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Auto-Sound-Systems Articles

Xm Satellite Radio Vs

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 689)
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XM Satellite Radio Vs. Sirius for your Auto Sound System Selection

If you're in the market for a new auto sound system you might want to seriously take a moment and consider whether or not you would be benefited by subscribing to either Sirius or XM Satellite Radio. Both of these subscription-based services have something wonderful to offer their subscribers and both of them require specialized equipment in order to operate. This means if you are going to wish to use either service, you will need to have decided which service before you have your auto sound system installed.

It really doesn't matter which of these you choose they each have different features that will appeal to a wide variety of audiences. You will find some wonderful competition among the two not only by way of music radio but also talk radio. If you really love talk radio you really need to subscribe to one of these in order to find a treasure chest of talk radio gems. You will find everything from the mundane to the controversial. From Oprah to Howard Stern exist in the realm of satellite radio, which seems to not only be catching on but also here to stay.

It has been commented on many times that XM Satellite Radio has a strong lead when it comes to subscriptions. This is very true but you should also keep in mind that the new subscribers seem to be leaning more towards Sirius for their satellite radio rather than going with the traditional favorite. I've checked out the line up and can't see that one has much of a clearly defined lead over the other so I can't give a definitive reason for the massive new subscribers to Sirius or even the phenomenal lead that XM Satellite radio is currently enjoying. Regardless if this is something that might interest you, you really should check out each website and decide for yourself which, if either, is more appealing to you as well as whether that appeal is worth the investment and the monthly subscription fee.

I will say this however: XM Satellite Radio for the moment seems to have much better toys to offer consumers. That being said, I'm actually quite surprised that the vast number of new subscribers are going with Sirius rather than XM. Of course, being the gadget geek that I am, I am basing that surprise solely on the fact that XM seems to have much better toys. At the moment XM is offering some really cool gadgets that double not only as XM Satellite Radio receivers but also offer GPS functionality and navigation assistance and controls. Some of these devices even go one step further and play DVDs, CDs, MP3s, among other things.

Believe me, Sirius has a lot to offer its customers as well, I'm simply thrilled over select items that can be found at XM that I really haven't seen adequate competition for elsewhere. On the level of music, both seem to carry similar genres, lineups, etc. The same holds true for the Talk radio line up. The only major difference I am finding between the two are the gadgets. Even the prices are rather competitive with one another. I see only one other major difference and that is the fact that Sirius offers a lifetime membership that cost about the same as the five-year plan from XM Satellite Radio. The thing to remember however is that the lifetime membership is for the lifetime of the device not the subscriber.

I should also point out that opting for satellite radio more than likely will not eliminate your need for a new auto sound system it may however pose certain requirements for the type of sound system you will be able to choose. One thing I have noticed with both companies is that there are plenty of devices from which to choose. You will have your hands full selecting the right equipment for your auto sound system upon which to enjoy the wonderful sounds that satellite radio will bring to your ears each and every day.

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Great Brands For Good Prices On Auto Sound Systems

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 575)
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If you are one of the many people across the country considering a new auto sound system, there is a great deal of good news. First of all, it is very possible to find a good bargain on a nice sound system for your car, truck, or SUV if you are willing to shop online and install the system yourself. The problem often lies not in the cost of the system but the price of the installation. However, the cost of installation is well worth the dollar amount for many of us who really have no clue what to do as far as a project of that scope goes. I for one am among the electronically challenged and not really willing to risk my dash board for an experiment in frustration and failed electronics.

That being said, there are many who are either perfectly and wonderfully capable of installing a nice auto sound system or are fortunate enough to know someone or someone who knows someone who is. For you, finding a great bargain online is probably the best way to go-provided you've actually been in the shop and heard the sound quality of the particular system you are considering. I would never recommend buying a system you've never heard in action no matter how great of a bargain you think you are getting.

I've found that some of these systems are not even as good as the minimal factory installed systems that come standard in most cars, trucks, or SUVs on the road today. You do not want to pay money and spend time and effort for the installation of a sound system that isn't at least better than the one you currently have.

There are times when you do not have to go with top of the line or well known brands in order to have a great sound or auto sound system. But there are some well-known, good quality makers of sound systems that do not cost a fortune. You can find some very nice sound systems that are not exactly top of the line but also offer great quality sound and excellent features (particularly when compared to factory installed sound systems).

If you're looking for a very nice auto sound system you can find some good ones by popular brands for well under $300. They have some that are even less expensive but those in the $300 range generally offer a little boost in quality from those that can be found at lower prices. Of course, this isn't always the case and you will occasionally find some excellent systems at even lower prices than this. You and you alone can tell if the system you choose is one that you will be happy with.

The thing to remember is to listen to the sounds of the systems then make your decision and compare prices. Alpine, Kenwood, and JVC all have excellent auto sound systems in a wide variety of price ranges. There are times with these systems that paying a little extra is worth it. If you are satisfied with the quality of a less expensive sound system however, there is no real reason why you should purchase a more expensive system. You are the one who will be riding in your car, truck, or SUV and it is only important what you think of the system you select.

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Modifying Your Auto Sound System

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 667)
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If you are one of the many people around the world who happens to be into cars and the new pastime called 'modding' I'm sure you have considered the implications of modding your auto sound system. For many the idea of modifying an automobile is very exciting. It's a way to take the standard canvas purchased from the dealer and turn it into a work of art that you drive to work and play each and every day. The same theory holds for your sound system as well. You can take the basic pieces and parts and turn them into something so much more than they were to begin with.

If that isn't enough you can purchase all kinds of LED lights and other nifty gadgets that glow and go along with your car while dancing to the beat. If you want to make a splash driving down any boulevard, this is definitely one way to not only be seen but also leave a lasting impression. Your creative genius with your auto sound system will cause quite a stir and give plenty of people much to discuss the next morning and plenty of people a great deal of inspiration to try to mimic or at the very least incorporate into their units somehow.

There are all kinds of sound systems for automobiles. Many of these systems are sold as part of a package and readily available to multiple consumers. You have the option as a creative modding genius, to take the plane Jane package and turn it into something so much better than it is or to even go off on a tangent and invent a total package of your own by mixing and matching pieces and parts from several different packages or pieces of packages.

It doesn't matter where your creativity ends and begins there is never a challenge too great for a true modder at heart. From cars, trucks, boats, and computers to car stereos there is no task too demanding or too complicated for a true modding mind to tackle and transform. Perhaps it's the blinking lights or all the wonderful possibilities that abound but auto sound system mods are among my favorite to see in action. It's amazing the things that can be thought up by a wicked imagination and accomplished with a little time and a lot of effort.

Seriously though, if you are going to go to all the trouble of dressing up your vehicle shouldn't you also take the time to dress up your auto sound system? There are all kinds of gadgets and gizmos you can buy that will work with the music your speakers are pumping in order to create a fabulous overall affect of music and light that is sure to get some great reactions from those you cruise on by. These are perfect accessories for summer time beach driving if you know what I mean. Growing up on the coast, I found a great section of people who were constantly modifying their cars and sound systems. I think it is incredibly amazing what can be done with metal, glass, color, light, and sound and really enjoy seeing all of the amazing creations that are made.

Even if you haven't really given much thought to modifying your auto sound system before, I hope that you will consider it now if you are a serious modder. I honestly believe you might amaze yourself at some of the fabulous tricks of sound and light that you can come up with when properly challenged and inspired.

Take the time to check out the interesting things that have been done, and then formulate a hypothesis on what can be done. It is truly amazing the wonderful things that have been created as the result of a glove being thrown so to speak. Jump in and create a fabulously modified sound system that will be the absolute envy of everyone you pass along the way.

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Speakers Play The Sound But Auto Sound Systems Make It

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 673)
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When you look at auto sound systems it is important to pay close attention to the speakers on the system you are considering. You will find that there are all kinds of components, pieces, and parts that go along with a proper sound system in the world of today's music systems. You need to pay special attention to every single detail along the way of choosing the system that will meet your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle with the most bells and whistles to spare.

Some things that are important to remember about selecting proper speakers is that bigger isn't always better. As a matter of fact, bigger speakers are often quite inferior no matter how that might have been different in the past. As technology improves, better things are coming in much smaller packages. You do not have to have a huge set of amplifiers in order to receive not only good quality but also really big sound.

I hope I can honestly say that the days of having to remove the backseat of your car in order to install speakers is long gone. I also hope that the days of having speakers occupy more than half of the available trunk space in a car are also long gone. While I am not a big fan of loud thumping bass music, I do realize that it is very popular and has been for the last twenty or so years. The good news for fans of this type of sound is that you don't have to have all the extraneous space taking equipment that was once required in order to achieve a far superior sound in the auto sound systems of today.

You can still achieve the very same bone jarring bass thumping music without sacrificing every inch of real estate within your car to speakers and amplifiers. Good speakers can be purchased separately from your auto sound system though I highly recommend against doing so. I am ordinarily all about saving money whenever and wherever possible. The truth is that with a sound system for your vehicle if you don't hear all the components together you really won't have a realistic clue as to the overall sound you will be buying. Your best bet is to buy the speakers that are sold as part of the sound system rather than hoping you will be getting a good deal on speakers that are not quite up to the standards of the sound system you have invested in for your car, truck, or SUV.

Of course the best speakers for your car will largely depend on what you plan to do with the speakers. There are some who plan to enter their cars into competitions to see which car has the best thumping bass sound around. If that is your goal for your auto sound system, then by all means add all the speakers you need. Keep in mind that the less space you have inside your car, the less people you fit inside. This can be a somewhat disheartening thing on occasion but it is your car and your sound after all. You should get what you want for your money. You are, after all the one paying for the sound you are getting.

Speakers aren't the most important component when it comes to big sound but they are vitally important when it comes to sound in general. Just remember it makes no sense to go big and bulky on the speakers and amplifiers if you are going to skimp when it comes to the overall quality of the sound system you are buying for your vehicle or skimping on installation. The best equipment on the market is only as good as its weakest part. It doesn't matter how wonderful your speakers are if your system is substandard or even only average. Try to keep even quality throughout your auto sound system whenever possible for the best possible overall sound.

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Auto Sound Systems Are An Investment In Your Car Make It Great

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 598)
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Auto Sound Systems are an Investment in your Car Make it Great

For those who love tunes and the ability to take them along wherever you may roam, there are some great auto sound systems that allow you to basically plug in your favorite tunes to play as you go. It doesn't really matter which style of MP3 player you use, most of the newer auto sound systems at least have the ability to read and translate the material from these players into great music for you to enjoy on your ride by simply plugging your MP3 player into the car stereo.

Many of us find that lugging around an MP3 player with all of our favorite tunes (or at least most of them-with up to 40 gigs of hard drive space it might take a while to fill completely) is much easier and more practical than attempting to lug around a huge case of CDs. It is also great for those of us who find ourselves disappointed when we purchase CDs only to find that we really only like one or two songs. Now we can simply download the songs we know and love while avoiding those we are uncertain about or at least waiting until more songs come out before deciding whether or not to purchase the entire collection of songs. Having an auto sound system that allows you to enjoy the convenience of simply plugging in either your MP3 player or a memory card or stick in order to have your favorite songs at your finger tips at all times is fantastic.

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely hooked on audio books. I love to read and find so little free time in which to get my feel of the latest and greatest best seller. Audio books allow me to hear the stories I've been eagerly awaiting at my convenience and in my SUV as I'm making my daily commute or running errands. These books are also a great way to enjoy long car trips. You can even check your local library in order to find an excellent selection.

I typically try to find stories that might interest the children on long car rides as well (such as the Harry Potter books or The Polar Express). This instills a love of reading in them and I don't have to worry about the stray 'grown up' word that some audio books contain. Good auto sound systems not only play great music but also sound wonderful when it comes to the spoken word as well. This is not only true when it comes to books on tape, CD, or MP3 but also talk radio and national news stations as well.

When you begin your search for your next auto sound system make sure you consider all the possible features you may wish to include. You can find sound systems today that include GPS, DVD players, navigational tools, CD players, MP3 players, satellite radio receivers and countless other nifty features. Choose the auto sound system that will suit your needs and interests best and enjoy it for as long as you can. A good sound system is something that will stay with your car, truck, or SUV so it is best to make that particular investment long before you plan to trade your vehicle in on another. At the same time a good auto sound system can be an excellent incentive to hold onto your vehicle a little while longer.

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Auto Sound Systems One Piece At A Time

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 596)
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Those who are in the market for auto sound systems are probably well aware of the many decisions that need to be made throughout the process. Gone are the days when you went in, pointed to a box and walked out with all the pieces, parts, and components you would ever need for a really kickin' sound. The truth of the matter is that there are many pieces and parts that work together in order to create the ultimate sound system and everyone seems to have different requirements, styles, tastes, and budgets to work with.

Because of this, many manufacturers of auto sound systems have wised up to the fact that some people will buy the components they need to create the sound system of their dreams piece by piece as budgets allow. This is actually a very intelligent way for customers on a budget to buy the sound system they are hoping to some day have. As a result you will find that speakers, amplifiers, sub woofers, and the actual stereo are often sold separately and at very reasonable prices.

Most of us hate living within limited budgets but understand that often in life it is a necessary evil. Living on a budget is not such a terrible thing really. If we had everything we wanted, what on earth would there be to look forward to? At least that is what I keep telling myself. I, however, seem to be the queen of budget living and bargain hunting. I love little more in life than finding a great deal on an item I've had my eye on for quite a while and hate little more than finding it cheaper once I've purchased it. As such, I tend to invest a great deal of time researching any major purchase before taking the plunge. A good auto sound system by this I mean good quality, minimal features is going to run (total package and installation) at least $1,000 with many costing a good deal more than that.

That doesn't mean you need to have a thousand bucks lying around the house in order to begin building your auto sound system. You can buy a decent set of speakers for around $200-$260 if you desire. You can find sets at lower prices, but this is the price for a fairly decent set of speakers that should serve you well. Keep in mind that you could very easily spend a lot more than this on speakers if you aren't careful. Living on a budget means you have to make some sacrifices along the way in order to have the things you want in life. Buy the speakers and have them installed (if you can do it or your know someone who can, this will save a lot of time and money).

Once you have the first component, whichever one that may be (that choice is entirely up to you and largely dependent on your personal tastes and which need replacing worse in the vehicle you own) you can begin saving towards the next. You should also consider asking friends and family (who would like to know what to get you for the holidays) to help you reach your smaller goals along the way. Most people are glad to help with specific items if they know what those items are. The point is that this isn't an all or nothing proposition. Take small steps towards your prize and you will find that you are constantly getting one step closer.

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The Risks Of Self Installation Of Your Auto Sound System

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 565)
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The risks of installing your own auto sound system may be greater than you realize. The fact is that there are people that are professionally trained in the installation and proper handling of these delicate sound systems for a reason. If it weren't a difficult task they wouldn't be able to demand the rather hefty price tag that most installation centers charge. The problem is that mistakes can actually cost more than the installation. If you aren't one hundred percent certain that you can handle the installation process alone it is best to leave it up to the experts.

To prove my point, I will give you my very own personal story of how auto sound system installations can go horribly (well, perhaps hilariously would be the better choice of words in my particular situation) of course. You see I wanted a CD player in my mini van about 13 years ago. This was back in the dark ages when these types of sound systems were still relatively new and on the 'cutting edge' when it came to technology.

These types of auto sound systems were definitely not the norm as they are in today's cars. I was commuting 3 hours (round trip) each day at the time and some of the time was spent among the corn fields where there were no towers broadcasting radio signals anywhere nearby. I'm sure you can see why I felt I needed a CD player. At any rate, my wonderful dear old dad installed my brand new car (well mini van) stereo for me and all seemed to be going well until we realized that the horn no longer worked and that in order to actually use the stereo, the headlights must be on (this was also before daytime running lights were the norm as well).

Now that you've finished laughing I'm sure you can understand why I am a huge advocate for having professional handle issues of installation when it comes to auto sound systems. It isn't that my dad, whom I love dearly for the effort, was incompetent when it comes to technical matters, in fact, he is highly skilled in these sorts of things ordinarily, it is simply that car stereos are so terrible complicated that it takes more than merely reading a set of instructions in order to get the maximum effect from your installation endeavors.

I have heard horror stories, particularly related to in dash installations that have resulted in some people having to make serious and costly repairs to their cars in order to fix the damage inflicted by installations by those who either lacked the proper tools, proper training, or a little bit of both for installing auto sound systems. While some drivers don't spend all that much time in their vehicles on any given day there are many commuters who put many miles on their cars, trucks, or SUVs during the course of a week. For these drivers it is often very important that they have the best possible sound systems for their vehicles. They will rely on their stereos to find out about weather conditions, traffic tie-ups, news, and possibly even entertainment during their long drives. If sound and music plays an important role in your life, don't you deserve the best auto sound system possible?

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Top 5 Reasons For A New Auto Sound System

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 566)
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If you are a fan of David Letterman, I'm sure you've seen and heard his nutty and often hilarious top 10 lists. He has become famous for them and they have been often imitated but never quite aptly duplicated by many around the world. I have no intentions of trying to claim or ever hope to be as funny as Letterman but I would love to create a top 5 list of why you need a new auto sound system. The sad part is that some of this may ring true for many, if not, I bet it will at least make you smile.

5) You really hate your neighbors and secretly hope that enough loud, late night thumping from your car will convince them to move. Admittedly not the kindest reason for the need of a new auto sound system but if you've had some of my previous neighbors I am fairly certain that it isn't too bad of an idea. Just be careful not to shake too much or they may be leaving part of their automobiles behind.

4) Because you saw it on Ebay and like Weird Al Yankovich you just can't seem to refuse when it comes to last minute bargains in the world's largest garage sale. The truth of the matter is that Ebay can be an excellent resource as far as auto sound systems go. It is important however, to remember that you really need to hear the system before you spend your hard earned money buying it and a lot of time and/or money on the installation of the sound system you select. For that reason Ebay may not be the best choice for your particular needs.

3) Because you're tired of crummy speakers that seem to play static more than music and make more popping and snapping sounds than your old fashioned popcorn popper. Speakers are often only a small part of how your sound system runs. Chances are if you are currently having speaker problems an entirely new auto sound system is going to be in order to insure that all the problems are fixed and solved to your complete satisfaction.

2) Because your Aunt Ethel who has cataracts has a better auto sound system than you. Believe me I know this one stings a little, especially when it hits home. We all hate to think that someone that is older has a more technologically hip and sound product than we do. We often like to kid ourselves into thinking that we live on the cutting edge of technology when that is probably far from the case. Aunt Ethel probably has the kicking sound system she does so that it can be heard without the assistance of miracle ear so keep that in mind before you pull all of your hair out.

And the number 1 reason you should get a new auto sound system is that the 8-trac went out of fashion long before your first child was born. Even though you've clung to the past, it has finally met its limitations of usefulness and it is time to move along and embrace the wonderful world of modern technology and what it can mean to you and the time you and your family spend riding in your vehicle. Hope you had a great smile for the day!

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The New Technology Of Auto Sound Systems

(category: Auto-Sound-Systems, Word count: 662)
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So what kind of auto sound system really seems to float your boat? Are you the type of person who wants the simplest sound system on the market today? Will you be content with talk radio and a few FM radio stations? Do you need an 8-track? How about a cassette player? I hate to say it, but if you are still living in the past, you will have a rather difficult time finding an audio system for your car that can accommodate your desire to hold technology behind the current trends. These things simply do not sell. You may find an occasional auto sound system that still has a cassette player but for the most part you will find that the market for this device is almost as limited as the quality of the device itself.

Today's auto sound systems are more sophisticated than they have ever been before. Gone are the days when you had to turn a dial to find a radio station. Today you can set your car to scan the stations until you find one you like. You can even set them to scan radio stations by type. For me, that was a great invention as I find country music rather sad and always end up finding the one song that will bring uninvited torrents of tears while flipping through the stations mindlessly as I drive. Being someone that hates to cry on any given day it is bad enough to cry. Add to that the fact that I'm probably driving at about 75 or so miles an hour and you can probably see where this is problematic. I do best whenever I can avoid country music stations all together.

Another great technological advance when it comes to the auto sound system is individual volume control. No longer do you have to listen to your mothers, brothers, sisters, or Aunt Sally's music blaring, you can slide on your headphones and mute out the noise of the rest of the world. If your vehicle has a truly sophisticated sound system, you can even change the radio station in order to find music that is much more suitable for your musical tastes.

You should also be aware that today's auto sound systems are much more user friendly than those of days past. Most displays are digital and easy to read. You might even notice that many can read the local radio stations codes and formats and will list the songs that are playing for you. You'll never have to wonder about the name of that great song you just heard or even who sang it again. It's right before your eyes as you are driving along and listening to awesome tunes.

The best auto sound systems offer not only CD options to drivers and passengers alike but also the ability and capability of reading and interpreting MP3 data as well. More and more people are turning to MP3s for their primary source of music. It takes up far less space than your average CD holder and holds a lot more music. You can download only the songs you like without purchasing an entire CD full of songs only to find that you only liked one song on the entire CD. You can put your favorite songs on a memory stick and bring them along for the ride. It's a great way to enjoy music in this day and age. I'm quite literally surprised that I haven't seen an iPod auto sound system pop up on the radar yet and am seriously expecting to see one any day now, literally.

Regardless of whether or not you wish to enter the modern era of music and music listening it's upon us. However, if you are truly opposed we could always find you a nice supply of Sinatra in MP3 format in order to make the transition a little more comfortable for you.

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