' that calls for you to lose weight steadily for months or even years, many experts recommend aiming for shorter-term attainable goals. Since the bulk of diet research shows that most dieters lose weight steadily for about 12 weeks, then hit a plateau, that's the number that they suggest you aim for. The strategy that many have found works best for them is one of alternating periods of weight loss and maintenance, each lasting 8-12 weeks.

Choose a realistic amount of weight that you can lose in 8-12 weeks. Figuring that the most reasonable and healthiest weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week, 30 pounds in three months is not unreasonable. Diet until you reach that goal, or for 12 weeks, whichever comes first, and then switch to a maintenance diet.

Why switch to a maintenance diet at that point? In part, you're giving yourself a 'breather', a break from more restrictive eating. The other part, though, is that you're re-educating your body and letting it establish a new 'set point'. Once you've maintained your new weight for 8-12 weeks, set another weight loss goal, and move back into weight loss mode. By giving your body a break from 'starvation', you'll have overcome its resistance to losing more weight, and be back to dieting for 'the first two weeks' - the weeks that most people lose weight more rapidly.

You'll also be giving yourself a chance to 'practice' maintaining your new, healthier weight. Researchers have found that more than half of the dieters who take off significant amounts of weight do not maintain that weight loss once they go 'off' their diet. By practicing weight maintenance in stages, you'll be proving to yourself that you CAN do it, and removing a powerful negative psychological block.

This will work with any long-term weight loss diet, no matter the focus. You'll find it much easier to do if you choose a diet that has concrete 'phases', like the South Beach or the Atkins, since the weight loss and maintenance phases are clearly laid out for you to follow. Regardless of the diet you choose, though, by alternating between weight loss phases and maintenance phases, you'll teach yourself and your body how to maintain a healthy weight.

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